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Get happy!

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Hey everyone. Just a quick discovery for me today.

I changed my routine today. Nothing crazy, I just got up an hour earlier than usual and did something constructive before work.

Let me tell you it has gotten me out of the rut I was in! Nothing terrible was going on but I was stressed about a few things, feeling frustrated and tense and angry at the world in general.

So I changed my routine! I am more energized, feel more focused, motivated and happier,creative, and better able to tackle those stresses. I encourage everyone to change their routine just a little and see the effect. I guess it's like getting one of those freakin' foam pillows that they have infomercials for, you know, it will make you sleep better, get a promotion, earn more money, have a better social life!

Oh yeah, but my method really works, at least for me. Hope everyone has a great day and if you are feeling like your life is in a rut, give this a try!

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you are oh so right!!!

not only that...but spring fever also lends a helping hand towards eradicating melancholy ugly head...taking a quiet breather outside in the sunshine sans distractions/people whenever possible is an additional boost...gotta love that energy that good ole sunshine instills in you...


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I've noticed the same thing. Chaning your daily routine makes such a difference. Even if it's just something like changing the way you walk to work.

I saw a report on this and changing your daily routine or using the opposite hand you're used to using for normal tasks, like brushing your teeth or opening a door, etc. , stimulates unused brain cells...or something to that effect.

It just feels really good to get out of a rut!


You're only young once

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Originally posted by trancend:

what did you do that was constructive?

Honestly, it was something as simple as I went and worked out before work instead of after. I knew that I wouldn't get home in time to go to the gym tonight, and would subsequently feel badly about missing it. I'm not a morning person and always slept to the last possible minute with the fear that I would be tired all day if I got up earlier.

I think it could be anything though that you have wanted to do. Even doing a load (ha, I said load) of laundry that you haven't gotten to, pay some bills, clean up around your house or even better start writing a short story or putting pictures in a photo album. I think it's just a matter of changing your routine and feeling accomplished!

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