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Hey TwiloGoddess...yeah you heard you me you bitch!

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Originally posted by keshiki:

Originally posted by ReginaP:

Hey, how is Etoile? I've heard a lot about it, but since I'm away at school I haven't had the chance to go.

LOL...regina, that was completely inappropriate to insert that comment in this post.



Wha...? I was curious wink.gif




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LOL...oh peps...you always seem to astonish me again. Last time I've read this post it had 2 responses...now we're already deep in the drama fight here... but hey, keep it up it has some entertainment value (at least it keeps me from falling asleep at my desk) wink.gif



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Originally posted by sarahkim13:

What's wrong with making friends (even ALL of your friends) off of a message board? Are people from message boards considered less deserving of friendship? SO WHAT! Even if that is the case, is that the only thing you can come up with?

I've read something about you not telling your friends about being on the board, So, shadowchaser doesn't have a problem with it. What is your point?

Why did you tell him to get hit by a bus? That's really rude.


There's nothin wrong w/meetin ppl off a board. I've met a lot of cool ppl of this board & twilo's board. My friends know I'm on the board, its not a big deal. Some of them are not into the scene, don't have a comp etc.

I am not racist, I have friends of all diff ethnicities. Think what u want.

I meant if this is ur only means of meetining ppl, its sad. Y are u all gettin involved, its none of your business. You don't even know what this about & to boot you don't even know me. Ur judging me from my posts. I'm done w/shadowchaser...this has become very petty.


"Madness, Power, Domination!"- Way Out West


[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 03-09-2001).]

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Originally posted by sarahkim13:

What's wrong with making friends (even ALL of your friends) off of a message board? Are people from message boards considered less deserving of friendship? SO WHAT! Even if that is the case, is that the only thing you can come up with?

I've read something about you not telling your friends about being on the board, So, shadowchaser doesn't have a problem with it. What is your point?

Why did you tell him to get hit by a bus? That's really rude.


There's nothin wrong w/meetin ppl off a board. I've met a lot of cool ppl of this board & twilo's board. My friends know I'm on the board, its not a big deal. Some of them are not into the scene, don't have a comp etc.

I am not racist, I have friends of all diff ethnicities. Think what u want.

I meant if this is ur only means of meetining ppl, its sad. Y are u all gettin involved, its none of your business. You don't even know what this about & to boot you don't even know me. Ur judging me from my posts. I'm done w/shadowchaser...this has become very petty.

Im your friend girl....what the fuck is this pick on TWILOGODDESS day?? (dont answer)..anyways...i do my best to stay out of peoples business ....but this is ridiculous...Twilogoddess was actually the first person i met off the board and she treated me like shit...j/k....(people wanted to hear that)...seriously she showed me a great time when i first met her @twilo....along with my boys glowsticks, clubhead32 and dszorro. You guys might hate her but just to let you know twilogoddess ....i am thankful of that evening and please stop the rascist shit (j/k)...To the rest of you....thanks to u guys too...ezdreamer thanks for making me cough man...lol. keep rollin'




"You and Me,

and Me and YOU,

no matter how they

toss the dice...

they had to be,

the only one for Me

is YOU, and You for me...





-Happy Hardcore

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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

There's nothin wrong w/meetin ppl off a board. I've met a lot of cool ppl of this board & twilo's board. My friends know I'm on the board, its not a big deal. Some of them are not into the scene, don't have a comp etc.

I am not racist, I have friends of all diff ethnicities. Think what u want.

I meant if this is ur only means of meetining ppl, its sad. Y are u all gettin involved, its none of your business. You don't even know what this about & to boot you don't even know me. Ur judging me from my posts. I'm done w/shadowchaser...this has become very petty.

your posts make you sound petty. you always have to make it a point you know people, have connections, are comped everywhere, know what's good and what's not, and you know what, PVD sucks


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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Wtf are u talkin bout? I don't brag bout shit! Ur retarded, I wrote some of them don't have a computers NOT Comps , dumbass. Mind ur own business!

You may have not mentioned comps in this thread but you have numerous times when people could care less.



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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Thats bullshit. Gettin comped is not even a big deal. This is sooo stupid.

Exactly, it's not a big deal. That is why it seems so odd when you have mentioned being comped with barely any relevance within your responses.



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"Oh my goodness Oh my goodness" - Molly - from the movie Annie

Can we say...lets leave the friggen drama at home and gorw the fuck up already. Its sooo sad how people have soo much to say when behind their computers but not in real life!

la la la Im going back to bed la la la




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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

I am not racist, I have friends of all diff ethnicities. Think what u want.

Umm... you said in the first post that you ARE a racist.. to quote : "Yup, I'm racist...although 1 of my good friends is chinese." Now you say you're not... Are you retracting to please the board? Or did you not think the first time you typed? That's not the sort of thing you randomly goof about... just a thought... And I don't think the racism question is petty -- I'm just curious.

Oh.. and for the record, each time you tell people to "mind their own business" it's an excercise in futility -- this is a PUBLIC messageboard. If you don't want other people commenting

1) think before you type

2) carry on your drama in PM's, IM's, or some other private forum

3) (here's the easiest of all the options) STOPPOSTING IN RESPONSE! If you genuinely don't care what these people think it shouldn't bother you; you should be able to ignore this thread and let it die with all the other drama threads (like all the other ones where you and someone else have argued for an extended period of time... they HAVE happened, and we all know this).

You may not "care", but just my $.02... I'll go back to "minding my own business" on the public forum now... cwm25.gif

- meli -



AIM: MeliChaCha%7Boption%7D

[This message has been edited by melichacha (edited 03-10-2001).]

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Meli...I was being sarcastic when I said yup, I'm racist...yada yada yada. Ppl who know me (from the board) know I'm not racist.

I did not start this thread. Aren't I allowed to defend myself? I said mind ur business b/c (a) it's btwn shadow & I, (B) No one even what's goin on © U don't even know me...so all of U are taking his side & ganging up on me. This has snowballed & become very silly. It's not even btwn shadow & I anymore. LOL Let's all move on. smile.gif


"Madness, Power, Domination!"- Way Out West


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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Meli...I was being sarcastic when I said yup, I'm racist...yada yada yada. Ppl who know me (from the board) know I'm not racist.

I did not start this thread. Aren't I allowed to defend myself? I said mind ur business b/c (a) it's btwn shadow & I, (B) No one even what's goin on © U don't even know me...so all of U are taking his side & ganging up on me. This has snowballed & become very silly. It's not even btwn shadow & I anymore. LOL Let's all move on. smile.gif

Fair enough, point taken... but for the record, I HAVE met you on a few occasions (you may not remember, but I'm Al's best friend). I was just playing devil's advocate here b/c fact of the matter is that people WILL inevitably always answer as this is a PUBLIC board. If you don't care what these people think, you shouldn't HAVE to defend yourslef b/c you know it's just drama, it's not worth it, and if you let it be it will die when the cattiness simmers down. It's just the logical progression of things.


With that, may this thread be put to rest.


- meli -



AIM: MeliChaCha

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