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I'm chillin. Like your sig says, I got no shame to my game, but I don't do Jay, I do both Jane and her sister. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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didn't do shit on Friday, cause I had a 8 hour long standardized exam on Saturday, from 7:30am-5:30pm. After that, came home and got pissed cause Philly lost game 1, went to dinner with some of my crew, got fucked up, came back to the crib, passed out, got up today, smoked, started watching the Knicks. What about you?


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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420 i went out and smoked then did a bit of karoke, sat. worked all day and today is sun. i have to go to a play @ 3pm..what a weekend, let me tell yah..and i can't check my email cwm14.gif u write right? cuz i saw in one of my posts re: who keeps a journal.. that u replied and u said u wrote..what do u write?



* i do both jay and jane, they make me feel the same, there's no shame to my game, i do both jay and jane *

~look into my eyes-think i want u-can't tell!~

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what play do you have to go see and why? I write a little. Mostly lyrics, like raps and shit. I do a little poetry, too. That's only occasionally, tho. But some of that shit is pretty deep, it's cool. I'm like a junior Tupac. What do you write? Why's your e-mail down? Yeah, we got some good shit on 420, so feelin pretty solid righ'chea. We moved a bunch of that stuff earlier this week. It's amazing how many peeps wanna hit it up on the 420.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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goldenman i'm on a 'puter that doesn't allow im anyway i don't have aol...sorry babe

andre it's a school thang and i have to go for a class, if it wasn't mandatory i wouldn't go. but i came madd early cuz i wanted to go on clubnyc...addict...it's a spring chorale concert...like i give a shit!!i like tupacs new song..ah he was such a hottie. i write poetry and since i want to major in film i write ideas down.. hotmail isn't down, but since it's a policy of no emailing..i can't get to it..yeah i smoked like 3 x's that day...do u hit the studio??



* i do both jay and jane, they make me feel the same, there's no shame to my game, i do both jay and jane *

~look into my eyes-think i want u-can't tell!~

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oh yeah, I had a class last semester where I had to go see a play a concert and some other thing. I took it cause it was an easy A (I need all the help I can get). I would just smoke a ton before I would go to the concert, and it wasn't that bad. The play was actually kinda good.

That's cool you want to be in film. It's a powerful way to get your ideas across. Just look at that film Traffic. The director had a definite agenda there, and it was a great movie.

Tupac was dope. A lot deeper than some people kno. I don't really hit the studio. My boy has some decks and some equipment in his pad, and we'll fuck around there a little. But mostly we just rap it to each other. It's fun, you can battle and shit, show off your skills. Hope that concert isn't too bad. How many more years of school u got left? I graduate in 3 weeks, after 5 long years....Thank God.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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i'm a freshman. i was really considering dropping out after my first semester, but i know that since i wanna be a producer/writer/actress/director, i have to stay in school. congrats on graduating, you should feel really good about yourself, i know i would. so r u going to graduate school? and what did u major in? i seriously can't believe i'm almost done with my 1st semester. thanks so much for chattin' with me, makes the time go by quicker only an hr. left...



* i do both jay and jane, they make me feel the same, there's no shame to my game, i do both jay and jane *

~look into my eyes-think i want u-can't tell!~

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damn, you got a lotta aspirations there: producer/writer/actress/director. School is so fun, but it's def. not like the working world at all. Yeah, I graduate as a civil engineer, which is kinda strange cause none of my friends know why I decided to do that.

I got a job with one of Big 5 starting in June, so I'm def. looking forward to that. But in school I only have class 2 days a week (tues&thurs), so I got 5 day weekends every time, no class before 11am, so I just party and chill. It'll be a lot different when I start working, so enjoy your school while you can.

Plus a lot of my peeps from back home didn't even go to college, so it's kinda cool being able to graduate. What kind of movies do you think you'd want to get into drama, comedy, action? A great movie I saw the other day was Lost Souls. The director did a great job with the filming of that, even though it got bad reviews, I thought it was good.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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i've been so bad lately with seeing movies..i do wanna see that. winona is a good actress. i don't know what i wanna concentrate on, just yet, which is fine cuz i got lots of time. tues. and thurs. i'm actually off of school..the beauty of making your own schedule. civil engineer...hm. what made u decide that?? i've always wanted to be famous..i remember when i was younger i use to call up modeling agencies and schedule appts...lol..i never attended them, but at that time, puberty was taking over my face, i'm not paper thin -thank gosh- let's just say i have a body...and i'm only 5'2" so modeling isn't my deal...ever see dancing in september? that was a great hbo movie, i cried at the end..sex and the city is my fav. hbo series! i'm actually gonna dorm next semester so that should be an interesting experience..



* i do both jay and jane, they make me feel the same, there's no shame to my game, i do both jay and jane *

~look into my eyes-think i want u-can't tell!~

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I don't know why exactally I chose engineering. I think cause I thought I'd be able to make bank, and math was my best subject in high school. I never saw dancing in september.

Being in the dorms is fun, but I like my appt. better. I was in the dorms my first 3 semesters, and then a few of us got an appt. Dorms are cool cause there's so many peeps around and something is always going on. Problem was in ours we couldn't study for shit, cause everyone always was blastin music. Plus you share a room the size of my bedroom now with another person, and have to figure out what happens when you bring someone back home. Having your own room is key, but if you're in college, you should at least experience the dorms.

Another movie I saw a minute ago was crouching tiger. The fighting scenes were just dope. That movie is tight.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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crouching tiger i wanna see that one...i should just stay home for a weekend and watch movies all day and nite. my fav. actor chrisopher walken, he's amazing. i was watching a bit of nick of time...when he talks he uses his body alot, ie: eyes and hands...he's real good. after i live in the dorms for a yr. i hope to move in with someone or get my own apt. cuz there is no way that i could go back home, after that much freedom..yah know? the dorms here suck, but i don't plan on being in them much. i'll get my ass to the lib. and i plan or hope to go out since i really can't now (at home), but we'll see. well since u already have a job, that's phat. i think i'm gonna move after i graduate..i wanna go to cali...



* i do both jay and jane, they make me feel the same, there's no shame to my game, i do both jay and jane *

~look into my eyes-think i want u-can't tell!~

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Yeah, after bein out on your own, going back home would just suck. But don't worry bout bein at home now, cause you'll have plenty of time to go out in the dorms and in your appt. You hear of peeps gettin burnt out on the scene and stuff, so don't worry bout that.

Cali would be fun as hell. The weather out there is always off the hook. One of the guys at my company said we have a job in San Diego and one in San Fran, and they go out there about 1-2 weeks a month. So that would be tight if I could be out there for a little while. I was out there for a week a couple of years ago. Nice women and nice weather. But I don't know if I'd want to live out there 24-7.

I'd rather hang out wit Trick Daddy down in the MIA. That place is tight. Or, almost as good is the ATL. So many clubs and it just is a great place there. We go down there about 3 times a year during the school year.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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it's madd nice today..lovely weather..trick daddy..lol..funny guy. my fav. is snoop. for some reason i wanna just hang out with him for one day. he seems calm ... like me. i can see myself going on a shopping spree on rodeo dr. hell yeah..i'm my jaguar..what!! ok. back to reality. well, i'm a club goddess but i've only been to LL but hopefully during memorial weekend..i hit some other clubs, cuz i like the club scene and i really haven't been exposed to it at all. maybe i'll hate it after awhile, but i don't think so...i could always spice it up, go clubbing one day, lounge another, bar another and since i'm bi i can go to gay and straight clubs..variety is the spice of life..



* i do both jay and jane, they make me feel the same, there's no shame to my game, i do both jay and jane *

~look into my eyes-think i want u-can't tell!~

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Snoop is one of the most smoked-out laid out old-school playas in the rap game. He broke things off with doggystyle with his mad laid back flow and word play. My favorite whos still alive has gotta be Jigga, but my fav duo is def. Outkast. I like all types of rap. Most critics thinks it's all the same, but you got your west coast, east coast, dirty south, midwest (bone-thugs outta cleveland), and then the southern bounce a.k.a trick daddy, Trina, Slip-n-Slide records and of course the godfather: Luke. I like them all.

Yeah, you right, you can't go to clubs 3 times a week for months in a row. do the lounge thing, do the bar thing, do the house party thing. You'll hear of tons of stuff in the dorms of things goin on.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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so fresh and so clean...that video is a bug out..yeah they're kewl. it's funny cuz i actually don't like rap/r&b that much, but hot 97 is a station i listen to only in my car. i really like lil' mo she is so beautiful and i luv superwoman..can't wait for her album. i luv marilyn manson and rage against the machine..like i said before i luv house...when i tell peps this they look at me cross eyed cuz i'm afro americano and in the past to like something that wasn't rap seemed weird. my campus is mainly minorities...but it's kewl. yeah, i get flyers handed to me, but i just throw them away..lol..oh well. i bet since shug is getting out or got out...peps are gonna die...well, write me back/pm or whatever cuz i gotta see dis thang now..nice chattin' cwm38.gif



* i do both jay and jane, they make me feel the same, there's no shame to my game, i do both jay and jane *

~look into my eyes-think i want u-can't tell!~

[This message has been edited by starcapone (edited 04-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by starcapone (edited 04-22-2001).]

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You got on a little late, you missed the convo... Anyone watchin the NBA playoff games?


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

[This message has been edited by andre9000 (edited 04-22-2001).]

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