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worst night of my life.....

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Ok here it goes, U can see my night sucked cause of how early i'm up.

I've been droppin E like the past few weekends at clubs and i've been having a great time. But last night I was like too much E isn't good for you, maybe I should see what this whole getting drunk before a club thing is about, and i'm not a big drinker, it's ussually E and weed for me.

So at my friends house before the club I drink A LOT, and then more in the car ont he way there, and I was drinking vodka the whole time, so I dont even know how muhc I had, I probably drank even more that I dont remember right now. So the last thing that I DO remember is waiting on this huge line not being able to stand up straight without wobbling, and everyone looking at me like I was crazy, the bouncer saw me and came to me, and he told me to get the fuck out of there, cause I was mad fucked up and I wasnt getting in, he also asked me to stand on one foot, it took me about 5 min to understand what he was asking me to do, then when i accually tried to do it, I fell on my face. After falling on the ground I remember NOTHING FROM THE REST OF THE NIGHT.

Now I wake up at my friends house at like 10:30, i was confused at hell, they all told me that I was going crazy last night, i didn't get into the club, so two of my friends took my back to my friends house and stayed with me there(what good friends I have),and 2 of our other girl friends came over(friends that are girls), they said I was throwing up all over the place, and I was sitting at the table laughing at talking out of my ass, and then I passed out, but the weird thing is that I dont remember any of this.

This is the first time ths ever happened to me, I had too much of something and it ruined my night. It's cause I do weed and E ( the 2 illegal things) and always have a great time without any problems, and the first time (accually second time cause Ive been a little drunk at a club once before, but not this bad) i get drunk ( the legal thing) at a club, it ruins my night and it turns out to be the worst night ever

SO, what did I concur from this??

Alcohol was put on this planet by the devil and should be fuckion illegal, and Ecstasy was put here by God and should be legal, cause i've never heard of it ruining someones night. I only here about people having good times on E, but alcohol could easily ruin anything. Now i have this hangover shit, and have to goto a job interview.


what do you all think of this???


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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Its called a blackout and it happens when you drink like an idiot. Try drinking beer, it will kick in slower.

Oh and I wouldnt put too much behind all this Devil and God stuff. Its just being smart when you drink. E is more fun, but at least alcohol is potent everytime you do it on regular basis.




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Yeah, E is more fun. Just as long as long as you don't give a shit about the long term consequences of it that alcohol doesn't have.

I roll every couple of months, and the effects are clearly visible for a while....

I don't mean to play Dad, do whatever, I am just disagreeing with the argument that E is "better" than drinking.... Hey- I'll bet that shooting Heroin feels even better than E, would you do that?

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i keep remember mroe and mroe things that happened, i just rememebred that when i got to the bouncer the second time, i showed him my library card for id, then my school id, i showed everything except my license, and i lost all of it too


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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Originally posted by nycetouch:

Are you sure that was E you od'd on? medically speaking it would take 30-50 mdma pills to OD, depending on your body size.

you dont have to take 30 to 50 pills to OD.. what are you talking about??

you can OD on 2 it depends on your tolerence to the drug.. my friend OD'ed on 2 and a half at once, at CPI's 4 yrs ago..

he had never done E before and he had to get rushed to the hospital.

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Originally posted by chris817:

Originally posted by nycetouch:

Are you sure that was E you od'd on? medically speaking it would take 30-50 mdma pills to OD, depending on your body size.

you dont have to take 30 to 50 pills to OD.. what are you talking about??

you can OD on 2 it depends on your tolerence to the drug.. my friend OD'ed on 2 and a half at once, at CPI's 4 yrs ago..

he had never done E before and he had to get rushed to the hospital.

Shit thats fuckin scary


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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Originally posted by chris817:

Originally posted by nycetouch:

Are you sure that was E you od'd on? medically speaking it would take 30-50 mdma pills to OD, depending on your body size.

you dont have to take 30 to 50 pills to OD.. what are you talking about??

you can OD on 2 it depends on your tolerence to the drug.. my friend OD'ed on 2 and a half at once, at CPI's 4 yrs ago..

he had never done E before and he had to get rushed to the hospital.

On mdma?? or was there something else in the pill?




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Originally posted by nycetouch:

On mdma?? or was there something else in the pill?

no the rest of us were on the same pills and were fine.. he just ate 2 and a half at once..

scary shit seeing your friend spin and fall to the ground, and go into seizures..

needless to say it was his first and last time taking E..

i was 20 or 21 at the time, now iam 25

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Originally posted by ecstatichigh35:

i'm 18, if u were asking me

Yep, I was asking you...and since you're 18, alcohol isn't legal for you. I'm not a big proponent of the 21+ drinking age, but you have to possess a certain maturity to indulge in any substance that alters your brain. If you consumed as much E as you did alcohol that night, you would have been fucked up beyond belief. Now, know your limit and stick to it, be safe. You'll have more fun that way, promise smile.gif




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Originally posted by ecstatichigh35:

E is just a pill you take, it's such an easy process, and you know exactly how much you do, and can the same amount everytime.

And people are always throwing up from alcohol, i'v never seen someone throw up from E, or definitely not as much as alcohol.

Since your only 18, I/m gonna spare you and not call you a fucin idiot. E is not just "a pill you take" - you don't know what it's cut with, heroin, coke, speed, and if you do, you don't know how much. And those test kits don't always work. So if you got a pill that's PMA your fucked alot harder than alcohol, my ignorant friend.

Yes, I hate alcohol also, but I've seen plenty of people puke their guts out from E just as much; especially E that's mostly cut w/ heroin. So please, educate yourself before you do/say stupid things, or before you seriously get hurt.


There are 2 types of people in this world...those who love you, and those who are jealous.

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Originally posted by mugwump:

Sucks for you but as a drinker that use to roll I'll tell you this..too much of anything is not good. ever seen any body OD on E before? I have..and believe me it was worst than any hang over I've ever had. Lets put it this way..my body temperature was so high that I had to be placed in a tub full of ice. Meanwhile my brain was being so over heated that I started to hallucinate and almost died. think of the worst fever you have ever had and multiply it by one hundred. sorry but that scared me enough to just lay off from the rolls. when i drink at a party I usualy drop a caffein pill and have a couple shots. too much alcohol dehydrates you..so I keep the 180s and water handy and I'm on the dancefloor all night. Not in the corner grinding my teeth and rubbing myself. but hey! whatever's clever..pick YOUR poison.

Yea dude..it was MDMA but I took three (like an ass) because after my first roll kicked in I was too stupid to be like OK this is good enough and someone kissed me with two other rolls in her mouth. There Was something wrong with the dosage I took all at once having been dancing and really reaally dehydrated. My point is this..If you do TOO much of anything it isnt good for you. Also everyone's metabolism is different. I've seen some people drop up to five rolls in one night and be completely ok (could't dance,talk and preaty much reduced to a teeth grinding sweaty thing in the corner but survive.) However three fried me so be careful. nothing is worth having a fucked up night like the one you described but even more..nothing is worth dying for in club land.

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Originally posted by cynstam21:

Since your only 18, I/m gonna spare you and not call you a fucin idiot. E is not just "a pill you take" - you don't know what it's cut with, heroin, coke, speed, and if you do, you don't know how much. And those test kits don't always work. So if you got a pill that's PMA your fucked alot harder than alcohol, my ignorant friend.

Yes, I hate alcohol also, but I've seen plenty of people puke their guts out from E just as much; especially E that's mostly cut w/ heroin. So please, educate yourself before you do/say stupid things, or before you seriously get hurt.

When i said E is a pill you take i wasn't talking about the substance it is, but I do know where i'm getting it from and trust the person. I dont get it from people i don't know.

Now I was talking about the way you take the drug, it's hard to overdose, it's like you have to purposely do it. All you do is take the pill, and thats it, i'm not gonna OD like that.

But with alcohol u drink and then u forgot how much u already drank, and u keep drinking, well at least I do. You're not just gonna go and say alright, I drank enough, i'm gonna stop now. it's like every time u get drunk u drink a different amount of alcohol. It doesn't come in a bottle that says, this bottle is the amount of alcohol you need to get drunk, like one dose.

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Originally posted by ecstatichigh:

When i said E is a pill you take i wasn't talking about the substance it is, but I do know where i'm getting it from and trust the person. I dont get it from people i don't know.

Now I was talking about the way you take the drug, it's hard to overdose, it's like you have to purposely do it. All you do is take the pill, and thats it, i'm not gonna OD like that.

But with alcohol u drink and then u forgot how much u already drank, and u keep drinking, well at least I do. You're not just gonna go and say alright, I drank enough, i'm gonna stop now. it's like every time u get drunk u drink a different amount of alcohol. It doesn't come in a bottle that says, this bottle is the amount of alcohol you need to get drunk, like one dose.

i know people who take pills like this...i only know very inexperienced drinkers who drink like this

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Sorry, but I have to come out and say it... you are a fucking idiot. Extacy is alot more dangerous than alcohol, and it does alot of damage to your body. Yeah, so does alcohol, but it takes alot more alcohol to do the damage that one pill might do. You obviously need to learn how to drink responsibly, because believe it or not, it is possible to drink within your limit, everyone can do it. And, you can OD on extacy and yes you do get sick from extacy. There is no drug out there that does not fuck with your body chemistry: whether it be alcohol, ecstacy, or even tylenol, and they all must be used in moderation.

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Originally posted by jennEfer:

Sorry, but I have to come out and say it... you are a fucking idiot. Extacy is alot more dangerous than alcohol, and it does alot of damage to your body. Yeah, so does alcohol, but it takes alot more alcohol to do the damage that one pill might do. You obviously need to learn how to drink responsibly, because believe it or not, it is possible to drink within your limit, everyone can do it. And, you can OD on extacy and yes you do get sick from extacy. There is no drug out there that does not fuck with your body chemistry: whether it be alcohol, ecstacy, or even tylenol, and they all must be used in moderation.

But i'm only 18, so it's ok if i'm a fuckin idiot


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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Sucks for you but as a drinker that use to roll I'll tell you this..too much of anything is not good. ever seen any body OD on E before? I have..and believe me it was worst than any hang over I've ever had. Lets put it this way..my body temperature was so high that I had to be placed in a tub full of ice. Meanwhile my brain was being so over heated that I started to hallucinate and almost died. think of the worst fever you have ever had and multiply it by one hundred. sorry but that scared me enough to just lay off from the rolls. when i drink at a party I usualy drop a caffein pill and have a couple shots. too much alcohol dehydrates you..so I keep the 180s and water handy and I'm on the dancefloor all night. Not in the corner grinding my teeth and rubbing myself. but hey! whatever's clever..pick YOUR poison.

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Originally posted by ecstatichigh35:

But i'm only 18, so it's ok if i'm a fuckin idiot

Well I said it before and I'll say it again..you never learn a damn thing unless you fuck up. Or watch someone fuck up. It's how we humans invented the helmet. someone must have fallen preaty bad and cracked his skull open before they thought of the concept. But now that you've fallen get up and don't trip over the same stone again.

damnit..I'm getting all Mr. Miagi Zen again.

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i just remembered something else funny that happened when i was waiting on line.

\After the bouncer kicked me off the line the first time, I have this bright green jacket so i turned it inside out and put it back on. I didn't think he would recognize me like that. It doesn't really seem that funny anymore, but at the time, we all thought it was hilarious, cause he knew it was me in a second.

Oh and I dind't say you cant OD on E, of course you can but it's a lot harder, E is just a pill you take, it's such an easy process, and you know exactly how much you do, and can the same amount everytime.

With alcohol, you start drinking and then you're buzzed, and keep drinking, you have no idea what the fuck is going on, or how muhc you drank, and then when ur drunk off ur ass, ur so fucked up u can't even stop urself from drining more. And the taste of alcohol SUCKS.

The process to trip is so much better and easier then the process to getting drunk. And people are always throwing up from alcohol, i'v never seen someone throw up from E, or definitely not as much as alcohol.


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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Originally posted by mugwump:

Sucks for you but as a drinker that use to roll I'll tell you this..too much of anything is not good. ever seen any body OD on E before? I have..and believe me it was worst than any hang over I've ever had. Lets put it this way..my body temperature was so high that I had to be placed in a tub full of ice. Meanwhile my brain was being so over heated that I started to hallucinate and almost died. think of the worst fever you have ever had and multiply it by one hundred. sorry but that scared me enough to just lay off from the rolls. when i drink at a party I usualy drop a caffein pill and have a couple shots. too much alcohol dehydrates you..so I keep the 180s and water handy and I'm on the dancefloor all night. Not in the corner grinding my teeth and rubbing myself. but hey! whatever's clever..pick YOUR poison.

Are you sure that was E you od'd on? medically speaking it would take 30-50 mdma pills to OD, depending on your body size.

Bassboy: alcohol does have quite a few and most importantly proven side effects such as liver cancer, killing braincells, etc.




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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I'm glad you think you know exactly what you are getting ever time you take a pill. That means you have your test kit handy and are doing the responsible thing! However, if you chose to drink responsibly you would know exactly what you are in for ever night also. Just learn what your tolerance level is and remember when mixing types of alcohol: 1 beer = 1 shot = 1 glass of wine. Booze is fantastic if you don't over indulge, just like any thing else...

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