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learning to dance in clubs?

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i'm new to the board, and clubbing in general...so i have a question about club dancing.

i don't really know how to dance too well, and was interested in actually taking lessons to learn.

most studios i've looked at offer lessons on traditional dancing, like waltz, tango, etc.

is there such a place where they teach more modern forms of dancing, eg hip-hop, 70's style, etc. in the ny/nj area? any recommendations? or do most people just go to clubs to learn? there must be studios that teach this kind of thing, yes?

thanx in advance for the help...

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Originally posted by thewedge:

Drop a tab and let yourself goooooo

just what I would suggest! E makes you feel like you're the best dancer in the world... however, stay away from glowsticks unless you know you can actually do something with them. There is NOTHING more laughable than a dorky guy or girl armed with a pair of glowsticks... cwm25.gif

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Just feeeel the music...

Dont worry about how you look or how you move..

That should come secondary (regardless of what the show offs will tell you it really isnt about your moves!)


Pop and lock...

Play with glows sticks..

Jump up and down...

Throw your arms up in the air...

Do the Macarena...


As long as you Feel the music that's all that counts!

This aint no American Bandstand people!



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I agree with mugwump........there is no formula(thank god).......just feel the music and let your body go with it.......more specifically, pay special attention to the actual drum kicks in the song.......most electronic music in clubs is basic 4 beats per measure(I think, I'm not a musician or composer) so that basically means you can dance the same to most songs with the exception of breakbeat.......um....I'm complicating things as usual.......

just feel it and go......you'll understand this more and more with each night dancing.......oh, and be original. smile.gif


"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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Watch other people. Make sure there good dancers though. Ravers are usually a sure bet. Just watch how they move and try to imitate it. That's how I learned. Soon you get comfy enough you have your own style. But don't think that after a week your gonna be da shit. It took me months to get where I am now. I still even copy peeps. Most of all enjoy yourself and let the music control your body.


*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

AIM: PrimeKMB2

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Just get out there and dance motherfucker dance....practice practice practice, gradually over time (even in the course of a nite) u feel the music more and more and then u realise u CAN dance...Once u reach this phase keep the eyes peeled for groovers on the dancefloor & observe, learn and adopt manouvres, have fun and when in doubt be silly....a very good idea is to get to a VARIETY of places, and therefore see a variety of styles....

aight lesson over my back is killing me (thank you Mr Tenaglia) cwm32.gif


Rock star partying since 1993.................. boa_boy@yahoo.com AIM boaboyOZ YIM boa_boy

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yeah, tyco. that was unnecessarily complicated and confusing

boa_boy, are you sure it's Danny that killed your back and not me when you tried to pick my fat ass up and toppled both of us? yeah, way to make us both look like jackasses

also, did you see that raver girl dancing at Vinyl?? you'd know who i'm talking about if you saw her. amazing


i'm a child of the night. YAY!!!

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Just feel the beats and let yourself go.

Don't try to do something artificially..be natural. Watch other people, whom you think dance well. Learn the feet moves, arm moves... At first, you can mimic their dance in one corner or at home and then you'll eventually have your own style. It takes a while if you're really untalented of any kinda dancing. (If you are familiar with merengue, some moves can be adopted to club dancing with some modifications-for starters.) Don't ever watch at those topless, buffed, meat head, Jersey&LI dooodes or cheezie dooodettes (they usually suck).. Don't mess with glowstix unless you excel in basic dancing. And as far as pills go, you should be able to dance without them (I can). They are neither the solution nor the key to dancing and clubbing. You gotta feel and love the music first. I used to do then before but I decided to be chemical drug-free cwm32.gif lately and the vibe is way better.

Highly recommended. Pliz don't take off your tshirt and don't forget to smile smile.gif

Have fun...PLUR!

-JohnKush cwm30.gif


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Go to a good open air rave .. climb up a tree ... and then count 1, 2, 3 .... perform a slight muscular flexing movement on ur legs .. and prepare to be airborne ...

U have been initiated in to the world of trance dance ..

This is not a show, this is a ritual ... close your eyes, and open your ears ... hear nothing but the music ...

feel each thump, each beat, each twist, each turn ....

then, reopen your eyes, you will see your legs moving, your hands swinging wildly, and your brain immersed in the music ....

you have learnt how to dance, you have learnt how to let go....

now, light up wink.gif !!



.... We are the Star Travellers, and we come in Peace.

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