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Survivor TONIGHT!

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Oh my gosh! Me too!! I really like that skinny girl. You gotta give her props for even lasting this long.

I HOPE Keith gets booted . . . but something tells me that Colby might get he axe because you can see the intimadation on everyone's face when ever he wins another round.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Yeah, I agree that everyone is pretty sick of Colby winning all the reward and immunity challanges. I would like to see Keith go...its his time...but ya just dont know whats gonna happen anymore!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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They need to wise up quicky!!!!

If Colby doesn't win immunity, he needs to go. He is really tough to beat in challenges and chances are, when he makes it to the final two, the jury will pick him. I would. I think he's the most deserving out of all of them!!

I really hope Keith gets the boot. He rubs me the wrong way. And could his fiance be any younger?!?!!?


You're only young once


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Originally posted by dale77:

And could his fiance be any younger?!?!!?

Oh my gosh!! I was thinking the same thing! I mean how old is that guy . . . maybe he just looks older than he really is but he came across as being around mid 40's to me. His girl . . . maybe mid 20's at most. Also, peas and carrots . . . I'd like to say it's cute but it's just cheesy! cwm1.gif



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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i hope it's not liz as she's lovely....

I think it will be though as if she gets down to the last 2 people... she'll win and the others know it.


ps I hope Coby and liz make it to the end...



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Originally posted by matta:

i hope it's not liz as she's lovely....

I think it will be though as if she gets down to the last 2 people... she'll win and the others know it.


ps I hope Coby and liz make it to the end...

Actually it might not be Liz cause they have 3 over 1 on her. Knowing that and how much Colby can't stand Keith, he might team up with Liz and cast Keith out because even if Keith goes they'll still have 2 over 1 on Liz.

HOWEVER, if Colby does not win the immunity challenge tonight and someone else does . . . they might get rid of Colby out of pure intimadation. We just gotta see what happen.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Originally posted by blueangel:

Oh my gosh! Me too!! I really like that skinny girl. You gotta give her props for even lasting this long.


yeah i'm actually surprised she made it this long. then again, colleen (aka the other skinny girl) made it pretty far also. maybe skinny girls are stronger than they look! i'm all for her!

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~hi~i dont want to start any drama...but i cannot stand that show! i work thursday nites and everybody that comes into the bar wants that damn show on! on 7 different tvs is just too much!! grrr!


email: clubindiva@aol.com

AcCePt No iMiTaTiOnS...tHeRe iS nO sUbStiTuTe FoR tHe ReAL tHiNg!!

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Also, peas and carrots . . . I'd like to say it's cute but it's just cheesy! cwm1.gif


That peas and carrots crap is what put me over the edge with Keith!


You're only young once


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