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= Allwoman = DANIELLE who got fired from club abyss along with her better half SUCA = a.k.a Denny Tsettos IMPOSTER. COULD YOU TELL ME IF HUNKA BUNKA IS HIRING!?!?!?!?!?!




For Gueslist info call 732-207-3222 and ask for Allen Ash Password is SUCA rolleyes.gif

[This message has been edited by queenimposter (edited 12-29-2000).]

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OMG - I can't believe it took this long to figure it out. Kudos to the detective who got us. The phone number may have given it away huh - or the fact the Suca signed on right after me - gossip queen - and then jerry x after him. OH- and now that we are praising Hunka Bunka when we used to bash it could be another dead giveaway. I can't believe I got fired from Abyss and World - that really sucks huh - working in Bunka is great though. Don't forget to call us at 732-207-3222 - happy <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">new year </a> all - see ya at bunka!!!

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First of all "queenimposter", my name is not Danielle and you are wrong about her being the other names as well. I am friends with Alen and Jerry. Also, I post for Bunka sometimes because I am friends with people that work there. Maybe you should get either a life or a real job and stop causing so much DRAMA on this board!!

'Nuff said.


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Originally posted by queenimposter:

= Allwoman = DANIELLE who got fired from club abyss along with her better half SUCA = a.k.a Denny Tsettos IMPOSTER. COULD YOU TELL ME IF HUNKA BUNKA IS HIRING!?!?!?!?!?!




For Gueslist info call 732-207-3222 and ask for Allen Ash Password is SUCA rolleyes.gif

[This message has been edited by queenimposter (edited 12-29-2000).]

Queenimposter, You have no Idea who I am and you will NEVER find out. So if you want keep on thinking I'm all of those people go ahead. BYE BYE & HAPPY <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">NEW YEAR</a> ! cwm12.gif

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Listen you stupid bitch...For the last time, I am not Danielle!!!!!! and furthermore I never worked at World!!!!Instead of trying to figure out who is who on this board why don't you say who you really are - MARIA!!! I know who you are and what ever problem you have with Danielle or Alen I suggest you leave me out of it!! Besides aren't you a little old to be on this board causing all of this drama????

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First of all gossipqueen, aren't you the person that started all of this DRAMA??? So aren't you just a little to childish for the boards? Your name obviously suits you quite well...& who the hell is MARIA?? Don't know her nor do I care. So why don't you stop trying to figure out who everyone is and find something more constructive to do with you time. Since you are too old to be on the board why don't you take up a hobbie...I know why don't you pick up you knitting needles and knit me an afgan.

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Originally posted by gossipqueen:

Listen you stupid bitch...For the last time, I am not Danielle!!!!!! and furthermore I never worked at World!!!!Instead of trying to figure out who is who on this board why don't you say who you really are - MARIA!!! I know who you are and what ever problem you have with Danielle or Alen I suggest you leave me out of it!! Besides aren't you a little old to be on this board causing all of this drama????

Maria? Why would her name come up? She has NOTHING to do with this and bringing her name into it has opened up a whole new can of worms!!! As I said to begin with stop playing ms. detecive and this will all end. You're "calling out" people on this board is what caused this in the first place.


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Sorry I haven't been around because I have been busy & frankly a little tired of the drama that all the QUEEN-HATERS are creating. I don't need to prove a point to anyone, I just like to say what comes to mind & at least people like yourself (Emmitt) can appreciate it. Enjoy this now.

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I truly hope one day the real people who you are naming, find out who you are and smack you right upside the fucking head. If people wanted to post there real names they would. People need to understand that not everyone is interested nor should they know about people's personal drama. cwm43.gif

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HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....if everyone realy new the deal behind javier........you wouldnt dig up much..QP highschool..college.work work.college.more work..what else??? known for smoking A HARVEST of CROP. Djed..Love girls..never went to go-go bar...Did the city thing LIMENIGHT..lived at limenight..Paladium...Tunnel..did that....maybe went to Temps total I DONT KNOW GUYS correct me if iam wrong.(emmit-g-roid)whoever 3-4X..

I STAY UP ALL NIGHT GUARD THE SHORE HOUSE......haaa.. i dont know. what else would you like to know... I am a WIERDO.....


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