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Hgh or Steroids

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growth hormone is very very very expensive, and you better be in contact with your doctor when using it, or else you can have hardcore fucked up side effects. stick with the juice. wink.gif


"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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There are a bunch of different suplements one can take. It depends what you are looking to achieve. Are you trying to gain size, I wouldn't just go right to growth yet. But mmost people will tell you growth is better and more pure than other steroids, however I think it distorts your features. Winstrol is good for cuting and shredding, so is Anavar-(I'm not sure of spelling)

Also ask around about Dball, Sustenon and others I just know this shit because all my boys talk about it at the gym . I don't think there's anything wrong using too enhance your body, just don't go overboard, also remember dieting and working out hard and regularly are key!


"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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Originally posted by surge2077:

Getting ready for summer. Could someone explain to me what is better for getting a great build, Sauce or Growth Hormone and what are the side effects?


BE A BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!

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Juice is bad period. So is HGH. There is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to your body. If you want take some shit, get giant, impress the world with your pecs.

Once you stop, you'll get weaker and smaller,

so your only choice will be to keep sticking that needle in your ass.

P.S. Zits and hair loss from juice, HGH will give you a nice caveman head!



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Originally posted by sin-sational:

There are a bunch of different suplements one can take. It depends what you are looking to achieve. Are you trying to gain size, I wouldn't just go right to growth yet. But mmost people will tell you growth is better and more pure than other steroids, however I think it distorts your features. Winstrol is good for cuting and shredding, so is Anavar-(I'm not sure of spelling)

Also ask around about Dball, Sustenon and others I just know this shit because all my boys talk about it at the gym . I don't think there's anything wrong using too enhance your body, just don't go overboard, also remember dieting and working out hard and regularly are key!

Ok, if you are going to take drugs, I wouldn't reccomend anything he said,no sustenon,d-ball,any testosterone and especially anavar,anavar is one of the worst drugs for you and any thing that comes in pills is also, stick to the needles. I would reccomend something mild for a short cycle about 6 weeks of premobolan or deca, take it witha fat burner or a waterpill,these won't bloat you,it doesn't fuck with your own testosterone and they are very clean. But I would recomend staying clean because drugs are drugs, if you are going to do ot, do what I said.



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HGH is different from GH. HGH will raise your T level but also raise your estrogen levels. HGH is use when coming of a cycle to keep the gains but you have to use it with an anti estrogen ie clomid. Do your research first otherwise you'll lose your gains. Creatine + Protein + ZMA= a good size gain naturally. Just try to get ripped by summer. Gain the size in the winter. Good Luck.


The Woods Are Lovely, Dark & Deep

But I Have Promises To Keep And Miles to Go Before I Sleep..

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If your goin to juice definately go with deca or premo. stay away from those tests. premo and deca will obviously not make u as huge as sust or dball. but you will look alot better. dball,sust etc. will make you bloated as hell and ugly. deca and premo will give u that nice shape and size you want. do it right. diet very strictly, and stay away from drugs while your on it. the more u bust ur ass in the gym the better. but remember that when you come off, stack supplements and put even more time in the gym then when you juiced. stay away from the growth hormone. thats the real deal. fuck it.

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Originally posted by surge2077:

Getting ready for summer. Could someone explain to me what is better for getting a great build, Sauce or Growth Hormone and what are the side effects?

Neither, do it naturally...you're not going to impress anyone with a bloated, unbalanced physique. There are too many side effects, but hey, go ahead, it's your body that's gonna look like shit and your balls which are gonna be the size of peas...

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If it's your first cycle don't do deca alone. The 1st one is the best one so you don't want to fuck it up by doing a shitty cycle. Do your research first. If you want to get ripped quick try Clen maybe DNP.


The Woods Are Lovely, Dark & Deep

But I Have Promises To Keep And Miles to Go Before I Sleep..

Robert Frost

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If it's your 1st cycle then go for broke. Do at least 600mg of T stacked with 400mg of Deca. Taper off the T after 6 week then start tapering off the deca. Cycle should be 10 week long. Add 50mg of clomid EOD (every other day) Drink alot of water and eat like 5,000 calories a day. Should gain at least 30lbs if done right.


The Woods Are Lovely, Dark & Deep

But I Have Promises To Keep And Miles to Go Before I Sleep..

Robert Frost

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Originally posted by cubano43:

If it's your 1st cycle then go for broke. Do at least 600mg of T stacked with 400mg of Deca. Taper off the T after 6 week then start tapering off the deca. Cycle should be 10 week long. Add 50mg of clomid EOD (every other day) Drink alot of water and eat like 5,000 calories a day. Should gain at least 30lbs if done right.

Bro you must be ripped! Where do you get your info? Just curious.

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Its "Primobolan" not pr"e"mobolan, already you shouldnt be thinking of juice, if you cant even spell the names of the substances you are going to be taking. sad. very sad.

600mg of test a week? you better be ready for some bitch tits once all that test turns to estrogen, or just MAKE SURE you take your clomids!


a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again

Your laughing at me cause I am different? Shit, im laughing at you cause your all the fucking same!

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Nah I'm not big at all. 5' 8" and only 180lbs. I was 200 but I fucked up my shoulders. I kind of consult friends of mine who are thinking of doing it or are on it. I have not done it yet but eventually it will be my time. So right now I'm just a spectator. I've done my research so I know what to do before I do anything. Just do the research so you avoid the pitfalls. Don't do E while on a cycle. It will fuck your brain up.


The Woods Are Lovely, Dark & Deep

But I Have Promises To Keep And Miles to Go Before I Sleep..

Robert Frost

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djustinh- hey just u should think who your talkin too before u open ur mouth (sfcraz01 --premo-primo) considering u came to me for my help in the summer... just think youll know who...ask gerzeehomeboy- he'll tell ya who. and does the spelling of the substance really make a difference. as long as you know the deal... im not sayin im some wiz on the subject but i do know a some stuff about it.

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Originally posted by nightlifevampire:

Neither, do it naturally...you're not going to impress anyone with a bloated, unbalanced physique. There are too many side effects, but hey, go ahead, it's your body that's gonna look like shit and your balls which are gonna be the size of peas...

First of all, I know plenty of people that dabble in this area and they do it the right way (which there is one). If you know enough of about, what to use and how to use it, the results are very good. Also, not everyone gets bloated only the people that do it incorrectly.

As for the side effects.........sure if you do it for a prolonged period of time and if you do a lot of shit, but what doesn't have some sort of side effect in this day and age. My god - it is dangerous for woman to mix certain over the counter medications!

You shouldn't pass an ignorant comment if you do not really know what you are talking about.

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mik-e bonez, how was I supposed to know it was you? I thought it was Frank Mona, cause of the Factory nick name.

true true, did come to you over the summer, my shoulder hurt like a bitch. that never happened with deca or primo's, test gave me bruises.

sorry for the mishap, i have a nice connect if you want. smile.gif


a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again

Your laughing at me cause I am different? Shit, im laughing at you cause your all the fucking same!

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I`m a big juice head and proud to be one...anyway bro theres no need to stack on your first cycle just do a cycle of SUSTUNON 250 @ 500mgs for 12 weeks, i warn you if you cant keep up with a good diet meaning keep your calories intake at about 6000, eating 6-8 meals a day, high protein low carbs, train hard and last but not least REST if you can`t do all of the abouve DON`T DO IT YOUR NOT READY and you`ll WILL fuck your self up check out this site www.angelfire.com/pq/profiles theres a lot of good info on there, educate your self before sticking needles in yourself

shoot me an email if you need help orion311g13@hotmail.com i can guide you to the right direction...


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I`m a big juice head and proud to be one...anyway bro theres no need to stack on your first cycle just do a cycle of SUSTUNON 250 @ 500mgs for 12 weeks, i warn you if you cant keep up with a good diet meaning keep your calories intake at about 6000, eating 6-8 meals a day, high protein low carbs, train hard and last but not least REST if you can`t do all of the abouve DON`T DO IT YOUR NOT READY and you`ll WILL fuck your self up check out this site www.angelfire.com/pq/profiles theres a lot of good info on there, educate your self before sticking needles in yourself

shoot me an email if you need help orion311g13@hotmail.com i can guide you to the right direction...


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