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Why do ugly guys have so much damn courage to go up to girls?

Guest dabiatchka

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O-M-G!! Ladies...I FEEL YOU BIG TIME...

I have that same problem with Old Assed Women hittin' on me! I'm not trying to be funny either. It's like I'm wearing some kind of sign than says:

Broke-Down-Beastettes welcome...

But you know it's all good in Da Hood. I treat them all with respect and give them props for coming up to me....that takes some serious nerves, and there's no reason to Dis em.

Sorry if I offended anyone w/my original post.


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After reading this very shallow post i realize i'm at NJ message board and not ny...kinda like a big realization..."oh shit it's abyss and not twilo...."

this figures why i don't post much on NJ board and don't go clubbing much at NJ clubs unless i'm to meet a friend.

One thing I'll say is this...

it's pointless tryin' cos it's a shallow world out there...might as be with your true friends and try to see the best in people no matter how much you've been stepped on or harrassed or groped by that old seemingly perverted guy at the dancefloor or been shoood off by a seemingly obnoxious Brittney Spear wanna be NJ girl. I greatly wonder...I greatly wonder.....what has come to this state called NJ...such a shame..

reading these posts all they do is bash and bad mouth people..

there is even a racist comments 'bout Pakastinians...such shame...such shame...

I'd say I'll just stick to the NY message board...peace out...

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I can answer this question with validity cos I am ugly...if u don't believe me..meet me in person and i'll give u a dollar if u don't throw up on me for me being so ugly...

well reason we ugly peeps like to approach you uhm..heheh pretty ladies is because ..well (pause) well because we love to see your reaction....

That funny look on your face when we ask you for your number...u know the look..rolling of the eyes turning of the shoulder biting on the lip and slowly inching away tryin' not to make a seen..

well that whole thing is like a ritual to us ugly folks. It's like a sacred ritual kinda like when a wolverine takes the prey from a pack of wolfes.

We cream in our pants everytime we get rejected...it's an instant boner also to see our kindred soul get rejected..the more rejection the greater the feat....

REJECTION is victory...

yes it is...

REJection is victory..sweet victory..

my one wonder is this. AS ugly as I am i get rejected 99 percent of the time

you wonder where it is that one percent i don't get rejected...hehehee the lower level of club abyss..i grind girls from behind they don't even bother to look back cos i pack a good one...

they just feel this big lumb grinding them from behind and they are happy no need to look behind...I've been accused of sticking a 13inch dildo down my pants...i had to show the girl my dick to prove to her it's the real thing...

i might be ugly but i like rejection better than picking up a girl...i hate it when a girl lets me pick her up..it ruins the fun

i hate it when a girl rejects me gracefully i wish someone would just yell and embarrass me for picking up a pretty girl... why can't some just smack me in the face when i ask for a number.that would make my dream come true.

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