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If you join the Armed Forces, (lets say your doing it for the $ and not outta patriotism) and you are captured in a foreign country on a spy mission cause your plane crashed and then u r released. DOes that make you a hero?


"Join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them."

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Originally posted by jeffkaos:

If you join the Armed Forces, (lets say your doing it for the $ and not outta patriotism) and you are captured in a foreign country on a spy mission cause your plane crashed and then u r released. DOes that make you a hero?

I think that anyone that joins the military, and decides to put their life on the line in the name of this great nation deserves to be treated like a hero.







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I had to laugh this morning. On our local news they interviews one of the guys dads. They started off by saying 'His father thinks him coming home is significant'

Does he think he is Christ being resurrected or something? Does he think this is god bringing home the 'hero's' safely from the EVIL of China?

One woman said 'We shouldn't apologize because China are the enemy after all', since when?

There are some seriously stupid people in this world and the all come out of the wood work when something like this gets blown out of all preparation by the media.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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the significance of the whole thing is that it could have been major, if China decided to hold our men much longer. As far as the U. S. gov't is concerned China is a major threat. Not necessarily the enemy, but the ony real threat to the U. S.







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Originally posted by blueguy808:

I think that anyone that joins the military, and decides to put their life on the line in the name of this great nation deserves to be treated like a hero.

I second that! We can say all we want about the military and the people who are in it...but if it werent for the military, who would protect our shores? This goes for every country.

And no, China isn't necessarily the enemy, but any country has the potential to be...

And yes, there are plenty of stupid people in the world who haven't got a clue, I totally agree with that. Any chance they have to get on camera and have their 15 mintues!!!



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Originally posted by blueguy808:

the significance of the whole thing is that it could have been major, if China decided to hold our men much longer. As far as the U. S. gov't is concerned China is a major threat. Not necessarily the enemy, but the ony real threat to the U. S.

Yeah yeah if the senate reconvened they would have made sanctions against China. But American needs China's trade again it would have effected the economy and Bush wouldn't have come out of that smelling of roses the public being fickle as they are. There would have been no war, no sanctions and China were always going to give them back it's all just political rhetoric.

China isn't America's only threat at all. Any country with a single Nuclear device could wipe out 20 million US citizens, that is a threat. Even terrorist organizations are a threat to the US. Even the UK could wipe out just about every American walking with it's Nuclear arsenal. America is it's own worst threat sometimes.

It's all spin mate.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Yeah yeah if the senate reconvened they would have made sanctions against China. But American needs China's trade again it would have effected the economy and Bush wouldn't have come out of that smelling of roses the public being fickle as they are. There would have been no war, no sanctions and China were always going to give them back it's all just political rhetoric.

China isn't America's only threat at all. Any country with a single Nuclear device could wipe out 20 million US citizens, that is a threat. Even terrorist organizations are a threat to the US. Even the UK could wipe out just about every American walking with it's Nuclear arsenal. America is it's own worst threat sometimes.

It's all spin mate.

I hear ya man, I just have to stick up for the troops, as I was one up until a year ago. I don't like that people are questioning they're heroism.







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Originally posted by back2basics-:

They started off by saying 'His father thinks him coming home is significant'

Of course it's significant. B2B, what is your point? If you had a son and he was being held hostage (fuck that politically correct "detainee" shit, just cause they weren't getting tortured dosen't mean they weren't hostages) and then got released, you'd be pretty damn happy too.

Anyone who serves our country deserves respect. My grandfather was in WWII and got the purple heart and the bronze star. He's a hero to me. It has nothing to do with "Evil China". No one was saying China is our archrival Enemy. But they did have our troops. Don't worry about the news spin, just look at the facts. Now the troops are home, so it is a reason to be thankful. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by andre9000:

Of course it's significant. B2B, what is your point? If you had a son and he was being held hostage (fuck that politically correct "detainee" shit, just cause they weren't getting tortured dosen't mean they weren't hostages) and then got released, you'd be pretty damn happy too.

Anyone who serves our country deserves respect. My grandfather was in WWII and got the purple heart and the bronze star. He's a hero to me. It has nothing to do with "Evil China". No one was saying China is our archrival Enemy. But they did have our troops. Don't worry about the news spin, just look at the facts. Now the troops are home, so it is a reason to be thankful. Peace.

Actually sorry that should read thinks his son comming home at Easter is significant.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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