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The nasty pig that attempted to give a blowjob in the mens stall at Metro last night

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Anybody else see that girl get busted by the bouncers last night in the men room. That fat fucking pig looked like miss piggy.An hour before her attemptd blow job she got her fat ass in my way on the dance floor.I thought i whispered to myself "fat fuck get out of my way" but she heard me and wanted to start all this drama with me I was trying to avoid it but she wouldn't shut her hole,so I told her to go shove a dick in her mouth. So an hour later she took my advice. I was in the bathroom takeing a piss and I see this pig come in with this guy and go in the stall she started to go into the proccess of giving head then 4-5 bouncers rushed in and exited the guy out of the bathroom and the bouncers were funny as hell about it telling all the guys in the bathroom the line starts here keep a single file and have your quaters ready.

Did anybody else see this to. Does anybody know this degenerate fat ugly pig. That's the kind of trash that doesn't belong at Metro.

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it was phat..for a jersey club with mad hott girls it worth it...

I dont know WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEN TO THOSE 24oz drinks they were talking about!!!! bull shit little ass drinks..i had like four longisland to get fucked up!! usualy one iam rocked!! cwm23.gif KILL......KILL.......KILL.......

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I actually saw a few nasty girls there last night with their rolls hanging out of their shirts and their toes trying to escape out of the front of their opened toed shoes, what a sight!!!


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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I was washing my hands when it all happened. She was a fat slob. The guy who came out of the stall was so fucked up that he couldn't have not realized that he was putting his dick in a fat whore's mouth. But other than that pig, tons of hotties as always.

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That poor desperate fat slob... Shes probably a K junkie trying to get a jar. I had a fucking blast though. I hung with the coolest peeps, Jav, Jen, Sungodess and about 40 of my friends. Awesome night! Sun you made me sweat! Thank god for that liquid blast! <wink> Did you guys like my blue glasses? LOL!




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That girl has been tossed a few times for giving head inside. The last time was a few months ago in one of the booths. She can't help herself.


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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Originally posted by trikki:

That girl has been tossed a few times for giving head inside. The last time was a few months ago in one of the booths. She can't help herself.


i realy didnt see any fat people..iam must of have been BLINDED BY THE ICE COLD SMOKE!!!!

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i was at metro that night and i did not see her but it was cool that we could take are shirts off now in the winter i don't have to go to sf or exit to take my shirt off i can stay right home in jersey. this is defintly the hot spot in jersey in the winter now all they need to do is get house dealers that sell g. then i can convenice all my boys to go every friday.

thank you



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I was at Metro til about 2am and then I went to Twilo and had the best time. It was my first time at Twilo. The Metro was pretty dam good also and for the fat pig that can't keep control of hear oral fixations, you need to re-evaluate you habits. Peace to all and see ya this weekend.

Rick smile.gif

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