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mugchump is trippintrance64 number 2

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makes glowball, the sig ass kisser, look smart compared to these two "please everyone love me" idiots.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever sees your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

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Originally posted by vagrant:

makes glowball, the sig ass kisser, look smart compared to these two "please everyone love me" idiots.

since this is an open forum where people can post their own opinions, I am not personally attacking you when I say that as much as you have a right to call mugwump and trippintrance idiots, they have the right to do their own thing. You may not like what they do, or how they present themselves on this board, and you have the freedom to say so, but take into consideration that they themselves may act freely, and if you're idea of acting like "idiots", is posting what they wanna post, then we are all idiots, including yourself.




*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

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hey dickets. stfu. if i want your opinion i'll squeeze it out of your itty bitty titties.


have you been searched yet?

you are guilty til proven otherwise

you will be searched at the door, inside the place, when you get home, at your job, and on the streets if we the security ever sees your ass, we the ultra friendly security staff can do so since we're not cops or your parents

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Originally posted by vagrant:

hey dickets. stfu. if i want your opinion i'll squeeze it out of your itty bitty titties.

WOW, intelligence at it's best! you are the epitome of charm and grace!

i really didn't know that my opinion could come out of my tits, wow, you learn something new everyday!




*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

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Originally posted by duckets:

WOW, intelligence at it's best! you are the epitome of charm and grace!

i really didn't know that my opinion could come out of my tits, wow, you learn something new everyday!

Damn i learned something too then.....lol



Ravers don't stumble

and fall....


we TRIP and ROLL..

AIM: XxFUEL1xX bongsmi.gif

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Keep on talkin brainiac....(you sure are proving to everyone how clever YOU are.)

Poor dude.



"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

[This message has been edited by mugwump (edited 04-24-2001).]

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Ok. What was te purpous of this thread? It is immature, so i choose not to reply to your statment.

Ummm, I think it was something like vagrant was squeezing an opinion out of duckets tits so that you and mugwump would like him and there was also mention of glowball making a signature dipicting the whole thing.

I think.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

AIM: cathyoNYC

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Originally posted by cathyo:

Ummm, I think it was something like vagrant was squeezing an opinion out of duckets tits so that you and mugwump would like him and there was also mention of glowball making a signature dipicting the whole thing.

I think.


where's my dog for a clever come back when I need her?



"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it"

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hey FLAGRANT, what nothing to say?!? wait let me ask my tits.........

their opinion calls for you to shut the fuck up.

what, you can state your opinion but i can't sate mine?!?



*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

[This message has been edited by duckets (edited 04-24-2001).]

[This message has been edited by duckets (edited 04-24-2001).]

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Originally posted by namistai:

Did you wipe off DrippinTrance64's drool off your tits first to ask them?

no silly, i wiped off yours!




*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

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Originally posted by cathyo:

Ummm, I think it was something like vagrant was squeezing an opinion out of duckets tits so that you and mugwump would like him and there was also mention of glowball making a signature dipicting the whole thing.

I think.


Sister, you rock!

Hugs even for moronic new posters who oh-so-lamely dis my friends,



Music... is alllll about the groove. Can you feel the groove? Listen...


aolim blueskygirl2001

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Originally posted by namistai:

That wasn't drool, that was the pearl necklace you asked for.

Hope the $20 I gave you fixes that gap in your teeth.

i have no gap you dumb fuck...that must be the gap between your ears...oh wait that's your brain....what's left of it anyway.



*...have the ability to let that which does not matter, truly slide.*-Ed Norton-Fight Club

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Originally posted by duckets:

i have no gap you dumb fuck...that must be the gap between your ears...oh wait that's your brain....what's left of it anyway.

You call that an insult? I think I used that back in the 2nd grade, course im only in 3rd now.

Maybe its that gap between your ass cheeks, the one thats been vandalized by well hung horses recently.

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Ok. So whats the purpous of this thread again?....to upset me or mugz?

Not speaking for mugz, but i feel that this is a pointless attempt to piss people off. Well vagran whoever you are, you arent pissing me off. I just find it funny, that you have to be such a pussy and create all these usernames to keep this pathetic post alive. A pussy you ask? I'll tell you why i chose that word to describe you....here goes....b/c you are obviously some regular poster that has something against me, and doesnt have the balls to say something under your actual username. That is why, to me you are, and always will be....a pussy. If you ask me, you should seek professional help.....or perhaps get a more productive hobby. All this thread is doing is firing up people that dont have anything to do with it. There my friend, you are sucessful. I really dont care what you have to say about me, and im not planning on replying to this stupid thread again....all that would do is fuel the fire that you want to start.

In conclusion, i hope that you got your laughs, and im glad that you got all that aggression out.



-----"I am Jack's Mental Disorder. -Ed Norton~Fight Club


AIM: fantom0680

A.RRiezgo@verizon.net <----- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Ok. So whats the purpous of this thread again?....to upset me or mugz?

Not speaking for mugz, but i feel that this is a pointless attempt to piss people off. Well vagran whoever you are, you arent pissing me off. I just find it funny, that you have to be such a pussy and create all these usernames to keep this pathetic post alive. A pussy you ask? I'll tell you why i chose that word to describe you....here goes....b/c you are obviously some regular poster that has something against me, and doesnt have the balls to say something under your actual username. That is why, to me you are, and always will be....a pussy. If you ask me, you should seek professional help.....or perhaps get a more productive hobby. All this thread is doing is firing up people that dont have anything to do with it. There my friend, you are sucessful. I really dont care what you have to say about me, and im not planning on replying to this stupid thread again....all that would do is fuel the fire that you want to start.

In conclusion, i hope that you got your laughs, and im glad that you got all that aggression out.


Valentine... You know that I still loves you..... **SMOOCHES**


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Gee, maybe I HAVEN'T missed much by not being able to be on much at all lately... Is this really what the board is about these days?

Opinions are like assholes - everyone's got one... if you don't like someone/ what they write/ what they stand for/ how they present themselves, etc. just ignore them (rather than starting drama).

I fear for the future of the board... cwm36.gif

- meli -



"This is not political - it's just that I demand attention when I walk into the room..." -- Nelly Furtado

AIM: MeliChaCha

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Originally posted by vagrant:

hey dickets. stfu. if i want your opinion i'll squeeze it out of your itty bitty titties.

Darn, and I was just beginning to like the way you presented your opinions. So, are you drunk and angry, or just a moron?

Why the sudden turn towards Troll? Maybe you and Black Centepede could have a competition for who can be a more insulting ass-hole?

That would be fun, but my money would have to go to Black Cent., since I still have a little faith that you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.


...and in a mystery to be

(when time from time shall set us free)

forgetting me, remember me

-e. e. cummings

AOL IM: petrol01

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