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Originally posted by emiliep:

so i'm on this diet because i've kinda plateaud on my weight loss and need to eat better in order to loose more. BUT, this diet i'm on is REALLY LIMITING my food intake. i'm talking rabbit food here. there's no way i can stay on this and i really don't want to cheat. i was wondering if any of you guys know of a good diet that didn't limit any food groups completely (like atkins, i just don't agree with it). if you had any links that would be great. thanks! cwm38.gif

Alright hun all diets are bullshit. The word diet should be eliminated from the english vocabulary. Okay so you diet, how long ya gonna diet for? You gonna go on some crash diet so you can lose all this weight just to stop the diet at some point cause your gonna stop because whatever diet your on is clearly not healthy and then your gonna gain it all back and then some because your body is going into shock from the extreme increase in calorie intake in opposition to your lil fad diet.

Don't change your diet if you wanna lose wieght, change your lifestlye, the way you eat, the way you excercise, the amount you sleep, your daily intake of water.

Learn how to cut out empty calories, mustard instead of mayo, water instead of soda, anything with no nutritional value like a twinkie. Learn to eat large portions of fruits and vegatables to keep you full. Fast food only once in a while.

Make sure you excercise, walking can be one of the most effective fat burning regimans out there.

Set long term goal, not short term goals, 6 month goals, not 1 months goals. Just take it day by day, allow your self to slip without losing perspective on the long term goal....

good luck smile.gif



There is no mistake so great as that of always being right. - visionsofmind

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Originally posted by emiliep:

so i'm on this diet because i've kinda plateaud on my weight loss and need to eat better in order to loose more. BUT, this diet i'm on is REALLY LIMITING my food intake. i'm talking rabbit food here. there's no way i can stay on this and i really don't want to cheat. i was wondering if any of you guys know of a good diet that didn't limit any food groups completely (like atkins, i just don't agree with it). if you had any links that would be great. thanks! cwm38.gif

Do you work out at all?

I would suggest along with working out that you snack all day. I'm not talking about junk food, but fruit/pretzels/pop corn (light)/granola bars etc. Eat tiny portions throughout the day-you won't get hungry. It also speeds up your matabolism. Unfortunately you will probably still have to eat rabbit food-sorry.

My girlfriend lost lots of weight this way and has kept it off for like 5 years now.

Good luck!



As I dance I create my own language... with every beat of my heart is the music I will dance through life to.

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Originally posted by visions:

Alright hun all diets are bullshit. The word diet should be eliminated from the english vocabulary. Okay so you diet, how long ya gonna diet for? You gonna go on some crash diet so you can lose all this weight just to stop the diet at some point cause your gonna stop because whatever diet your on is clearly not healthy and then your gonna gain it all back and then some because your body is going into shock from the extreme increase in calorie intake in opposition to your lil fad diet.

Don't change your diet if you wanna lose wieght, change your lifestlye, the way you eat, the way you excercise, the amount you sleep, your daily intake of water.

Learn how to cut out empty calories, mustard instead of mayo, water instead of soda, anything with no nutritional value like a twinkie. Learn to eat large portions of fruits and vegatables to keep you full. Fast food only once in a while.

Make sure you excercise, walking can be one of the most effective fat burning regimans out there.

Set long term goal, not short term goals, 6 month goals, not 1 months goals. Just take it day by day, allow your self to slip without losing perspective on the long term goal....

good luck smile.gif

believe me, i'm not into fad diets. i think they're pointless precisely for the reasons you stated. i've been exercising 5-6 days a week for over a year. during that time i changed my eating habits (limiting carbs and whatnot) and i drink over 8 glasses of water a day. BUT my problem is i've stopped loosing weight. i do all the little things like refrain from using mayo or butter or anything else that tastes really good but isn't really necessary. i need to know more about nutrition and what a healthy diet is. that's really what i'm looking for.

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yeah what they said.........keep off the fatty empty calorie foods and increase the good stuff fruit and veges and drink lots of water......then most of all exercise that one of the biggest keys to losing weight if you just change your diet but you dont exercise then its kinda hard to not spurlge and then ull gain ur weight back......always try to think in long term not just that you wanna lose these pounds cuase youll gain them right back......think im doing this cause i want to be a more healthy person.....if you cant do it by yourself alot of the programs jenny craig and slim fast do work but you have to stick with them.........hhe oh well good luck......how much do you have to lose? like 10 lbs hehe


Our civilization is still in a middle stage, no longer wholly guided by instinct, not yet wholly guided by reason...

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Originally posted by emiliep:

Originally posted by visions:

Alright hun all diets are bullshit. The word diet should be eliminated from the english vocabulary. Okay so you diet, how long ya gonna diet for? You gonna go on some crash diet so you can lose all this weight just to stop the diet at some point cause your gonna stop because whatever diet your on is clearly not healthy and then your gonna gain it all back and then some because your body is going into shock from the extreme increase in calorie intake in opposition to your lil fad diet.

Don't change your diet if you wanna lose wieght, change your lifestlye, the way you eat, the way you excercise, the amount you sleep, your daily intake of water.

Learn how to cut out empty calories, mustard instead of mayo, water instead of soda, anything with no nutritional value like a twinkie. Learn to eat large portions of fruits and vegatables to keep you full. Fast food only once in a while.

Make sure you excercise, walking can be one of the most effective fat burning regimans out there.

Set long term goal, not short term goals, 6 month goals, not 1 months goals. Just take it day by day, allow your self to slip without losing perspective on the long term goal....

good luck smile.gif

believe me, i'm not into fad diets. i think they're pointless precisely for the reasons you stated. i've been exercising 5-6 days a week for over a year. during that time i changed my eating habits (limiting carbs and whatnot) and i drink over 8 glasses of water a day. BUT my problem is i've stopped loosing weight. i do all the little things like refrain from using mayo or butter or anything else that tastes really good but isn't really necessary. i need to know more about nutrition and what a healthy diet is. that's really what i'm looking for.

That's awesome! IM me: visionsofmind

or e-mail:visions@visionsofmind.com



There is no mistake so great as that of always being right. - visionsofmind

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Take it from me, sweetie! Do as I tell you to do! Being close to *whisper* 30 . . . I've realized that my metabolism isn't raging like it use to! So, after a long length of time researching I've found the perfect formula that has so far worked for me. I've been on it for about 3 months now and I can truly say that I feel the difference.

Somebody already said this but I'm gonna repeat it, "CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE."

I started taking Dexatrim Natural (No Caffeine Formula). I've tried Stacker and Xenedrine (sp?) but they've both got me so sick and made me way too speedy. However this Dexatrim works WONDERFULLY! You take one in the mid-morning (I take mine around 10:30ish) then one in the mid-afternoon (I take mine around 2:30ish). It really does supress your appetite and increase your metabolism.

I eat a healthy breakfast (ex. herb white egg omelette, fruit salad, and ONE cup of coffee with skim milk), then I have a grilled chicken on salad for lunch and a light dinner.

On top of that . . .in order to burn fat you HAVE to do cardio. There's no way around it. So, I run for 30 minutes 4 times a week and do light weights.

The key is to eat healthy (STOP when your full) and to work out regularly. Try to minimize your carbo in take. Like try to only have pasta once a week and don't pick on bread when having dinner. Also replace regular milk with skim milk and learn to drink your coffee/tea with no sweets.

I find that this works really good for me. I'll let myself go on the weekends occasionally, but when Monday rolls around it's right back to schedule. Try it! It really isn't as hard as it seems.

Oops. Sorry for the long post. cwm4.gif



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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everyone has a "set-point" for their weight..

and trying to get below that is really hard..you practically have to starve yourself, which is dangerous..and plus..you only live once...its way too harsh to always be worried about every little thing you consume..24 hrs a day...

ask yourself..do you really need to lose weight...or is is just that "last few lbs" you would love to lose in order to look a certain way?

the key to getting where you want to get..is exercise...keep doing it...boost up your wokrouts...CHANGE your workouts..the body gets used to things..and you have to change it up sometimes...most definitely use weights..the more muscle you have..the more you can eat...plus it looks amazing...

it will be slow..but you WILL see results..


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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thanks blue angel. i pretty much do everything you wrote. well, everything except for the dexatrim. i want to try and do this without relying on something to suppress my appetite because i can't see myself being on dexatrim for the rest of my life, ya know? thanks for everything though!

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Originally posted by Jilly:

everyone has a "set-point" for their weight..

and trying to get below that is really hard..you practically have to starve yourself, which is dangerous..and plus..you only live once...its way too harsh to always be worried about every little thing you consume..24 hrs a day...

ask yourself..do you really need to lose weight...or is is just that "last few lbs" you would love to lose in order to look a certain way?

the key to getting where you want to get..is exercise...keep doing it...boost up your wokrouts...CHANGE your workouts..the body gets used to things..and you have to change it up sometimes...most definitely use weights..the more muscle you have..the more you can eat...plus it looks amazing...

it will be slow..but you WILL see results..

Great point, Jilly!! To tell you the truth I really don't weigh myself anymore. I don't care if I'm 110 or 135 . . . I just look at ME in the mirror. That's how I determine if it's working for me. I'm my worst critic and if I look in the mirror and like what I see then I'm a happy camper.

Besides, you women know this . . . birth control can make you gain an easy 10 lb. So, I just don't weigh myself anymore . . . less self torture.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Originally posted by emiliep:

thanks blue angel. i pretty much do everything you wrote. well, everything except for the dexatrim. i want to try and do this without relying on something to suppress my appetite because i can't see myself being on dexatrim for the rest of my life, ya know? thanks for everything though!

My biggest battle was to say when is when . .. since I just LOVE food so much and my bf is an excellent cook . . . I found myself eating and eating non-stop. So the dexatrim helps me eat the amount that my body needs and not over eating you know? Cause when you start over eating that stretches you stomach and then it becomes hard for you to not eat that much next time.

But if you're working out regularly then try what Jilly suggested. Change your work out routine . . . cause it is true that you body adapts to a routine workout.



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Originally posted by blueangel:

Great point, Jilly!! To tell you the truth I really don't weigh myself anymore. I don't care if I'm 110 or 135 . . . I just look at ME in the mirror. That's how I determine if it's working for me. I'm my worst critic and if I look in the mirror and like what I see then I'm a happy camper.

Besides, you women know this . . . birth control can make you gain an easy 10 lb. So, I just don't weigh myself anymore . . . less self torture.


i don't weight myself either cuz i know muscle is heavier than fat. all i do is measure my waist because that's my "problem area". since i've started excercising, i've lost about 5 inches. and jilly, it IS those last few pounds that are killer!

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Originally posted by emiliep:

i don't weight myself either cuz i know muscle is heavier than fat. all i do is measure my waist because that's my "problem area". since i've started excercising, i've lost about 5 inches. and jilly, it IS those last few pounds that are killer!

5 Inches??!! Honey, what are ya fraustrated about?? It sounds like you're doing better than fine!

Usually when we say those last few pounds, we're actually saying, "I just wanna get thinner and thinner." Enough is never enough! cwm32.gif



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Originally posted by blueangel:

5 Inches??!! Honey, what are ya fraustrated about?? It sounds like you're doing better than fine!

Usually when we say those last few pounds, we're actually saying, "I just wanna get thinner and thinner." Enough is never enough! cwm32.gif


i hear ya. people tell me all the time "but you're not fat!". i know i'm not fat, but there's no question about it, i'm not skinny either. i'm thick, like mostly muscular but i still have some cushioning. i hate that cushioning! my waist is 30" and i'm only 5'2". so i can definitely loose 1 or 2 more off my belly. i totally used to overeat and it's SO hard to change that.

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Originally posted by emiliep:

i hear ya. people tell me all the time "but you're not fat!". i know i'm not fat, but there's no question about it, i'm not skinny either. i'm thick, like mostly muscular but i still have some cushioning. i hate that cushioning! my waist is 30" and i'm only 5'2". so i can definitely loose 1 or 2 more off my belly. i totally used to overeat and it's SO hard to change that.

OMG, I hear ya loud and clear! I have a wide frame myself. The only way I can have any type of a figure is to either get a boob job and implant in my ass or be ultra skinny. I'm FOREVER working out my abs to narrow my waist so that I can have at least a small curve. It's hell! Whenever I see a naturally tiny person (MARCELLA wink2.gif ) I get so envious!



“Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.” — William Hazlitt


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Originally posted by blueangel:

OMG, I hear ya loud and clear! I have a wide frame myself. The only way I can have any type of a figure is to either get a boob job and implant in my ass or be ultra skinny. I'm FOREVER working out my abs to narrow my waist so that I can have at least a small curve. It's hell! Whenever I see a naturally tiny person (MARCELLA wink2.gif ) I get so envious!


THAT'S WHATS SO FRUSTRATING! i DO have the boobs! if only i could loose those coupla inches...damn them!

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Almost any goal is achievable. It just comes down to how much do you want it. Are you willing to sacrifice nearly every food you crave and live on a diet filled with bland food and protein shakes? Are you ready to commit yourself 110% in the gym 5-6 days a week, 1-2 hours a day? When the answer is yes go out there and hire yourself a personal trainer and start working at it. Give it more than you've got for over a year without ever breaking your routine. Then get back to me and tell me how you look. What upsets me most is people that wanna eat thier applie pie yet look like cover models. You make the choice...

Just wanted to add...that was a general statement and I was in no way pointing my finger at you emiliep. I apologize if it may have come accross that way.


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[This message has been edited by MarioNY (edited 04-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Almost any goal is achievable. It just comes down to how much do you want it. Are you willing to sacrifice nearly every food you crave and live on a diet filled with bland food and protein shakes? Are you ready to commit yourself 110% in the gym 5-6 days a week, 1-2 hours a day? When the answer is yes go out there and hire yourself a personal trainer and start working at it. Give it more than you've got for over a year without ever breaking your routine. Then get back to me and tell me how you look. What upsets me most is people that wanna eat thier applie pie yet look like cover models. You make the choice...

i've MADE that commitment mario. i've BEEN working out 5-6 days a week for OVER a year. i've CHANGED my diet (to a certain extent). i'm not a flat blob who wants to loose weight while watching tv. i'm active, but i have some improvement to make. my weakness is my lack of nutritional knowledge. now when you can help me with THAT, then i'll tell you how i look.

p.s. i don't even like apple pie. so there cwm22.gif

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Originally posted by MarioNY:

Just wanted to add...that was a general statement and I was in no way pointing my finger at you emiliep. I apologize if it may have come accross that way.

ya know, i didn't even catch that part of your post. sorry if i sounded snappish!

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Originally posted by emiliep:

ya know, i didn't even catch that part of your post. sorry if i sounded snappish!

It's ok...but let me give you an example. A male friend of mine works out 4-5 days a week. Decent body...you might even say he's hot. Got great shoulders, nice chest and even a sixish pack. He wants to tighten it up and complains that he can never loose those last few pounds of body fat. I tell him to tighten up his diet and workout harder. He thinks I'm useless and says he's been doing that already. I ask him what he eats and he says "healthy". His definition of healthy was way off. Yes he wasn't eating candy bars and drinking sodas but that doesn't mean he was eating healthy. Then I told him what he should eat. He didn't approve and thought it was too much. His choice!

Part 2 - We decide to workout together one day. He learned that he should push it more when he trains alone and we both learned new routines from each other that we can use to vary it up. Moral of this story? Just because you're going to the gym doesn't mean you're doing the most efficient exercises and at the max intensity.


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