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ok im in love with this guy who lives in brazil...and i decided i would have sex with him when he comes down even though im really young becuz i will like never see him and the next time i see him after this everyone of my friends will be having sex...so i htink im making the right decision cuz I want him to definitaly be my first...am i making a stupid move?

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Sweetie, please don't do things cause your friends are doing them. That's a sure way to regret something in your future...

If you want to truly give your virginity to this guy make sure it's because YOU want to.

I did it, cause I thought it would make me cool & popular. Even though it did, um...I guess that's a bad example...

Well just make sure that all of your decisions are YOURS not anyone else's...


You put me in heaven with your touch....I just wanna hold you so much....

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Listen, you have tomake YOUR Own DECISIONS! Dont do it if hes just coming up for a while then headin back down south. If you guys think youll be together for a while and you both want to and your ready, then go for it......shit, I dont know, just do what you think is right I guess............well...... shit I dont know what the fuck im talkin about.....whatever cwm42.gif

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helllooooooo nurse! long time no see!! is this eric ur talking about? wait, i know its eric...well i think theres nothing wrong with that, and you should go for it. espically with the way u feel about him...after alex and that whole thing.. ! but make sure you wont regret it. all i have to say is... have fun and use protection!

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cwm2.gif child! dont kid ur self you know youre not ready for eric!! dont scare him away either.. neither of u are at the position or the state of mind where u would be ready 4 each other ok!! so please stick with the click of the scam buds and dont have sex with eric!! i looooove you!!
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ummmmmm . . . he wouldn't sell you out . . i didn't understand that . . .

let's think of the reality of a "young person" in a long distance relationship w/ a guy who lives in Brazil . . .

I wouldn't let a guy take my virginity that i was probably never going to see again . . . there is sometimes more emotional attachment on the part of the female than you would ever imagine - and falling in love w/ a guy that are aren't even sure has feelings for you, and that you may never see again is not the right choice.

Plenty of good guys will come along . . . it may just seem like he's the *one* now - but you don't know how many times you'll be deluded into thinking that . . . i thought i knew what love was . . . and i was totally wrong, b/c when i met Rob, i totally knew that *he* was the one - totally different from everyone else . ..

DO NOT have sex just because all of your friends are, hun. That's a stupid reason to ever do something - all that bs about if one of your friends jumped off the brooklyn bridge yadayada that you always get from your parents -

You'll know when the time is right . . . you shouldn't have to be planning . . . and seriously, if you're asking our opinions, then you're really not sure he's the one, right? Just think about it - I'm sure you'll make the right decision. smile.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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If you are even thinking about it it means you are not ready sweetheart..

You want your first time to be memorable..

Wait.. Don't rush into anything..





"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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If the phrase "I wish i had waited" was worth any money, I swear I would be a millionaire by now!!!!

I had sex for the first time at 16 and it was with a virgin guy who was 17. I thought at the time that he was everything and I thought I loved him. But when i look back today and really think about it, and comparing it to the things that I know today, I would of definately waited. He was a bad-boy looser with no job and always getting into trouble.

My friend was a virgin until she was 21--and to be honest with you, I admire her for that.

I'm not going to tell you what to do but just make sure you maing a decision that you won't regret later on. If your having doubts now and need to talk to people about it to either change your mind or encourage you to do it, then your not ready!!! This is a decision that should come from YOU and YOU only. If you do decide to "do it" please be safe and use a condom.


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Originally posted by smellykelly:

ok im in love with this guy who lives in brazil...and i decided i would have sex with him when he comes down even though im really young becuz i will like never see him and the next time i see him after this everyone of my friends will be having sex...so i htink im making the right decision cuz I want him to definitaly be my first...am i making a stupid move?

How young are you?


Stop fuckin' around and be a man


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young....13....i know you people are gonna freak and say I dont know what love is...but you wouldnt believe how much I know...you say were not even experiencing emotions like that but this is this age u start developing these emotions...ive definitaly developed love for this boy...if you could only see...Ive liked him for about 3 years which eventually ended up in me loving him...he means the world to me...If I could make the choice I would literally move to Brazil for him...Ive been in so much pain for the last 5 months...(thats when he moved)seriously ask jjbubbles...she knows shes my best friend and she knows me inside out...even if i wouldnt admit that i loved him she would still know...if you knew me personally you would see it...usually when i like someone its lasts for like a week a month at the longest...ive liked him for 3 YEARS!!! Hes all I can think about...you guys are telling me I should wait...and you think Im asking like to make sure..like Im positive for sure that I want to cuz I want HIM to be my first and I relaly hope it is...and Im not that stupid of course I will use a condom but thanx for thinking of my safety hehe cwm38.gif

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