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trouble smoking weed

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you could always snort it.

or if your not afraid of needles...


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kyoung, i should have my mom bring you one back from Syria when she goes..talk about designer bongs, with the long hand held pipe and all... yea we have one in our house too, but she swears its for "decoration" lol.


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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Originally posted by safitamace319:

kyoung, i should have my mom bring you one back from Syria when she goes..talk about designer bongs, with the long hand held pipe and all... yea we have one in our house too, but she swears its for "decoration" lol.

haha! i swear i have childhood memories of people (family members) smoking out of hookahs. when i bring it up, "yeah, umm, that was tobacco." lol


"any kind of stance or belief is in its essence opposing to life and truth"

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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narcs work in pairs?? cwm13.gif


it's not simply cool but its the best way yet to make it through

some errors happen they won't go away

won't make us men in marked today

it has best considered as the greatest

yet remembered as the one who had not so much fun

as those who had not yet begun to get it right

ain't nothing wrong

everything all right

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yea regina.."tobacco" and flavored at that omg. i love how bongs in syrian peoples houses just sit on like a mantle or on the floor for "decoration" as i said. when i went overseas, they even had hand held miniature ones... too funny. my own personal traveler size bong. cwm13.gif


"And if I Die before i learn to speak...Will money pay for all the days i lived awake but half asleep?"

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Originally posted by kyoung:

i have some troubles smoking weed with rolling paper, are there any other ways to smoke weed? where i can purchase a bong?

you cant be serious


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

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Robert Deniro


Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Originally posted by kyoung:

i have some troubles smoking weed with rolling paper, are there any other ways to smoke weed? where i can purchase a bong?

are you fucking kidding bro?


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Originally posted by safitamace319:

yea regina.."tobacco" and flavored at that omg. i love how bongs in syrian peoples houses just sit on like a mantle or on the floor for "decoration" as i said. when i went overseas, they even had hand held miniature ones... too funny. my own personal traveler size bong. cwm13.gif

YEAH! we have one of those too, a "pretty" brass one smile.gif you should've seen our house the first time my parents took the 2 little ones on vacation- we put that thing to use! good move leaving us all the necessary equipment . . .


"any kind of stance or belief is in its essence opposing to life and truth"

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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Ok, Here is the deal, this is so funny to read.. You have options, right in CT thier are like 5 head shops, you can get a pipe that looks like these things to make it less obvious when you are driving around in your car.... Cig's, lipstick (for us ladies) car lighters and way much more,.

For those of you who don't know what a bong is smile.gif It's a water piper makes the hits nicer to take.. You can get then in all shapes and sizes! I like them, but they do get stinky and well they are harder to hide..

The next good idea is a glass pipe I have one and love it, if you have your own place it's a nice way to smoke!

Well, let me know where you are so I can see if I can find some nice places to send you.. You could even check on line, if I find a place I will post a nice add..

Take care cwm32.gif


The Finagler

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Originally posted by kyoung:

im not kidding it's hard to smoke all the weed in a rolling paper and the weed falls off the paper easily

Fall off the paper?

cwm36.gif Seems to me that you just don't know how to roll a good joint. I could teach you something....



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where the fuck have you been man,,,,,

shit,,,,you can smoke weed out of practically anything......use your immagination man,,,,,.....if you can't come up with ways to smoke, you don't deserve to smoke weed......shit man,,,,get yourself a dug-out.....or just learn how to roll a good joint....use tabacco to practice......

Frank. cwm27.gifcwm29.gifcwm30.gif



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How can you not know how to properly roll with paper? Practice makes purfekt... Bongs are ok if you want to stay home and chill/ and small pipes or nice little bowls come in handy... You can buy all the stuff you need for smoking in the West or east village... They have a couple of specialty smoke shops or freakish stores that sell all the mary j goodies...


A WakaWakaWaka ...

So what's your story? Everyone has a story ...

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other ways of smoking pot- umm ok- go to the supermarket and buy an apple and a straw and some aluminum foil. if you cant figure out how to smoke with these three things, then you don't deserve to get blazed.

have fun!!



get down on your knees...

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OK bro it sounds like ur havin a little trouble smoking weed eh????....here's a solution u can go to ur nearest east west store or any tobacco store and find some shit out there to make life a whole lot easier for u.....my suggestions would be either buying a bowl, bong, hookah, or bat...for u I would recommend a bat which is basically a 1 hitter, all u do is pack and smoke..(there's not even a carb on the side)....if none of these things help u then u either need to learn how to roll J's or just stop smoking.


" bass in ur f...bass in ur fa...BASS IN UR FACE LONDON "

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Originally posted by sarahkim13:

other ways of smoking pot- umm ok- go to the supermarket and buy an apple and a straw and some aluminum foil. if you cant figure out how to smoke with these three things, then you don't deserve to get blazed.

have fun!!


you don't need the straw and you can save the aluminum foil for crack


dance, like nobody is watching. and if they are, kick them really hard

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