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Women vs. Men

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I would like to introduce the philosophical debate:

You always hear that men are dogs - But I wonder, which sex is more superficial - Women or men - I know people should be judged on an individual basis: however, I want to hear some logical arguementation on what people think?

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I think it largly depends on where the person is from, how they were raised, and what their past relationships were like. A person raised in the south (me) for instance has TOTALLY different view on women than men who grew up here in the city. Add on top of that being an only child raised by a mother and you basically have a softy who thinks looks are important, but enjoys the chemistry more.

I think men are still more superficial overall though. We have the figures of sexy women burnt into our mind daily through magazines, paper and tv. For a women you can take an average guy and put him in sharp/sexy clothing and most women will find him attractive.




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I would like to throw the first punch, if I may...

It's a pretty good question, but maybe the outcome will not be satisfying. Think about it: men don't go through what women do, and women don't go through what men go through, be it physical, mental, or emotional. So I can say either men are more superficial because of XYZ, or women are more superficial because of XYZ...we can go on for days, but until a man steps into a woman's shoes for a certain amount of time and vice versa, we will never know the answer.

You're only going to get a non-thorough answer. If you want one, I think men are. We ARE dogs. It's scientifically proven that men are hornier than women, so this perfect image of a feminine speciman clouds our reality of what a real lady is all about, with feelings, stress, and bills. Our testosterone-driven "machismo" demands that we only get the hottest girl or that hords of women are on our salami. If we don't meet these demands, we're a step below every other man.

So IMHO, men are more superficial.


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AOL: Highmay9

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Originally posted by sariman:

Highmay, good points, but why does this have to pertain to sex and looks? Take it into character judgements... then ask which sex is more superficial?


Ahhh...remember it's one in the morning.

Now status comes into question. If I have more money than David Marvisi, come from a "prominant" family, drive a Bently SUV convertable, and I'm cute, then I guess women would want to me. Would that be knock on women? Ehh...I guess it does come down to how you were raised and what were your values when you grew up.

Still...a final answer will not appear. Sorry.


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AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme

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That is the aspect I am talking about - when one sex judges a person of the same sex or opposite - what are the criteria of the judgement - I know men judge a women on the way they look - ass - tits etc..

But women judge guys on how they look, what car they drive, how much money the make, how large their biceps are and so on!!

Furthermore, men do not call this love, but a women will fall in love guys for the most ridiculous reasons or think they are in love!! Look at all these chessy guy groups like nsync and back street boys - do you think women at a young age are taught this superficial false love through mass marketing and the influence of that corrupts their judgement in the future?

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Honestly I think were all sheep. Memetics explains most of todays societies and the trends we see (hence boy bands and loop ear rings). I'd like to belive in a perfect world where a women is souly interested in a guy because she enjoys his company. But, I've seen some women who are with guys just because the guy spends money on them. Then again some women with low selfesteems that are with guys because the guy doesn't give a shit about them.

Trying to discuss such a broad class of people is damn near impossible. Because what a person wants in the opposite sex is largly determined by what stage of life their in and all of their past decissions. Yes, I'm falling into a bit of determinism here. But, just because I can pick qualities a woman would like by knowing her past that doesn't mean I could pick the perfect guy for her.

So unless you have a rebutal I stand at my original thought that you can't say which sex is more superficial without quantifying your data set.



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well, groups like nsync and bsb are just mental and emotional fantasies that teenage girls dwell in. i dont think the majority of women find that as true love. Again, I can raise my daughter to appreciate the "right" aspects of a man, and she can appreciate the boy bands for their "talent", and understand that they just make music.


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AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme

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Originally posted by highmay:

well, groups like nsync and bsb are just mental and emotional fantasies that teenage girls dwell in. i dont think the majority of women find that as true love. Again, I can raise my daughter to appreciate the "right" aspects of a man, and she can appreciate the boy bands for their "talent", and understand that they just make music.

Are you kidding. Since when do parents raise children? Unless your a boot-camp dad your kids are going to follow the trends of society if they want to "fit in". The best you can do is be there for him/her to talk with and encourage them to solve problems before they ever get into society. That way they at least know how to think for themselves even if they choose to be like their friends.




[This message has been edited by sariman (edited 03-09-2001).]

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I believe both of you have valid points - it's nice to read a dialectic chat hear on cp. I believe that both men and women are influence by pop cultured! Who is influenced more or who is affected more - who really knows - but the debate is interesting and that is what I like to read!!

I really don't care which club is better twilo or exit?

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The debate over the differences between men and women... Who is smarter, stronger, or more superficial... I believe them all to be pointless debates.

The sexes are different... On this point, we can all agree. But our differences are crucial to the continuation of our species. Our differences balance us out, and they complement each other. We are different, but equal... Equal, but different. Both sexes bring things to the table - bad and good - but after you weigh everything, you realize, that the scale is balanced.


Is it Friday yet?

Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by divalicious:

The debate over the differences between men and women... Who is smarter, stronger, or more superficial... I believe them all to be pointless debates.

The sexes are different... On this point, we can all agree. But our differences are crucial to the continuation of our species. Our differences balance us out, and they complement each other. We are different, but equal... Equal, but different. Both sexes bring things to the table - bad and good - but after you weigh everything, you realize, that the scale is balanced.

Thank you...took the words right out of my mouth.


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The signature that will end all signatures...

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme

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Originally posted by crobra:

I would like to introduce the philosophical debate:

...which sex is more superficial ...

No, no, no, young grasshoppers: what's considered "superficial" is a function of society, not biology or humanity. If you are referring to American Society then the previous responses apply, however, if you are referring to Humans in general then the question is non-applicable and cannot be answered.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know." cwm15.gif

[This message has been edited by ancientskewl (edited 03-09-2001).]

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its an interesting question. im not sure that it is a gender specific trait, ie i know plenty of superficial and non-superficial members of both sexes.

evolutionarily (is that a word?) speaking, i believe that the strategy for women is to find the mate that is most fit, as they have a higher physiologic investment in reproduction. the strategy for men is to spread as much genetic material to as many possible mates (probably why we r so horny). based on looks and mate selection i would surmise that women are more superficial.

disclaimer-im not an expert in any of these fields, but i do watch a lot of discovery channel.



Computer games dont affect kids. I mean if computer games affected us as kids we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills, and listening to repetitive music.

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Originally posted by drfunk:

evolutionarily (is that a word?) speaking, i believe that the strategy for women is to find the mate that is most fit, as they have a higher physiologic investment in reproduction. the strategy for men is to spread as much genetic material to as many possible mates (probably why we r so horny). based on looks and mate selection i would surmise that women are more superficial.

Actually the belief is that men are looking for the younger, more attractive female so they can have pretty children (and spread themselves around while they are at it) while women are looking for the more successful male so their children will have stability. 'Course there's scientific "evidence" both backing this up and contradicting it, but this is the major belief. If you wanna look at it this way then we are all superficial.

There's really no satisfying answer to this question. Crobra, were you lookin' to stir up a little drama, perhaps??? cwm1.gif

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