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LADYBIJAN JOHNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OH DARN!! Is that all you are gonna do?? GGEEZZEEE - I thought we may have some hot and heavy posts about your night of casual sex, and such. Well, I guess then there is nothing to stay tuned for on this one. Well, hope you had fun anyway.

And as for your evil ways - your nothing but a name - that's about it. It's all about an image for you. Hey - that's fine. Who cares really - post how you like. Free board - free country. I really don't care. BUT as for staying away from them - NO WAY!! I'm all over it honey! cwm37.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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And as for your evil ways - your nothing but a name - that's about it. It's all about an image for you. Hey - that's fine. Who cares really - post how you like. Free board - free country. I really don't care. BUT as for staying away from them - NO WAY!! I'm all over it honey! cwm37.gif

IMAGE IS THIRST!!! are you inquiring that lady!!!

But you dont know JAV...iam not like this to be cool...I always spit Crazy shit!!!


cwm23.gif KILL...................

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AWH!! Then you may either want to seek some cancelling or go on some of those drugs they now have to control your outbursts. It may be hard for you later in life to acclamate to a work envirnment and possibly social settings. Of course here it doesn't really matter but I would hate to see it happen while say on an interview or even when trying to possibly meet the woman of your dreams. Usually they occur when you get nervous or concentrate very hard. Maybe if you just stop trying so hard, the outbursts may subside. Of course, there is always the bayside queens organization that can help you - I bleive it is the Tourrette's Association of America or something like that. I could get you their number if you need it. Just let me know - OK?? Hope you have a *splendid* day..



Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Jav, here's some friendly advice thats my girl so i would watch it if I were you. Sure its easy to threaten when your hiding behind words, but trust me you realy don't want to get involved eventually she'll make you look stupid just a friendly warning bro!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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SORRY JAV but me and you have no similar characteristics. Yes I do know a bit about tourrette's - my nephew has it. It really isn't something to joke about though when you know someone who is really strickened with the condition. It really sucks to hear a child say to you when they are 7 that they just wish they could have a new brain. So - as for the tourette's topic - I suggest you layoff that one. When you go through what my family goes through with it then maybe we can talk about it and compare notes. BUT FOR NOW - DROP IT!!!

As for my spelling and grammar - no one on this board is safe from that dig. WE ALL DO IT - probably b/c our mind is faster than our fingers. BUT keep in mind one thing JOHNNY - I am not the one shouting out the devil and acting like a serial killer through a computer screen. Be careful who you call out to SON- you may be meeting your icon one day and I could guarantee you it WILL NOT be a pleasant. When you open that door - there is no closing it. SO if I were you I would be a little bit more selective in your choice of B.S.



Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Well then - if you were a social worker youshould understand why I find it REPULSIVE that you would even suggest such a thing about yourself - or me. I don't know you at all and at this point I don't think I really would like to. Please spare me the details behind your screen name - it really doesn't phase me. I don't understand why on earth you choose to model yourself after the Devil Hey - if that's what you are into - or if you think it is a joke - good for you. BUT it just doesn't sit right with my, and I don't find it amusing. It disturbs me - just my $.02 of course.. BUT- if you are *all truth* then all your *kill kill kill* *shout the devil* and what ever other diarhea spews out of your mouth must also be true.

I am done with this - I tried to have fun with you - you brought it to a personal level with the tourrette's - I explained why I don't find it amusing - and the thought of you counselling others scares me. Post as you wish my love - just remember all those *shout to the devil* posts when you meet him - I hope he understands it was just a joke. HAHAHAHA cwm31.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Well then - if you were a social worker you should understand why I find it REPULSIVE that you would even suggest such a thing about yourself - or me. I don't know you at all and at this point I don't think I really would like to. Please spare me the details behind your screen name - it really doesn't phase me. I don't understand why on earth you choose to model yourself after the Devil Hey - if that's what you are into - or if you think it is a joke - good for you. BUT it just doesn't sit right with me, and I don't find it amusing. It disturbs me - just my $.02 of course.. BUT- if you are *all truth* then all your *kill kill kill* *shout the devil* and what ever other diarrhea spews out of your mouth must also be true??

I am done with this - I tried to have fun with you - you brought it to a personal level with the tourrette's - I explained why I don't find it amusing - and the thought of you counselling others scares me. Post as you wish my love - just remember all those *shout to the devil* posts when you meet him - I hope he understands it was just a joke. HAHAHAHA cwm31.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Maybe your right!! the THOUGHT of me counseling people is scary to people..MY friends thought it was a big joke when i first got the job...But i did i great job..i went out of my way for these people it tough..I would take alot of personal stuff home with me...it difficult to explain through the computer..

you were not attacking me I UNDERSTAND now why your upset!!!

however the Energy or deminsions of the unexplained world are with US everywhere..

i will not meet the force of evil UNLESS i ACCEPT him into my PRESENCE..(SOUL,MIND,body)only way!besides that...my fear of the unexplained is minimal..My mom is into shit like this..again it hard to expalin through the computer...last thing i wanted to do with a good time is RUIN the party!!!

i knew no body cared about my past..but your past. is your today. so i added that so maybe a better understanding would come of this...it all good i dont expect any to understand...

I SAY FUCK IT!!!!! who cares a bad joke went wrong both of us are back and forth and it nonsense YOU KNOW THAT AND I KNOW THAT!!!

so fuckit...KILL

cwm23.gif Lest Cest Fux

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