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Anyone carry mace? aka - I'm being stalked!

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Long story not worth getting into, but wanted to know if any of you have or have ever carried mace. In a weird stalker type situation and im considering it....esp since I live in Manhattan and am wandering around at all hours.

Help frown.gif



xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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I use to carry mace all the time. Theres nothing wrong with it. Most mace comes with a little lock on it so you dont have to worry about it opening in your bag or accidently spraying yourself. If you feel in jeopardy, you definately SHOULD carry it. I suggest pepper mace because it is the strongest from my understanding.

No sense in be scared. If it gives you peace of mind, I say go for it girl! And get it fast!

good luck honey and be safe...better safe then sorry!




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especially if you live in a non doorman building. there a lot sick ppls out there.

they are watching you, even if you don;t notice. they are looking for the right time

to stricke, such as opening the door of your

building. I don;t want to scare you, my bf

had some unpleasent experiences.

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Originally posted by MissDiva:

Long story not worth getting into, but wanted to know if any of you have or have ever carried mace. In a weird stalker type situation and im considering it....esp since I live in Manhattan and am wandering around at all hours.

Help frown.gif


Get a breast reduction


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no doubt carry it if u think you;re in danger ... i bet a lot of clubs wont let u bring it in if they find it .,.. as a matter of fact i saw some kid not getting in cuz he had a can on his key chain .. but i think u can be more convincing then he could ... the other thing is mace migth not even work on a roid head in a rage ... i'm not sure maybe get a taser or stun-gun ... or a boyfriend =) ... stay safe.


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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

i'm not sure maybe get a taser or stun-gun ... or a boyfriend =) ... stay safe.

Hey not sure about that, did you see that jackass bloke testing a stun gun, tazer and mace.. he said the mace was much worse.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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i used to carry mace all the time . . . i would def. say get it if i were you . . . but just watch which way the wind is blowing if you actually need to spray it - it may blow back at you (i watched this happen to a friend who was playing with mine one time . . . he wanted to see how far it would shoot, and it was just a lil gusty . . . )

theres no reason that you shouldn't have it - your personal safety is whats most important.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

. . . Out of the Darkness . . .

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope

For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love

For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith

But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.

Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:

So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.

- T.S. Eliot


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by MissDiva:

Long story not worth getting into, but wanted to know if any of you have or have ever carried mace. In a weird stalker type situation and im considering it....esp since I live in Manhattan and am wandering around at all hours.

Help frown.gif


Lead that stalker to the Upper West Side and I'll open up a can of whoop-ass Soprano style...Don't care how big he is....cause I don't fight fair!

Assholes have nothing better to do sometimes! cwm23.gif


AIM: Spragga25

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Originally posted by visions:

Get a breast reduction



-----"Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding, and value of life. A vision, that inspires you to live, and love, on planet earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone.... earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home. And experience in this place to visit, and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself...as a Game master.......... Trippintrance64sigcopy.jpglovepeacetwilo.jpg

AIM: fantom0680

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Hey not sure about that, did you see that jackass bloke testing a stun gun, tazer and mace.. he said the mace was much worse.

...I saw that one too! Johnny was definitely more messed up by the mace. I think it gives you more time to get away b/c you're blinded for so long.

I'm thinking about getting some myself. I'd just be afraid of a shift in the wind at wrong time!

Be safe chicky!


You're only young once

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Originally posted by translucent:

Carry mice instead. I guarantee no stalker will mess with you after you throw mice in his face.

I second that motion!

Rodents are the answer.

- Cuban B -



"This is not political - it's just that I demand attention when I walk into the room..." -- Nelly Furtado

AIM: MeliChaCha

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