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Gatecrasher last night

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Tiesto trainwrecked on his very first track. WTF was that about?

Guy dropped "I have a dream" track first. Tiesto drops the same song when he comes on... wtf was that about?

Overall, Guy and Bond kicked some Tiesto ass, but I wanna give Tiesto a chance to redeem himself... I'll be looking out for Tiesto's next appearance... he betta not fuck up...


Forget the dreams... what you need is a good nightmare to bring you back to reality...


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guy ornadel was the awesome last night...he basically said "fuck you tiesto..." and he was banging from 10pm as i stepped in...ya gotta love that...

tiesto was too cheesy and fluffy for me...he spun alot of old tracks...


i want to give you everything...i want to give you energy...i want to give a good thing...


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Overall, a great night at the Slimelight.

But I do have to say, they should retire Solor Stone's "Seven Cities" already. Oakey played it out two years ago, and if you're going to be playing that kind of stuff there are much better older songs to chose from.

The lights and the rest of the music were fantastic though. And I got to meet some nice people and have some interesting

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Hmmm, surprised noone has said anything yet.

Frankly, I thought Guy Orfandel and Scott Bond put on a fabulous show. Nice progressive beats slowly building up and crashing down around our ears at the Limelight.

Musicwise, I had a great time listening to those two and Tiesto wasnt bad. However, the damned place was so packed and hot that I ended up being well done at 5am. Times like that remind just how much I love my spot at Twilo, hehe.

Limelight really packed em in last night and there was a mixture of folk. I daresay they should NOT have a hip hop room on Gatecrasher nights and pump the Main Floor music into the chapel to create some more space.

Not a bad night overall though and Guy dropped Love in Traffic at like 10:30 when we got there and had the whole dance floor to ourselves..... smile.gif



Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

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Myrlin whats da deal brother....haven't talked to u in a while kid.....it seems like Tiesto didn't hold it down from what I hear im hearing a lot of bad things about tiesto that night as oppose to good things....hopefully the next time he comes he holds it down for NY.....and hopefully its at my casa Twilo




Why I love TWILO:

Best music

Best crowd

Best afterhours..

...nuff said

SEE YA UNDER THE BALL!!! peacesymbol.gif

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What a great night, but they really need some damn air in that place. I'm suprised there aren't more deaths from the heat. I was on the stage all the way through Guy's set and by the time I went upstairs to rest I was soaked in sweat and half-faint from the heat. I was sober too, so I know people rolling had to be hurting.




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Been on my first Gatecrasher outing since leaving the UK I was expecting this night to come a poor second to the real thing back home. In reality whilst the "real" gatecrsher back in England is starting to wear a bit thin and becomming the same old thing week in week out I found limelight on Saturday night to be quite different from my expectations. Whilst Guy Ornadel and Scott bond played to rate sets Tiesto was slightly poor but the atmosphere and friendliness of the crowd more than made up for this. Limelight is a top venue and the people really up for it. After having doubts about bringing Gatecrasher over here Ive been proved more that wrong. A fuc@#ing excellent night!!!!

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Perhaps the highlight of the whole evening was watching countless meatheads slip on the puke covered stairs and bounce their way down. I actually saw one happless bonehead ricochet four times of off the walls and land on his head. Up until last night, I actually thought that no one wore Drakkar anymore...come to think of it, I think everyone was actually drenched with that imittation Drakkar that you buy on Canal.



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I was dragged to Limelight by friends who came to visit me from my home town in Western NY. I think there is something magical about the Limelight. How you could get lost in the nooks and crannies and the gothic feel it has. Good thing I enjoyed the venue because I thought the music was horrible!! Guy Ordanel was OK, Scott Bond and Tiesto....Cheesy!!

Not sure anyone will be able to get me to a trance party again! cwm34.gif



Forget the gold I want the pot at the end of the rainbow...

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I thought Tiesto was good but trance puts me to sleep. There is nothing I can do about it. No matter how awesome it is, I can't dance to it all night long. It's just not dynamic enough for me frown.gif Although a lot of stuff was very hard, much harder than I expected to hear that night. I liked the music, but it was TOO FUCKING HOT in that place. I got the worst headache towards the end of the night from the lack of oxygen at that place.. Plus it was so hot that even without dancing you were sweating like crazy. But that's no surprise. I expected that..

What AMAZED me was how the crowd received Tiesto. I thought they went nuts for PVD but that's nothing compared to the way the crowd just screamed for him. Looking around, it seemed like the people in there were there for 1 reason only - the music. None of the other bullshit.. I didn't see many people completely cracked out. Didn't see many people all dressed up to show off and acting like dicks. Overall, I was surprised by the crowd because I absolutely hated it at the last Gatecrasher I went to. But seeing all those smiling faces, screaming and chanting for Tiesto was great smile.gif I love his work. Silence totally drove everyone crazy smile.gif

Sorry, I'm trying to make some sense but my brain is not working on this beautiful Monday morning.. So I appologize for my unorganized post smile.gif

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Originally posted by schwingep:

To Sum it all up Guy Ornadel made Scott and Tiesto his bitches!!!!!!!!!!

- Pete


Too bad he was the opening DJ

**nods his head**

TOTALLY true..... smile.gif



Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

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argh!...i thought ornadel was going to be on second so i didnt come until 2...wanted to see him a bit more than tiesto...thought tiesto's music selection was kinda blah...tracks were too familiar...but i havent heard a crowd scream for anyone like that before...i would have to say the highlight of the show for me was the green funnel light especially when the wave action was included...damn...wish i couldve seen guy


i'm only doing this once...until the second time

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I don't know what all the bitching is about. My girl and I had an incredible night. Yea it WAS hot and yea it was crowded but compared to some other nights I've had at Twilo (when they pack the place double capicity illegaly)it wasn't that bad. I actualy had no problems finding a spot with my girl to get down. I spent the entire night onstage getting driven to orgasms by some of the most beautifull trance and sharp beats I've heard in a long time.

At first I wasn't too sure what to expect, having read so much about Gate crasher in London I guess I expected a different crowd (I saw no infamouse "Crasher kids") But it has always been my rule that as long as the music is good I could't give a shit who the place is packed with. In all actuallity though I saw alot of smiles and met some amazing headz up in the fish tank room. My only regreat though was missing to meet the board at 2:00 am by the fish tank like I hoped to. Unfortunately at two I was stuck in the coat check experiencing hell! If it's one thing I've learned to love over the years at Twio (which I use to hate) is how smooth everything runs in the hallways and coatcheck thanks to the bouncers. It seams like the Limelight had absolutely no control over the crowd and the coat room was like all on crack or something. But that all paled compared to the vibe in the chapel. Yea..I was a bit annoyed by some of the hip hop crowd and curiouse at the ocassional goth that escaped out of Zenwarp but that has always been what Limelight is about. Diversity! I think the funniest thing that occured to me that night was when a confused Goth kept staring at me dancing with my photons on the stage. He tapped me on my shoulder and asked if he could try dancing with them. Preaty soon he was showing his fangs in a huge smile as he hopped up and down with the screams and cheers of the crowd as the music went from a deep trance groove to a build and then a pounding serouse beat that shook the entire floor. when he gave me back my lights he wiped the sweat off of his brow and gave me that look of someone who just understood what the music is all about. as he walked off he leaned in to my ear (thankfully not to bite me) and said : "you know..this shit isn't all that bad". I wonder if any of his fellow gloomy comrads in the bat cave would aprove..Ahhh behold the power of trance!

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