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Dancers at Twilo

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This post is addressed to p00h, from a conversation we had last week that I`d doubt u`ll remember, and to any others that think twilo is the shit!!

First off, I liked the vibe at twilo today, mainly because I went there expecting nothing, as some guys were over from out of town and were dying to go. Ive just now come back, because I wanna save up for a goa do tomorrow.

Anyhow, contrary to what U told me abt ppl at twilo, I just saw a bunch of complete wusses today. I was hanging around near the power bar around 4 am, and saw this bunch of about 5-6 ppl there, who looked like they owned the place, and I would thus assume theyre twilo-ites. There were a few guys there, and some girl I remember in a blue skirt, and they were just making complete idiots of themselves, jumping around like monkeys or tarzan or something. What`s worse is, they obviously thought they were good. I remember there was this Indian girl, who had gotten her act together, but the others were just plain terrible. For the most part though, these guys obviously thought they were "hardcore", but they probably shouldn`t come within two miles of a goa party, unless they want to be completely obliterated.

Maybe I chose the wrong night, guys, that is conceivable, but from what I say, an opinion I`d expressed a week ago abt twilo dancers being bad in general, my opinion now remains unchanged. Still, twilo does attract some good international acts, like Dave Seaman tomorrow for example, so its still a cool place.



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twilo is about the music- quality music...and people go there to find release in that music in any way they can...it's not about style or form- but surrender...some of us were missing in action tonight- reserve yr judgement till y've seen us all floss our shit.........

[This message has been edited by nefpratiti (edited 04-07-2001).]

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nef, cool .. i`ll give it another shot.

its not really something tht`ll make me come any more or less to twilo, I`d be some sort of crazed lunatic if it was :P. Just something I thought I`d mention because I`d talked abt it a week back.



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There are great dancers and wack ones at every club I don't care how good it is........especially a club like Twilo that attracts a tourist crowd as well as the regs.......Twilo has had its moments for wack ass people but in general and on a consistent basis, there are a good amount of peeps that can throw down.......to be honest though, I haven't seen that many people at clubs period(in any city) that can really dance(other than breakdancing or w/stick and strings)........Twilo has much more than the average club from my experiences.......



"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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i know what your saying... ive noticed.. especially on big name nights like PVD and S&D that some people go just so they can say "Hey ive been to twilo to see 'so and so'"... but u will notice.. even on big nights that at about 6am the true twiloites r present and ready to break it down... the wack people leave by then cuz theyre tired hehe... we live for the music and the vibe... not for the big names and the publicity



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Originally posted by deanna11:

manmademan, i bet even if i were to stick a tweaked out chicken up your ass, you couldn't dance as well as the people i see

not all chickens are created equal. make sure you get the funky chicken. ask for it by name. i had THIS chicken up my ass and i was just GROOVIN':





[This message has been edited by loch (edited 04-07-2001).]

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don't twilohate, appreciate. twas one of those 3 fridays of the year that our crew wasn't rockin the floor. rest assured we tore cream's floor a new asspiece. i hope myrlin doesn't read this post, he'd fuckin lose his pacifier! next saturday's marathon's a good time as any to get you acclaimed to my crezew of dancers. get in touch with me by next week and i'll you'll see whats up. fluggin kewlgirl's gonna get schooled too. just be careful though, noiseboy's been having issues, he'll show you how we dance at twilo, but you might get gizz on your pants at the same time. anyways, next saturday...

long live dj divine, what a fluggin fridaynite/saturday mornin!!!


hiatus shmiatus. I don't think Jammy understands that twilobuddies are for life...

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You know what. . . ? I've found that 75% of the people at all clubs arent good dancers, but they are there having a good time regardless. The only difference is what people go for. Twilo people tend to be more DJ oriented. SF seem to be more prettyboy prettygirl oriented. I dont know what the hell happened to the Tunnell. But each place has its own "thing". people go and have fun and who cares if they dance well or not.


I am Karma's henchman. A prophet if you will. We all deserve some kind of Karma. Whether it be good or bad, it is my duty to bring it uppon you. No thanks needed, I actually enjoy my job.

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yea dmtgod, I don`t really care whether ppl dance well or not. The point is I`ll still continue to go to twilo, because that is the best of New York, and I am in New York, so cannot dream of a distant beach all the time. Brought this up, cua I`d spoken abt it recently with some one.

btw, Ive been looking for DMT all over New York. U have any info on where I cld get some?



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like someone mentioned b4, twilo isnt about who dances the best, or who looks the best, its about the music and the individualism. who cares if they think they own the place, go somewhere else on the floor, its big enuff. if youre so good at dancing why didnt you step in and rip some shit up? if you want to talk about bad dancers, look at the meatheads at any other club in nyc, nj, or li, all they do is move their little pelvises, and think theyre dancing. ha! yeah they maybe able to kick my ass but then again i would hope after using all those roids a juicehead would be able to kick my 170 lb. ass. but if they wanted to attempt to dance with me or one of my friends, i would dance circles around them. btw, what were these kids dressed like? just curious to know.peas.

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hey beats,

true that, and sure enough, once I cdnt take their "exhibition" anymore, I was out of there soon enuff.

As I said before, good or bad dancers are not paramount to any decision I make abt whether I shld go to club or not.

Hmmmm, all I remember is, one dude was fucked out of his mind to the extent tht he cldn`t stand, there was a girl wearing a blue skirt, and this other guy was wearing mostly white.



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This is a stupid thread, with no point. Dancing (unless you do it professionally) shouldnt be something that is taken to the point that you are taking it to. Dancing is about release. It is about not caring who's looking at you. It is about feeling free, and feeling utter bliss. Those people that you claim were jumping around like monkeys, dont give a shit what you or anyone else has to say about them. Why? b/c when they are at Twilo or any other club, dancing thier asses off....they feel like they are on top of the world. They feel like they can do anything they want and feel good. That is what i go to Twilo for. Not to look at other people and critisize them for what they choose to do. But to find bliss, and happiness. And that is what i find there. Im not the best dancer in the world, but you know what? i dont care. It makes me feel good. And to have narrow-minded selfconscious people such as yourself making stupid remarks like that sadden me. They sadden me, b/c you are too busy watching other people, and not worrying about finding that happiness yourself.

This in no way is meant to start Drama. But think about what i said.....release yourself, and enjoy. I guarantee that you will never look at this or anything else the same again.



-----"Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding, and value of life. A vision, that inspires you to live, and love, on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone.... earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home. And experience in this place to visit, and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself...as a Game master.......... Trippintrance64sigcopy.jpglovepeacetwilo.jpg

AIM: fantom0680

A.RRiezgo@verizon.net <----- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

This in no way is meant to start Drama. But think about what i said.....release yourself, and enjoy. I guarantee that you will never look at this or anything else the same again.


you know, that's exactly what i think when i'm sitting on the crapper. release, and enjoy. it is a revelatory experience


better to reign in hell than serve in heaven

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Originally posted by deanna11:

you know, that's exactly what i think when i'm sitting on the crapper. release, and enjoy. it is a revelatory experience

lol - If that is a revelatory experience, the bathrooms at twilo at 8am must be a pure epiphany!




AIM: JDoggNY2000


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trippintrance .. true .. this is a very stupid thread, most of all on my part for starting it at all .. the problem is, u say something, and u say a lot else .. but ppl just react to the drama parts, and forget to read everything else.

thats for some of the others that responded, for you however, great post, dancing is abt release .. n if u were to talk abt monkeys ...well, I jumped off a tree n broke my leg for three weeks this new year`s party. Anyhow, u`r a good sort, I liked tht post of yours, so I`ll explain. Last week, there was a post on the forum abt twilo dancing .. that time I said they weren`t the greatest around, NOT THAT IT MATTERED .. to that, p00h said that I was probably checking the wrong ppl out. So I was like fair enough, next time I hit twilo n am hanging out, I`ll keep a look out. N so I did, n wasnt impressed, that`s all .. life still goes on, I still go to twilo and wait for the next Tsunami or watever party, eager to catch a flight back home, and that`s that. I express an opinion, and get told that I have too much up my ass for it.

PLUR indeed.

lesson I learnt, never go against the majority, and never ever in your entire life express an opinion, or even think of committing thought-crime .. democracy is a wonderful institution, after all.



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Originally posted by jdogg:

lol - If that is a revelatory experience, the bathrooms at twilo at 8am must be a pure epiphany!


LOL cwm27.gif - you people are cackheadz cwm2.gif

PS ok I'll put my 2 cents in since I opened up this lame ass thread...trippintrance64 and manmademan..you both have a point...now lets just stop our bitchin ..and name the time&place for a twilo battle...I suggest PVD around 3/4...right after the first meet up...and there has to be enough of us to make our own clearing for at least two people to fit in it.....besides I want to see Mr.Glowstiks throw it down....




AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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Originally posted by Unbound:

besides I want to see Mr.Glowstiks throw it down....

putting so much pressure on me....ill throw down alittle something something for all of you...but wait till you see my boy,he can throw down...

ohh yeah p00h im with you...long live dj.divine...that was a kick ass party i had a blast...



Do you Fuck as well as you Dance???

AOLIMER: glowsticks8

EMAIL: nickantivachis@netzero.net

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Jesus..just when I thought I'd stop posting I read this crap..(sigh)


tsk-tsk (shakes head in dissapointment)

You are making the GOA scene look illitist and stupid..

Don't represent that scene like this on the board pleeeease I'm beging you!

Goa parties are different than Twilo just as much as Jungle Parties are different than Funky Break parties..

Every scene is generated by THE MUSIC..


don't worry about:

1) How people look

2) dance

3)what color shirts they wear

4)Who "bad ass" (as you put it)

Just close your eyes and listen..

you might feel an urge to sway..

to moooove..I'm telling you,If you disscover this feeling NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

You find that feeling inside yourself.

And maybe...

just maybe you'll understand why this music and Twilo (hosting the sound system and talent) has been getting written up all over the world..

It's a "SOUND"..

Nothing to do with what you described in your post..

Take Al's thread to heart (the kid knows what he's talking about)

Find that release and smile..

You'll be surprised how many people (dancing like monkeyes and dressed every which way possible) will smile back at you.









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lol...you obviously don't know too much about goa

For starters anything that is played in twilo is not and doesn't come close to resembling goa..and if you were at a goa party you would quickly understand that the whole point is for people to get in their own groove without out any judgements

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Sorry, i have no idea where to find DMT, last time i did it was 2 years ago. But what a 2 years ago it was cwm32.gif

I was gonna look around for it anyway ot of curiosity so if i find anything i'll let you know. Otherwise i just kept the name cuz its the name i use for everything and its double meaning (The Emty God-which is what most people think the meaning of the name is. Its the select few who figure it out who get the smile and nod of appreciation)



I am Karma's henchman. A prophet if you will. We all deserve some kind of Karma. Whether it be good or bad, it is my duty to bring it uppon you. No thanks needed, I actually enjoy my job.

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Originally posted by Unbound:

LOL cwm27.gif - you people are cackheadz cwm2.gif

PS ok I'll put my 2 cents in since I opened up this lame ass thread...trippintrance64 and manmademan..you both have a point...now lets just stop our bitchin ..and name the time&place for a twilo battle...I suggest PVD around 3/4...right after the first meet up...and there has to be enough of us to make our own clearing for at least two people to fit in it.....besides I want to see Mr.Glowstiks throw it down....


at no time during a pvd party will there be enough space to make a clearing. besides, i wanna watch and i'm not going to pvd. glowsticks dances for ME. smile.gif i would suggest 8 am at the subsequent DT/JD party, when all the right people will be there and there will be some room by then. but again, i won't be there to see


better to reign in hell than serve in heaven

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