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people are dumb

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so theres that shooting yesterday, im not saying thats cool or anything...it really sucks. but theyre blaming this one on the band linkin park...just shows how people cant take responsibility for their own actions and look to other things to blame for their problems cwm36.gif



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Duh! WHat else is new? America, the land of the blame.

Anyway, there's a very good article on Salon.com that actually asks questions with possibly constructive answers.

Start quote:

"The best prevention for a tragedy like this," says our new president, George W. Bush, as the cameras click and whir, "is to teach children the difference between right and wrong."

The difference between right and wrong. And what, exactly, is that?

Is it right or wrong that we send our teenagers to overcrowded schools the size of factories, staffed with teachers paid (in California, home of this latest high school tragedy) two-thirds the salaries of prison guards, and "counselors" assigned to several hundred students apiece, thereby guaranteeing that few if any adults on campus know our kids' names, let alone what they need?

End quote.



tweaky is the answer

[This message has been edited by resident (edited 03-06-2001).]

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Resident-----you are soo right....One reason why I think politicians stand for nothing else than stupidity. Teachers..(you know, those people who spend all day with our kids and put ideas and knowledge into their heads) are sooo underpaid. It starts with the children!! But, we'll sure be able to beat the shit out of any one who messes with us....I hate Bush.


She's got everything she needs/she's an artist/she done't look back/She'll take the dark out of the night time/and paint the daytime black.......DYLAN

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Originally posted by resident:

Duh! WHat else is new? America, the land of the blame.

Anyway, there's a very good article on Salon.com that actually asks questions with possibly constructive answers.

Start quote:

"The best prevention for a tragedy like this," says our new president, George W. Bush, as the cameras click and whir, "is to teach children the difference between right and wrong."

The difference between right and wrong. And what, exactly, is that?

Is it right or wrong that we send our teenagers to overcrowded schools the size of factories, staffed with teachers paid (in California, home of this latest high school tragedy) two-thirds the salaries of prison guards, and "counselors" assigned to several hundred students apiece, thereby guaranteeing that few if any adults on campus know our kids' names, let alone what they need?

End quote.

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2001/03/06/misfit/index.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2001/03/06/misfit/index.html</A>

WOAH- TIME WARP- I was listening to an old Ministry cds a few days ago... remember NWO? Where they quote George Bush Sr. "What we are looking at is good and evil, right and wrong"

George Bush Sr. was certainly not the best but George Dubya seems to be merely a diluted version of his father...

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this reminds me of when they brought up mortal kombat bringing up violence in video games n shit like that....its dumb, i don't think violence in games/music or any media effects how kids act period, i mean it is physically impossible to reach your hand into someones heart and rip it out hahaha...i think when the kid acts violent, it may have something to do with the parents or maybe their is something just wrong with the kid... so i don't think anyone can actually blame a band or a game for something that happens....however they do, its just outraged mothers that have nothing better to do than blame other people for what happend....(not just mothers sorry, also government) imo


Work it mac daddy work it!!!

aol sn: kshark81


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Well said Resident! When ever a tradegy like this happens . . . the country is so busy looking for excuses . . . "the parents are at fault for not teaching their children" . . . "it the music/tv/movie" . . . cwm1.gif

What do they expect? They (government) make it so easy for these kids to obtain guns . . . practically putting it in their hands, (like Resident said) stuff them in these over crowded factory schools, where they're not receiving enough attention from teachers/counselors, where every single student is forced to fend for themselves against peer pressure and bullies, and they can't come home and speak to their parents because an average american family NEEDS two income to survive!! They (politicians) use children and education to make nice speeches, but when it comes down to it . . . the children are still being neglected! Such shame. cwm6.gif



“Life is like music, it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.” - Samuel Butler


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twiloman- see sig below.

of course i dont believe that games actually affect people, but when i read that quote i had to laugh.



Computer games dont affect kids. I mean if computer games affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills, and listening to repetitive music.

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