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Wanna find cure for cancer?

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Yes, sounds crazy right? Its actually incrediable.

Distributive computing is going to be big name

soon but for now, United Devices has put together a

research program that WE can help find a cure to


What it is is like a screen saver but what it does is

that it works on research data that you download from

them and then when your computer is finished with

processing, gives it back to the research facility.

Since research is very complicated, they need all the

help they can get with this.

Go to www.ud.com and apply if you are interested.

It's like ping pong.

What it does is this.

They have a scenario of a drug molecule and cancerous

protein and to see ALL of the outcomes simulated they

have to do ALL kinds of work with computers. NO ONE

has a computer that's powerful enough and the ones

they do have will take decades to complete.

Soooooo, what they did is create this program (SETI

was the first organization to do this looking through

their radio telescope data while everyone's pc looks

for patterns for intelligent life in outer space) that

distributes their molecules, we chug the data with our

PC's and then send it back completed with ALL outcomes

for that molecule on that specific protein.

For them, it's like haveing a HUGE computer that will

allow them to do the same research that would take 50

years to complete to do in months IF people donate

their processing time.

Join the team named NightClubCity


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