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The stange wind in the wheather revels a

mild spoken voice.......odd enough it sounds familiar......It swirls gently caress my inner drum.......

Possessed to the board.. registering data.....confusing the reader as well as the writer...????????????

Many emotions and complex thoughts organize, as i play with my inner termil like AN American Psyco....Bacause only i can control the odd force....

From where i stand!!!!!! clear these things i can not see,?????????????

They were the things that could not be felt by touch.........

love.....emotion......in a world of undifined dead souls......

My infinite remorse for those who only follow foes,which in time can be disastrous.

All my human compassion felt. That a ----ways its self......;;;; from gossiping in a friendly sphere...I lay open to my probing acute sense.....Which molds my attitude to its present Metamorphosis...in to the writer I always wanted to be....the artist I once was..

My sins where of mine alone...and we sin without regret..bringing lies to our deaths.........................

With selfish individual desires..... Tell Me Why....??????

Sick---ing my tongue....to those who disregard my venom....of humble truth...


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high a top the roof birds fly a by with no rules of our broken society but with no more then its wings that spans the horizan of the wigs worn and torn by those who want to be a bore and a loure by those forces... underneath these roofs there is an abstract of freedom of what should and should not be....a bag flying and twirling as if it had no worries aminst the spring time weather where it is said that the renissance will spring about from that bag which holds the truth to our inner termoils....it as if the bag is in its own world and the outside cant do no harm but wishs to no matter what the outcome of this barn is

this is my feelings on this stupid day after my english final that i took....the poem has nothing to do with english though, but im bored and i have nothing to do

what up eviljav

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the faded warrior has aged with no daze of his past he holds true of the unwritten codes of a warrior he looks for a time where the place was glorior he searched in foreign lands and the lands of his people but found nothing that holds true anymore and now he is an old chief of all his people and asks the hands of the gods to find his way. and so he goes on a spiritual journey with no morning from his tribe he presses on and so he reaches the houses of the rocks where his great people once lived and there he resides...faded glory he called but what i like to call a true warrior that made it


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  • 2 weeks later...

The brown-eyed

Black sheep reject

Baptized with out choice

Now look at him

speaking in evil tongue

His large eyes see truths

Spirts decay before me

But a presences is before me also......

A strong force??? One that can not be understood..Nor explained....

This force the guardian of my soul'....

My heart and his moral being

Does not pass judgment

Only watches over me....

But Ive realized...Why pretend him and me..

Knowing that natures elements are avaliable

His force will never betray.....but prevail

Until the day of....

human extension by his own hand...

My life and his force will continue

To seek truth to answers Undefined.

Because it is difficult to accomplish..

Understand these forces....

If we each look beyond life as we know it....

And discover what i have......

Millions of lives will change..

Of elevated thoughts; and a sense of sublime

Which leads to something far more deeply


What do i mean i can not explain....

Your answers...Maybe in a higher Plane..

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Puck i know you couldnt have wrote those peoms i didnt even know they were there until i read them.. if you created them your mind thinks realy fast because there only a few minutes between each of them.....it took me over an hour for this last one...check your pm....KILL cwm23.gif SHOUT TO THE DEVIL

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  • 4 weeks later...

How Bizzar the attitude and perception

Of those clubnyc individual who unleashes

writing styles there FINGERS have no control over...........

A new breed of human now walks...talks

Spirit LESS!!! In a universe of Life.

Where the present is YOUR TIME!!!

X world has our emotions SO DRY!!!!

We have not realized!!

And still the walls do not fall..

I dont know why...

dust and powder fills lungs!!

Its difficult to accept the Advice of expierence taught, by age...


Lets measure defeat..

toward our INDIVIDUAL STAR!!!

For our dystany's can be forseen.TRUE!! However dystany is protected..When struck by LIGHT!!!!

O,..O..O..O..OOOO< do not look up for GOD!! HE IS NOT THERE!

An incident here. An incident there!!!

5000 people dead today::: 4800 Tomorrow!


The next day the Sunrise!!

flower petals curling in the shade,

thousands lightly

crumbling Away in to LIGHT!!!!

Walk to this.. eyes hold the shape of Islands...............

recall the SCABBY face WORLD!!

A world of Music and lights...

dance all night...BEGGING FOR A LIFE!!!

I feel like that after a long FUCKED UP WEEKEND!!!!KILL cwm23.gif SATANS GOING TO SLEEP!!!!!!

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Originally posted by lil-devil:

Jav...don't let your fingers stop typing...words are stronger than actions sometimes. That was impressive, and truely felt. cwm38.gif

True DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Where are my pills? Has anyone seen them?????


FUCK IT!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fangs:

Originally posted by lil-devil:

Jav...don't let your fingers stop typing...words are stronger than actions sometimes. That was impressive, and truely felt. cwm38.gif

True DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Where are my pills? Has anyone seen them?????

What U talkin Bout????!!!!


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