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Everything posted by systemout74

  1. hahahahahah.......thefockers....well ,,you really know how to make everybody laugh.........I'm sure that you look in the mirror and laugh at yourself.......anyway.,....why does everything you say begins or ends with we....who the fuck is we......what's the matter you guys can't afford each a computer.......don't bash the italians motherfucker........because you know that I'll find you.....if you don't want me to find you you better change your IP address. you fucking moron...... ciao, Frank.
  2. I always smoke up when I'm rolling....when at SF on Saturdays, we always sneak in a few joints......it always gives me a really nice high.....brings the roll back up.....I have noticed that it's good also when the weed is not that good.... smoke up and enjoy....... Frank. ------------------
  3. every weekend for the past few months.... I like it....will try to slow down though... keep on rolling.... ------------------
  4. holy shit...... I'm glad I'm not the only one,,,,this has happened to me about 5 times.....today was one of those times....the only thing is that it lasted for way more than 10 minutes,,,,I would say more like 1 1/2 hours......shit I didn't mind, ,,,other than the fact that I was at work when it happened.....anyway,,,I learned to enjoy it and finally relaxed...I work in an italian restaurant,,,,so it was fun talking to all my customers...... roll on all.... ciao, Frank. ------------------
  5. Hi Cathy,,,,,I feel you girl..... your mother will always be there with you,,,, I know what you mean,,,,,,,my dad has "lung cancer"......he's going through chemo and shit like that,,,I know because I'm the one that goes with him every monday morning....anyway,,,,I don't mean to bring anybody down with my problems,,,but I know how you feel cathy,,,,I do make sure that my parents know how much they actually mean to me,,,,,,,My family is everything......and I know that a lot of people out there feel the same way.......... ciao..... ------------------
  6. a friend of mine was telling me about this place on 19th st. called hush,,,,,,do you guys have any input?????...let me know,,,,my friends want to go try it tommorow instead of going to our usual SF....which I love.... let me know what you guys think..... ciao. ------------------
  7. italy,,,,,,,,,,been back and forth for about 15 years............... ------------------
  8. Is there descent clubs (in the city) to go to on a monday night.......descent music,,,,,good vibe.... help people....... ------------------
  9. Ok.....anyone know of a good place to go dance on a monday night in the city..????? my girlfriend wants to go to china club....but I don't know how good that is... I'm a SF kind of guy,,,,,,I only wish they were open on Monday night......so....what do you people think??????where should we go....we're going out to dinner and then we want to go dance........help me out please... ciao. Frank. ------------------
  10. same here,,,,everything was Kooolllllllllll .....other than the overcrowding....... shit,,,,,,its hard to dance when there is soo many people everywhere........"it was a little bit of a sausige party,,,",,,,but what the fuck,,,,,,,we still managed to have a good time,,,,,,,the music was offfff the hookkkkkkk.........I hope everybody else had a good time............ciao, ------------------
  11. 8:45 am........just got home from twilo... got to say we had a good fucking night... the place was fucking packed......took us about one hour to get in,,,,,,,,,,long fucking line,,,,,,,music as always::::: very good......its too nice out for me to go to sleep now........I'm heading to the beach,,, have a good day all........ ciao. Frank. ------------------
  12. My condolences man,,,,,,,, Life sometimes sux the big one,,, You and your family are in my prayers... time heals all wounds,,, stay strong during these moments of weakness. regards, Frank. ------------------
  13. so what!!!!!!!!!!!! you forget a couple of things,,,,,you lost your contact lense,,,,,,,,and????? its not the end of the world......I bet that was some good shit you smoked,,,,you feel like sharing..??????just have fun and fuck everything else... ciao bella,,,,, Frank. ------------------
  14. I know what you mean dolce,,,,,,,, sometimes I think about it,,,,only if I'm having a bad day,,,,,then I'm like,,:::: you know what??? I don't have it that bad...\ life can always be worst.....live it up to its fullest..... ciao bella. ------------------
  15. recently single...... was with my ex for 5 years..... I'm having soooooo much fun now....love the single life,,,,but I know how I am,,,I will get tired of this in a bit.......I have a problem,,,,,I can't be alone too long,,,I have to be with somebody,,,,,,need that girl in my life.......what I miss the most is sleeping with her believe or not........ shit,, we loved to cuddle during those cold winter nights.....I miss her, but I know that this is for the best,,,,,,,, ciao all, Frank. ------------------
  16. shit man,,,,,,when I'm fucking high everything tastes soooooooo fucking good,,,,,,I'll suck down anything that gets in my way,,,,,,,,,, ------------------
  17. huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,, what? what the fuck were we talking about..... ho yea,,,,,my memory is pretty good..... or at least I think so...... ciao. ------------------
  18. I don't mind a little bit of stretch marks... like on the ass and stuff like that.... ------------------
  19. born in Italy,,,,leave in monmouth county, NJ.........work in NJ,,,,,,,,,,hang out in NY,,,,,,,shit I just thought of it,,,I have it pretty good.......... ------------------
  20. OK...here it goes,,,,,,I have no problem peeing.....even last night,,,I did about 3 1/2 hits,,,,had a great fucking night....well here it is,,,after I pee, I shake ofcourse,,,,,I always feel like I'm still peeing when I zip up......then I check, and there is nothing there,,,,,,oh well.......the part that does suck is that I also feel like I have to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes,,,,shit I hate that,,,got to squeeze through all those people and find a bathroom,,,,,,,then dance another 20 minutes, and go through the same shit again,,,but I love to roll when in a club... i guess it's the price to pay,,,,,,, happy roll everybody,,,,,see ya all a SF this weekend..... ciao. PS>>>many thanx to my boy Wilson for hooking me up with that good shit last night,,,,,,,some of the best shit I ever took....... ------------------
  21. I was there last night too....left at about 9:00 am..........was also there on friday.... had a long weekend this week...... I got to say,,,,,i had a great time both nights..........I was there when the girl took her top off.......it was nice,,but she was not good looking.....her friend on the other hand was pretty hot....the one dressed like a cat....now,,she was hot... on top of all, I got to say that SF fucking rocks.......see ya all there.... ------------------
  22. what do you people think,,,,,I do E when clubbing, but I think I still have to experience a good hit,,,,,,,,,the once I have taken are pretty good,,,,but I know there is better out there,,,would love to give it a try....... Frank. ------------------
  23. only if you have good shit,,,,, I will not smoke fucking "shit weed"..... 4:20 baby........ ------------------
  24. people please::::::: I need help with this one,,,,a little desperate...... EM me::: panucciFrank@hotmail.com ------------------
  25. to finding 'E' at a club tonight??????? probably SF...... please no Drama,,,,keep your fatherly comments to yourselfs....... ciao, Frank. ------------------
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