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*****Clubplanet Contest*****

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Got no problem iwth CNYC, but for certain personal reasons I think that party is pretty bullshit. Fuck Cake, and Fuck Spa for hosting them. And most of all FUCK the "Fantasyland" party, fanatsies like that shit are usually called nightmares.

-ichi cwm10.gif



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I dunno -- I've talked to these guys and they seem ok to me. As for you, exit2heaven, did you even bother entering the contest? It's easy, just pop on over to the main clubplanet page and enter your username in the contest box.

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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

I've entered in practially every contest possible, including CNYC.. and I TOO HAVE NEVER WON ANYTHING>>>

that sucks.. Tino it's me and you baby !!

oh and of course you too Ichi !! cwm4.gif

Yo true!!!!


Mine comes in a form of a pill and powder.

What's your......


? ? ? ? ? ?


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I won Dave Matthews Ticket to the show when they recorded Listener Supported. I also won REM tix in the same contest. All I had to do was send in a fax!

I had never won anything before that...it's possible, you really can win stuff.


You're only young once

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Originally posted by editor:

I dunno -- I've talked to these guys and they seem ok to me. As for you, exit2heaven, did you even bother entering the contest? It's easy, just pop on over to the main clubplanet page and enter your username in the contest box.

I've entered in practially every contest possible, including CNYC.. and I TOO HAVE NEVER WON ANYTHING>>>

that sucks.. Tino it's me and you baby !!

oh and of course you too Ichi !! cwm4.gif


AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

[This message has been edited by vampienyc10 (edited 03-27-2001).]

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Did you enter this one? I don't recall seeing your name in the entries. Actually, historically, the vast majority of contest entries don't come from messageboard people, but from people who use the rest of the site and who are more likely to see the contest's listed on the front page. It's like they used to say about Lotto, "You gotta be in it to win it." Man, I'm spending too much time on the BBS today, I gotta get back to work smile.gif

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