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Seriously, you really do just have to deal with it and move one and realize there is a world of opportunity out there. I know it's easier said than done, but we all face it some time or another. You can't dwell on the fact that you can't have that person despite your feelings for them. It will drive you insane if you sit there and mope about it all day and night. TRUST ME!!!!



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Originally posted by cubano43:


The truth? You can't. You can NEVER force yourself to fall in or out of love. Time does that for you.

I always believed that one of the hardest thing to bear is to not be with someone that you love. All I can tell you is don't put yourself in a position where you're bound to get hurt endlessly. For an example, being her friend. DON'T be her friend if that's gonna hurt you. Put a little bit of distance and time will take its course. Stay strong! frown.gif



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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Word to blueangel, thats some good advice right there. But dude, you're a guy. I thought that post came from some lovelorn chick. Grow some cahones and fuck that bitch. If she don't like you, roll on out. Theres tons of girls out there, don't limit yourself to one and get all love sick over her. Thats some straight romantic movie bullshit. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Don't give this I'm a guy bullshit. If you never have clicked with someone right of the bat and then find out it could not happen then you can't relate. Oh I'm a guy I'm not suppose to fall in love. Fuck that bullshit. Unfortunately I'm already her friend that's what sucks about it. So now I end the friendship? Guess what motherfucker I can't pick who I have feeling for. Yes there are plenty of girl out there. A whole lot finner but you only really click with a certain few. I know time heals everything but I really just want to speed up the clock. To make things worst she always wants to hang with me. cwm23.gif


The Woods Are Lovely, Dark & Deep

But I Have Promises To Keep And Miles to Go Before I Sleep..

Robert Frost

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Look bro, no need to get your panties in a bunch. If you don't wanna hang out with her, cause you can't stand to be around her and not have her, it dosen't take a rocket scientist to tell you what to do:

If you want to end the friendship as you say, stop hanging out with her, don't return her calls, tell her you've got other things to do. Move on with your life. Problem solved.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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