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Hey guys I got into the University of Maryland and Rutgers-New Brunswick, well i got into more but those are my two top choices, does anyone here goto any of these or know anything about them?

Can you tell the whats good about these colleges, and how the club life around them is?



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hmmm, I go to neither, but If I can give one piece of advice its this: dont go to far from nyc, it may seem like good idea to get away and experience a different surrounding, but trust me its not. There's nothing out there, NOTHING, everywhere else besides new york, sucks, mmmmmmkaaay. I went to penn state thinking it would be a different area, different people, and guess what: it was, and now I knew I should have went closer. I mean it definitely hasnt been a complete waste, I met a lot of cool friends whom I'll know for a while (which you could probably do anywhere you go), met my girlfriend, but...it just aint the same to not be able to do all the thing that nyc offers (going out at 2am, going to a decent museum, finding a decent fucking pizza place!).

But hey, I heard College Park is quite the life down there. You'd probably be surprised how much people overhype though.




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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i dont think you should base your college decision on where you'd have the best social life...at 18 i didnt think there was more to life than partying either..but you soon realize there is and it gets tired really fast ...besides at any college theres lots of partying..trust me on that one..base your decision on more important things like your future...

wow..i just sounded like a parent...i think im getting old at the ripe age of 24

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While this is true, also remember that you are going to live there for 4 years...so you should like the place.

This means both the campus, the location, what's around it, the feel of the place etc. etc.

Yes, of course how good the education is is very very important. Make sure the depts fit what you're interested in doing. But many people do not do what they studied in UG...much of the education, is the experience.


Originally posted by renntenn:

i dont think you should base your college decision on where you'd have the best social life...at 18 i didnt think there was more to life than partying either..but you soon realize there is and it gets tired really fast ...besides at any college theres lots of partying..trust me on that one..base your decision on more important things like your future...

wow..i just sounded like a parent...i think im getting old at the ripe age of 24



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Id say Maryland....The campus life is great down there...and youare real close to Baltimore and DC which are growing clubwise by the day. It would be my choice.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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I think both schools are equally goood in the quality of education that they offer, and I dont know what he wants to major/study in, and I dont really wanna know since I have zero credintials to show anyone direction in that area. I'm just saying that if you're used to nyc lifestyle, the culture shock is pretty severe. Plus being close to new york offers so much more advantage in the career area, internships/coops, etc.

Yup at 18 you do consider social life as a major contributor to your college choice, but I think you should. College years can be quite fundamental in so many ways besides education, in fact sometimes I think that is more important than the actual education itself. Living on your own, making new friends, being responsible, etc. If you are a new yorker by heart, you'll find that it will hard to relate to a lot of people in a different non-urban place, not impossible, but you'll always wish that there would be more people you can share similar interests with.

this could be a differend thread by itself...

Originally posted by renntenn:

i dont think you should base your college decision on where you'd have the best social life...at 18 i didnt think there was more to life than partying either..but you soon realize there is and it gets tired really fast ...besides at any college theres lots of partying..trust me on that one..base your decision on more important things like your future...

wow..i just sounded like a parent...i think im getting old at the ripe age of 24




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Sociallywise.....maryland. People are nice, good ratio of women and the campus life is cool as hell ( I went to Florda State, ACC school, and met many people froim UMD over the years))

Ive also known many folk at New Brunswick.

However, if yur looking for an NYC scene, MD will be dull. If your looking for college fun, its your best choice of the two



Hope breeds life, lose your dreams and you'll die

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Thanx guys, but I know that I can get a great education at both, so I am talking about socially, how good each is.

I heard that Maryland is better and am leaning more towards that one right now, but I grew up by NYC and love it. If I goto Maryland theres Baltimore, which I've been to and I think is a very boring city, and theres Washington DC which seems alright, but if I goto Rutgers I can come to NYC every weekend.

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i went to RU in new brunswick.. ABSOLUTLEY NO CLUB SCENE... the people r nice to an extect... i dont like it and thats y im transfering elsewhere... i dont know much bout MD though... my .02


"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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I will be at Rutgers, Livingston College next year, what college are you going to down in New Brunswick? If you like the city definatly do not go to school down in Maryland. I had a boyfriend that lived down there and there was never anything to do. I myself was looking at Towson University, but decided I couldn't live without being a train ride away from the city. Rutgers would be the better choice.

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i went to college and lived in baltimore for about 7 years - baltimore is VERY unsafe - i got mugged like 4 times (once at GUNPOINT in the middle of the DAY) - the best clubs down there are gay, other bars are full of jock-types and the ones i walked in and walked right back out of are redneck (i'm talking foam and mesh hat wearing redneck) unless one of those are your scene, u prolly wont dig it too much


cwm29.gifcwm30.gifcwm29.gif AIM tazzarooti cwm29.gifcwm30.gifcwm29.gif

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If you're into clubbing, make no mistake and go to Rutgers.......I have a friend that goes to Maryland and she really likes the college life but outside of keg parties and pep rallies, it's no picnic.......I feel that going to schools that are so school oriented makes people fall into this unrealistic world of just partying and getting drunk and going to basketball games, like high school in a way......very repetetive and it doesn't allow you to see new interesting things and grow.......I chose to stay in NY becaue you get two educations and I'm now very prepared to graduate both educationally, and I have much more commmon knowledge than 4 years ago.......as far as which is better, I think they're about equal depending on who you ask........

I wouldn't have gone to school outside of NY if they paid me too......it's been the best choice of my life.......depends on what you are looking for though.....good luck and congratulations.



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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Originally posted by ecstatichigh35:

I got into Rutgers College

whats your major gonna be


"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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I'm undecided, but wanna be a trance artist

Oh yeah another thing is that i'm only going to this college for a year, cause i'm transfering to NYU after my first year.

And I already know that Baltimore sucks, but what about Washington DC????


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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might as well go to RU for a year... that way u dont have that far to travel when u transfer... but make sure all credits transfer over... RU is weird like that


"that pigeon is standing there like a f*ckin asshole!"

"i am mo jo jo jo!!"

"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

AIM---> PrncssVrnc

email---> PrncssVrnc@aol

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I would have to go with the u of maryland...my best friend goes there..campus social life is great and so close to dc..I have never heard of her complaining about the club scene there however she does make her trips to go to SF with me. Good luck on you choice. cwm29.gifcwm30.gif

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Originally posted by princess0621:

I would have to go with the u of maryland...my best friend goes there..campus social life is great and so close to dc..I have never heard of her complaining about the club scene there however she does make her trips to go to SF with me. Good luck on you choice. cwm29.gifcwm30.gif

but if you are only going for a year stay local

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University of MD-if your major is business/finance,that's the place to go. It's close to DC, the club life down in that area isn't always a 24 hour party like some places,but they always have the best djs' in the area, thanks to BUZZ (for the top name) and Glow (for the Miami style trance ones),there are numerous lounges, and the scene is much conservative due to the whole political atmosphere.So be prepared for not to see many artsy,trendy people at all-But everyone's cool, and there's always a diverse crowd everywhere.And if you do any drugs,there available everywhere. cwm17.gif

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If you want my honest opinion. I say go for MAryland....Especially if yor gonna transfer to NYU after a year. I went to Ubniversity of Delaware and LOVED every second of it.

I really think it is important to get away for at least a year...experience dorm life, fraternity parties, the craziness, the "ladies" down there are also ridiculous. Trust me on this...YOu'll have NYC for all your vacations, and summer and then your gonna transfer anyway. Trust me on this.

AS far as B-More being safe..it has its bad parts..but it isnt that bad. My boy down there and his friends basically run the club scene..and even though it is still kinda small...It is growing real fast. New clubs are opening all the time.

CHeck it out....I dont think you will be disapointed with Maryland..actually I know you wont.


By The Way- Mikey...what the fuck are you talking about????? Does it seem like I fell into some unrealistic world??????maybe a few alternate realities.......but......forget it... cwm11.gif


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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Originally posted by az-tec:

By The Way- Mikey...what the fuck are you talking about????? Does it seem like I fell into some unrealistic world??????maybe a few alternate realities.......but......forget it... cwm11.gif

Na bro......it doesn't seem like you fell into an unrealistic world at all......I meant while people are in college.......I didn't know you when your were in college so I can't make that judgement.......maybe alternate reality is a better word.......I didn't mean it always happens but it tends to.......I say that because I have seen it with some of my friends......they get so saturated in the college scene that by the time they are about to graduate they totally forgot why the went in the first place and when reality hits, they were very unprepared........people, of course, can do both at any college but I just think it tends to be more difficult at big state schools with killer college lives........it is obvious this didn't happen to you cause your doing well...... smile.gif



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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