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Best club you have been to outside of NY

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Originally posted by anthony:

PUMP-Afterhours in South Beach.

That's definitely a fun place with a great "family" type vibe (amongst the guys anyhow). I stubled in there a few years ago with my wife and had a blast. Is it still open? I heard it was being shut down.



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Originally posted by emiliep:

without a doubt...

level in south beach!

la boom in cancun!

Definitely La Boom!

What happened to the days of getting up at 8 to go to the beach? I'm sick of the rain.


You're only young once

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The palladium in acapulco is the most beautiful club, cut into the side of a cliff over-looking the bay.

The comfort zone in toronto for music.


No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

Many good clubs all over, but I think my FAVORITE would have to be Bagley's Studio in UK, just outside London, I think. Good god, what an excellent vibe!!! And there were guys walking the dancefloor(s) selling ice-pops for a pound each.



first time i've ever heard someone say it was there favourite club... it's alright though. Cause u can always get in (ie not q and they don't care what u look like) but it's fairly rough.

My fav.. is Turnmills, i liked it during the heavenly days but the Gallery is alright too.


ps Bagleys is in London, Kings Cross... looks like a werehouse area and The Cross is just opposite it.



Stones Roses - Paint Promo

AIM: mattarrundale1

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