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Top 5 reasons...

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why everyone should go to Studio 6 4th of July weekend

5) toll receipts are a tax write-off

4) there are no strip searches - bring what you want

3) best djs nobody has heard of

2) AC strip bars close at 5....AC stripper girls at Studio by 6

1) better than Tempts, XS, and Bermuda on their best nights.

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A few extras:

- Tenneglia is banned from AC (Thank God!)

- Strippers there want to bang (for free after a pill or two)

- Free bumps in the bathroom

- The mayor owns it, therefore drugs are legal in AC

- You can decrackify on a beach in the morning

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Hey g money slice.... On a serious note. I see that you are from cherry hill. I might be taking this girl out that I met in LBI ( 21 years old 1 semester left at U of D.) In cherry Hill where she lives. Is there an awesome Italian Resteraunt? I was on Zagats and found this french place called La Campagne put it is french, It was the only one rated high. Any suggestions.... by the way how big is cherry hill?

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Top 5 reasons you must be from the Ghetto.

5) You save toll receipts as a tax-write off.


4) Your form of entertainment is playing hide the tooth.


3) You claim that your "club" has the BEST DJ's...yet no one has heard of them.

(go figure???)


2) "strip bars" ?? "stripper girls" ??


and the #1 reason you MUST be from the Ghetto is........you think Motel 6---oops I mean Studio 6 is better then Tempts, Bermuda, or XS on their BEST nights.

Ghetto----you need to GET-A-clue! biggrin.gif

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z-dawg (whatever that means rolleyes.gif,

Here I am! On this site, babe. Are you gonna put your foot up my ass now? Promises, promises. tongue.gif

Should I make it more convenient for you? How about Twilo this Friday for S&D? Does that fit into your lame schedule, you ass? Seriously, why are you so defensive about what I said on the New York board? Could it be because you are the person that I'm speaking of?

Here's a quarter -- get a life and a dick while you're at it.

BlueAngel (That would be me!)


"None is more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 06-28-2000).]

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Bringit - good job...must admit you made some pretty intelligent counterpoints. A little weak with number 2 but that was a tough one. Anyway enjoy your weekend and I'll see ya at Studio 6 on Saturday...we leave the light on for ya.

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Top Resons to Go to Studio:

1. DJ gets his music from The Music Factory in Washington Twp.

2. Strippers Turn Trics for a pill or a Bump.

3. You can walk around with powder all over your face and get cheers and affection from the patrons.

4. The homo's leave at 3:30!!! Yip-eeeeee!!!

5. You can gamble while taking a piss!

6. The beach is only 2 blocks away!!!!

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So BlueAngel wants to come out and play? You opened the door for relentless ridicule by opening your mouth with ignorant rhetoric. I find it duplicitous how you speak and than condlude your statements by transcribing words of truth and wisdom. Remember that it is not the words of others that matter but rather the words we choose to say and live by. You should not care who I am but rather who you are..... Often times the perception we have of ourselves is a distortion of the actual reality. It is parallel to the subjectivity-objectivity paradox. Remember that all creation is born from thought than over time transforms to word and eventually deed. Choose wisely my angel or the gates to enlightment will be barred by you own hand.

"A wise man once said nothing and let his actions speak for him" z-dawg

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Z-Dawg you need to take a chill. Just because you are losing you job don't get bitter at everyone. Man you must have scored really high on that verbal SAT. Or did you have the dictionary out when you typed the last one????

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BlueAngel BlueAngel. You should not try to enter the game of intelectual wit because you will lose. Dont you know I have been playing you like a record. The last email was a test to see if you had the ability to run wit with me....you don't. No I dont think you are racist... I dont like people taking off their shirts either... and your quotes are good. No more battles from me.


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LMAO!! Okay, you just keep on telling yourself that if that makes you feel better. wink.gif

Oh and by the way . . . you don't know how hard it is to "try" to enter into YOUR level of intectual wit. I mean to constantly think like a conceited know-it-all asshole . . it was very difficult. I give you props . . . Zzzzzz-dawg!! rolleyes.gif



"None is more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 06-28-2000).]

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OK Airwave1, what are you dating blueangel? Maybe you bridget and blueangel can play a game of "Battle of the Stupid". To even suggest that a reference book is needed to desipher my text only unsheathes you intelectual impotence. ( if I was using reference text I could spell a lot better ). Airwave1 are you goin to Princeton on friday?

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LMAO!! Okay, you just keep on telling yourself that if that makes you feel better. wink.gif

Oh and by the way . . . you don't know how hard it is to "try" to enter into YOUR level of intectual wit. I mean to constantly think like a conceited know-it-all asshole . . it was very difficult. I give you props!!



"None is more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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Oh here's one, Z-dawg!

"A wise man once said nothing and let his actions speak for him."

So, does that make you an asshole?? I am in so much need of your intelectual wit to explain that quote to me! rolleyes.gif



"None is more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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