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CD burning Question???

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I downloaded 1 song from napster that was very long. When I went to burn it to a CD I got an error back saying the file was too large for the CD!

Does anyone know how to "break up" the song so it could fit onto the CD.

**And even though the song is too long for the CD why wont it just let me burn to what it "can" hold.






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I use Nero 5.0 to cut up full length clips into multiple tracks and burn them. Check out http://members.nbci.com/mdance/djsets.htm they have the .CUE files which tell you the track times. Almost all the CDs that I burn are cut to the original track length. Otherwise I would have to fast forward forever to get to a track at the end of the CD. You can get Nero anywhere, but if you can't find the crack let me know, i have it. Good luck


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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I think you might have to buy or try shareware.com as mentioned above!!


I put forth a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetuall and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death. Hobbes


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