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Sopranos Kick ASS!!

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ok....to anybody who doesnt want to know what happened on the sopranos...dont read below


Uncle Junior revealed to Tony and Belaqua that he has stomach cancer.

The lamp that the FBI bugged was taken out of th basement and Meadow took it back to Columbia.

What else, what else....uhhhhmmmm, oh...Tony's friend, the one who owns the Italian restaurant, is going into business with Tony, and his wife doesnt want that, so it looks like the splitting up...Tony's friend told that to Christopher Maltansanti's gf...and then he started making a move on her....she didnt like it, and bounced...

Thats really it....hope this helps...ONE


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AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme

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Originally posted by blueguy808:

Can anyone name a better hour long series? Ever? cwm5.gif

It would def be hard to try and top Sopranos...but what about OZ?



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Oz tops Sopranos without a doubt. Unlike Sopranos, the material isn't as cliched, the writing is better, the acting is better, and the storylines are more involved.

Sopranos is entertaining, but Oz is far better. Mafia folklore has been done over and over, and it becomes more and more tasteless every time I see it. Granted, prison stories have been done before, but nothing has been done that depicts the individual dillemas of each of the prisoners, guards, and then some. The guest directors and actors that Oz has also adds to the quality of the series.

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Originally posted by blueguy808:

Can anyone name a better hour long series? Ever? cwm5.gif

Little House on the Prairie! tee hee.

Well maybe not over Sopranos but it would be #1 in the nice, wholesome, family tv, hour long series category.

I just started getting into Sopranos but it's kinda violent. I like it though.


You're only young once

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Originally posted by highmay:

ok....to anybody who doesnt want to know what happened on the sopranos...dont read below


Uncle Junior revealed to Tony and Belaqua that he has stomach cancer.

The lamp that the FBI bugged was taken out of th basement and Meadow took it back to Columbia.

What else, what else....uhhhhmmmm, oh...Tony's friend, the one who owns the Italian restaurant, is going into business with Tony, and his wife doesnt want that, so it looks like the splitting up...Tony's friend told that to Christopher Maltansanti's gf...and then he started making a move on her....she didnt like it, and bounced...

Thats really it....hope this helps...ONE


Tony got pulled over by the cops and they gave him a ticket. He couldnt believe that he got a ticket seeing as how he is "Tony Soprano". So he called his assemblyman friend and he demoted the cop and took away his over time. Tony saw the guy working at some store where he was going to buy something for his birdbath. Tony felt bad that the guy had to take another job.


Maybe you didnt mention this when you first wrote the synopsis because it was a pretty uneventful part of the episode, but I thought Id just fill everyone in. Peace!



[This message has been edited by squeezemay (edited 03-28-2001).]

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........Then he calls the assemblyman with feelings of guilt regarding what he had done to the police officer. He was hinting at the fact that the demotion was a bit harsh. So the viewer actually saw a considerate Tony Soprano. However, his daughter's bicycle gets stolen from her campus and she informs him that it was a black man that stole it. Tony is approached by the assemblyman at dinner and asked if he wanted the cop to be given back his job, and Tony says "Fuck him, he got what he deserved." So the bicycle incident helps Tony to show his true colors.

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My girl's mother knows one of the cast members on The Sopranos, and she told me that Meadow Soprano is going to be hospitalized for something, I forget what. But she will eventually realize she is pregnant. She also said that Tony will find out (on his own) about what really happened to his Doctor (Lorraine Bracco).

I am guessing that Meadow will be impregnated by the guy her father despises.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

I am guessing that Meadow will be impregnated by the guy her father despises.

That would be hilarious...and that kid would get clipped by Paulie Walnuts...

The character Joe Palantonio (or whateva) is gonna get whacked by the end of the year, guaranteed.


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The signature that will end all signatures...

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme

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Guest dabiatchka

Originally posted by highmay:

ok....to anybody who doesnt want to know what happened on the sopranos...dont read below


Uncle Junior revealed to Tony and Belaqua that he has stomach cancer.

The lamp that the FBI bugged was taken out of th basement and Meadow took it back to Columbia.

What else, what else....uhhhhmmmm, oh...Tony's friend, the one who owns the Italian restaurant, is going into business with Tony, and his wife doesnt want that, so it looks like the splitting up...Tony's friend told that to Christopher Maltansanti's gf...and then he started making a move on her....she didnt like it, and bounced...

Thats really it....hope this helps...ONE

You missed the part Tony and Carmella went to the shrink.nothin much justa little anger hit...on the ay home they were fightin and got pulled over by the guy from Rock..Tony was pissed and ended up gettin him transfered cause he gave him a ticket...he flt bad later though

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pantoliano's character is the man. how funny was that when uncle junior flips out??? hahaha & it was good seeing rocky balboa's brother in law in there as a hitman.

meadow is such a hypocrytical cunt taking daddy's money but bangin someone he doesnt like... tony should make his son, aj get close & clip her & her bf in her dorm room.

not likely, i know... but corleone clipped his brother. cant wait till this sunday..

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it's funny but i don't watch that show often but every once in a while i watch because it reminds me of home so much and some shots were even taken like 15 minutes from where i used to live and the characters are all so jersey it's scary!



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OK...I have just one request....If any of you know for a FACT what is gonna happen during the season...Please DONT post it in a regular thread...the season is only 13 or so episodes long...I want to be surprised!!!




The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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