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How safe is 'safe sex'?

The FDA classes 41 of the chemicals used in the manufacture of latex as health hazards. The side effects range from rashes to

cancer and cell mutation.

Calcium Carbonate, the most common coagulant, which is embedded as salt particles on the inner surface of condoms and latex

gloves, is classed as an :-

32. Skin irrtitant

41. Lung irritant

42. Eye ittitant

6.10 Toxic solid or liquid

Max.exposure 15ml per sq. meter (condom use exceeds this limit).


Suspected carcinogen

The following facts are undisputed :-

Latex allergy has grown from no reported cases 20 years ago to a condition that now effects up to 6% of the general population.

Latex allergy has directly killed hundreds and caused thousands of anaphylactic events.

Latex allergy is aquired by exposure to latex.

Anyone suffering from latex allergy may die during even minor surgery if exposed to latex. Many hospital are banning latex

even to the point of bringing patients balloons.

LIDS (Latex Induced Disease Syndrome) is thought to account for the 2800% increase in anal cancer in gay men.

The 7,000 to 8,000 cases of penile and testicular cancer are the only cancers to occur mainly in young men. LIDS is suspected

to be the major cause of up to 17,000 cancer cases in men and women ever year.

Condom spermicide, Nonoxynol-9 is dangerous - even at 1 percent. Cell mutation data is reported.

Eleven other condom lubricants have serious health hazards, see attachment.

The Mariposa Institute study shows that some brands of condoms (with 100 samples tested) have a 100% failure rate in

blocking the transmission of HIV.

No condom manufacturer ever claims that condoms can protect against HIV. Trojan use these words :-

..'MAY help protect against..."

Legally the use of the word MAY means NO claim is made.

In view of the above facts, is it not time we reconcidered our promotion of condoms as 'safe sex'.


Addenda. Condom lubricants:


Nonoxynol 9: Poison by intraperitoneal route. Mutation data reported. When to decomposition, it emits acrid smoke and fumes

(HC, . 958).

Chlorhexidine: Mildly toxic by ingestion. Skin irritant. Mutation data reported (HC, p. 167).

Lidocaine: Poison by ingestion and subcutaneous routes. Excitement, hallucinations, distorted perceptions, changes in heart rate,

and dyspnea. Anaesthetic rapidly absorbed by mucous membranes. Excessive doses may cause methemoglobinemia (HC, p.

439; HOP, p.341.)

Mineral oil/petrolatum: A human teratogen that causes testicular tumors in the fetus. Vapor or particles can cause pneumonia.

Possibly produces gastrointestinal tumors. Deposits accumulate in the lymphnodes and dissolves and prevents the absorption

of vitamin A from the intestines (HC, p. 885; HOP. p. 206, 410.)

Polyethylene glycol: Moderately toxic. Eye irritant. Possible carcinogen and flammable. Many glycols produce severe acidosis,

central nervous system damage, and congestion (HC, p. 1053; HOP, pp. 193-195.)

Sodium borate: A.K.A. borax. Toxic to all cells. Prolonged absorption casues anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and anemia (HOP, p.



Source: The Hazardous Chemicals Dest reference (HC) and The Handbook of Poisoning (HOP).

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Originally posted by Calyandra:

This information is all very interesting. But exactly what kind of protection do you propose people use for safety?


If someone says abstinence I'll have to slap them for being an idiot. Monogomy, I can accept, even though I'd it's damn hard to stick to it. But abstinence is ridiculous.



If a man does not keep pace with his companions,

perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

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Dear Calyandra and crossymaster,

If you want 100% protection, then abstinence is your only choice. I think you must accept life will always have its risks. If you drive, engage in sports or do one of many other things, you are actually taking (stastically) a greater risk than if you engage in sex. It is important to remember that all AIDS cases, from all causes, only killed 10.116 people in the USA last year. LIDS related death were three time that figure.

Latex causes cancer, is a fact. Here is the evidence :-

Are condoms the cause of the epidemic of anal, penile, testicular and ovarian cancers? The one fact we do know is condoms contain chemicals KNOWN to cause cancer and

others suspected as carcinogens. Seven carcinogens or suspected carcinogens are used in condom manufacture.


You will find them worth the effort.

LATEX PROCESSING CHEMICALS http://www.itcilo.it/english/actrav/telearn/osh/ic/106490.htm

By John G. Downing, M..D.

First Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, January 26, 1933.

Highly Toxic or Irritant




Slightly Toxic or Irritant



Methyline aniline



Overall evaluation

ortho-Toluidine is possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B).



Blue lips or finger nails. Blue skin.

Confusion. Dizziness. Headache. Laboured

breathing. Nausea. Shortness of breath.

Unconsciousness. Weakness.


Blue lips or fingernails. Blue skin. Dizziness.

Headache. Laboured breathing (further see



The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation and through

the skin and by ingestion.


Evaporation at 20°C is negligible; a harmful concentration of airborne

particles can, however, be reached quickly on spraying or when

dispersed, especially if powdered.


The substance irritates the eyes and the skin. The substance may cause

effects on the blood, bladder and kidneys , resulting in tissue lesions and

formation of methaemoglobin. Exposure to high concentrations may

result in damage to kidneys and bladder. The effects may be delayed.

Medical observation is indicated. See Notes.


Repeated or prolonged contact may cause skin sensitization. The

substance may have effects on the blood , resulting in formation of

methaemoglobin (see Notes).

The following chemicals are known or suspected carcinogens. This list has been compiled from a number of sources, but it is not (and cannot be) comprehensive.

Therefore, the absence of a chemical from this list does not mean that it cannot have carcinogenic properties. Neither does the presence of a

chemical in the list indicate that it is a proven carcinogen.

However, users should treat the materials listed with the caution due to suspected carcinogens, and gather as much safety data as possible before

starting work. Restrictions apply to the use of some of these chemicals in the U.K. We have done our best to ensure the data below is as

accurate as possible, but cannot accept responsibility for its use or mis-use.



Trichlormethine (Trimustine hydrochloride)


25249.8. List Of Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer Or Reproductive Toxicity.

(a) On or before March 1, 1987, the Governor shall cause to be published a list of those chemicals known to the state

to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity within the meaning of this chapter, and he shall cause such list to be revised

and republished in light of additional knowledge at least once per year thereafter. Such list shall include at a minimum

those substances identified by reference in Labor Code Section 6382(B)(1) and those substances identified

additionally by reference in Labor Code Section 6382(d).

Aniline 62533 January 1, 1990

Benzene 71432 February 27, 1987

Trichlormethine (Trimustine hydrochloride) 817094 January 1, 1992

4,4'-Methylenedianiline 101779 January 1, 1988

4,4'-Methylenedianiline dihydrochloride 13552448 January 1, 1988


benzene, aromatic amines – Rubber processing chemicals

Carcinogen :-

lymphatic & haemato-poietic system (leukemia) (bone marrow) bladder http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/cid/25-3.html

Hope this information is of help.

Thank you for your interest in LASG.


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Dear Reader,

Do condoms pose a greater risk than the diseases they may protect against?

New evidence suggests they do. The following extract from an article by Lawerence D. Duffield.DDS (in a dental journal) outlines one of the many risks associated with latex products.

The patient is latex-sensitive. Although no deaths have occurred in a dental setting due to latex allergy, clinicians should maintain a high index of suspicion to prevent a catastrophic reaction..(1)

According to FDA Medwatch data as far back as June 1996, there were 28 reported deaths and 225 anaphylactic events associated with latex products in all settings.

Recent reports in the literature indicate that from about 1 percent to 6 percent of the general population and about 8 percent to 12 percent of regularly exposed health care workers are sensitized to latex

(Kelley et al. 1996; Katelaris et al. 1996; Liss et al. 1997; Ownby et al. 1996; Sussman and Beezhold 1995).

Lubricants used with condoms are also under fire:

DURING THE PAST TWO YEARS a little-publicized health battle has been waged out of the glare of the media. It concerns nonoxynol-9, a disinfectant found in everything from baby wipes to laundry detergent, as well as in sexual products such as contraceptive foams and gels, condoms, and lubricants.

Davidson's response frustrates some lubricant manufacturers who worry about harming consumers and the possibility of future lawsuits if such studies are done to show nonoxynol-9 is dangerous --even at 1 percent.

Extracts from article by Bohdan Zachary-EmmyAward winning jounalist.

Hospitals across America are banning anyone even bringing latex balloons into the hospital.

Even more frightening is that there is now a body of opinion that links the 7,000 to 8,000 cases of penile cancer and testicular cancer to the carcinogenic effects of condoms. Strong evidence of the link is that these cancers ARE THE ONLY CANCERS to afflict mainly YOUNG MEN. Anal cancer in gay men is also reported to have risen dramatically.

Should the media not reconsider it's promotion of condoms in light of these facts and the Mariposa Study that indicates that condoms seldom protect against HIV?

Could condom free sex be the real safe sex?

Latex Allergy Support Group (USA)

New study shows some brands of condoms have a 100% failure rate in blocking the transmission of HIV.


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