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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

You will never believe this....

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Not club related, whatever...

So, my friend gets a last minute call yesterday to go to Yankees opening day. So, he calls a local cab company to take him to the Bronx. Ok, so all is well and then all of a sudden, the cab driver says...

"I gotta go..."

"Uh, go where?"

"I gotta go, I gotta go..."

"whadya mean you gotta go, you gotta take me to the bronx..."

The cabbie pulls over while stuck in traffic for GWB...opens passenger door to hide behind and proceeds to poop on the side of the road!!!




The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by theflash:

Fabulous story, I need to know the rest though like wiping and getting back in to finish the drive and everything.

Unbelievable though! cwm2.gif

Apparently, this guy grabbed some napkins before he jumped out of cab....my friend just sat their staring out the back window at the cars creeping past...laughing his ass off...knowing that people could see this guy!!!

He got back in and said "you ready to go?"



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by lukeyblueyez:

I would have told Punjab that he isn't getting back into his cab unless he washing his hands..... cwm1.gif

Must have smelled like roses in that cab cwm19.gif

It was a white guy!!!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Did the cab driver swing by a hot dog stand for a couple chili "dirty water dogs," before picked up your friend?

What do you say to the driver when you get out of the cab? "Thanks for the memorable cab ride," or I appreciate you "dropping a deuce" on the GWB in front of everyone and their mother. How great would it be, if the Budweiser Blimp caught that shit (no pun intended) on Fox 5?

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Originally posted by piro8:

Did the cab driver swing by a hot dog stand for a couple chili "dirty water dogs," before picked up your friend?

What do you say to the driver when you get out of the cab? "Thanks for the memorable cab ride," or I appreciate you "dropping a deuce" on the GWB in front of everyone and their mother. How great would it be, if the Budweiser Blimp caught that shit (no pun intended) on Fox 5?

Goddamn, the odds of someone taping that are pretty good these days...it'll probably end up on the internet!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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