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Thats a tough situation your in and I feel for ya. smile.gifAll I can say if he moved to Brazil long distance relationships rarely work out.Try not to dwell on it and have fun!!!!And if he comes back maybe it will be meant to be!!!! hang in there smile.gifcwm4.gifcwm30.gifcwm29.gif


---its my life and I'm livin' it now!---you don't even know me!!!---

[This message has been edited by dog6 (edited 10-08-2000).]

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If you are the one in love and you don't think that he is, *and* he moved to Brazil, my quick guess is to hold a nice place for the guy in your heart, but you have to move on.



Kill something everyday...no matter how small, just to maintain proficiency.

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Dog6 is right, my girl and I are in love, very much but im in the military and am in Bosnia for a year, and shes at Flordia State. Were chillin right now, but for the first month it caused more problems trying to keep it going than to just chill till I get back. If you can date someone else and still love your man in Brazil than you know its ment to be, so keep and open mind and open heart, maybe the man of your dreams is somewhere in your future, dont pass it up by blowin all us guys off for your latin lover.

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well, knowing you personally has given me an advantage over this reply! lol i dont know if that made any sense or not, but w.e. well, babe, lemme tell you, i think u are so lucky to have him. i mean, look at my situation with tony and rodrigo! its so messed up, but now, i know what to do..thanks to believe it or not...the people on this board! well, i think u need to start trying harder to talk to him more often, and i think telling him how you feel was a really smart thing to do! now he knows hes not messing around, but at the same time, it could have scared him! well, well see what happens!! luv ya! MWA!

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SK - not to trivialize, but you might want to try and score a trip to brazil out of this. Let him get settled, then see how he feels about you coming down for a visit. If that's cool with both of you (and you guys can be cival regardless of what happens), head down there and enjoy the country.

Just be careful 'cause it's a long way back if ya guys have to 'cut the trip short'.

I was in a similar situation a few years ago. The girl went to france. I can't say it was a country that I had been dying to see, but I made the trip out and we had a great time, even though our gig wasn't meant to be.


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