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Ok question regarding ex

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Yesterday was my bday and my ex fiance didn't even call me. I am pretty pissed off since I thought we had agreed to at least be respectful and cordial to each other. To be honest I sill want her back and she knows it. I am sure she didn't call out of fear I would try to talk her into a 2nd chance but either way its still hurts. Do I email or call her and tell her how I feel or let it go??

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i know it's tough man...

but i agree with all the others...

you have to let it go...

it's probably even better for you if you have no contact at all with her...

then it'll be like in "swingers": "everyday the pain will be less and less...after a while you'll just forget..."...it went something like that anyway...


good luck to you man...

but like my little lady would say: "everything happens for a reason"...

now i don't know if that's true, but in this particular case, you are better off taking that attitude...



AIM: thefrenchbread

YIM: thefrenchbread

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depends on why you broke up. if it wasn't completely decisive and if you didn't fuck up entirely, she could possibly be testing how far you would go to get her back: how much she means to you

but careful; you could end up looking like the psycho ex

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dont know much about your particular situation but ive definitely been there and wanted to weigh in to give my support...absolutely let it go...she'll call you if/when she wants and she probably gets a little satisfaction if you keep calling her, but its not going to make her want you back at all...only when she thinks you dont need/want her anymore will you have a shot...and would you really want someone like that anyway? do yourself a favor and go party with your true friends and look for someone who wants to hang wit ya....peace

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We broke because she said I changed after we got engaged. I became more focused on work and to be quiet honestly a little boring I guess but I had all good intentions. She even admitted that but she wasn't happy. I have tried numorous times to get her back but now she doesn't want to talk to me. Its kind of strange actually. I don't know I realize I made mistakes and can definately fix them but she doesn't seem to want to give me a chance. I guess its over but either way you would think for my bday I would be acknowledged.


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if you feel like there is a chance for you and her be together again and things would be the same or even better...do what your heart tells you to do!!!...

otherwise...just let it go...live goes on...


AIM risa06

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yeah the bday thing is tough. however, dont take it so seriously. as she tries to get on with her life, she simply forgot (consciously or subconsciously) to remember your bday.

BTW, its unanimous. let her go. she has moved on, now its your turn.

dont get depressed either. you know it will be exciting to date new women. as long as you are confident, happy, and *over* the ex, you have nothing but great fun ahead of you. in our scene (clubbing) and with the internet (and BB communities like this one) i guarntee that any sane, happy dude will have enough female prospects to make you say "who?" when someone mentions your ex.


i love music!

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be careful what you wish for...my ex who i truly loved at some point has sent me b-day cards for the past two years since we broke up and in a way it only pisses me off and makes me feel worse, like shes just trying to make me remember what ive tried so hard to forget...so you might want to be a little satisfied that at least your ex is not trying to play a game with you and maybe making the process a little easier

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Ok well the No's have this one. I am not and will not call her. Thanks everyone for being supportive and being honest. I guess I am just a lonely and depressed bout it but so life goes on. Thanks ladies and gents for the advice. I really do appreciate it. Next step is where the hell do I go out to and just enjoy myself and make some new friends? Feel free to im me if your bored


AIM mjp22

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i went throught the same thing. my ex didn't call me for my birthday and it killed me. after waiting a few weeks, i called and gave him a piece of my mind. to be honest, i would've gotten a better response talking to a wall. it's their way of saying "we're not together anymore so i don't NEED to call you". it sucks and i know it hurts. trust me, don't waste anymore energy on her.



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Originally posted by emiliep:

i went throught the same thing. my ex didn't call me for my birthday and it killed me. after waiting a few weeks, i called and gave him a piece of my mind. to be honest, i would've gotten a better response talking to a wall. it's their way of saying "we're not together anymore so i don't NEED to call you". it sucks and i know it hurts. trust me, don't waste anymore energy on her.

Yeah, I hear ya..My ex just happened to "forget" to wish me happy birthday. I gave him a piece of my mind the next time I saw him too. Well, I just convienently *forgot* his birthday too


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Originally posted by deanna11:

depends on why you broke up. if it wasn't completely decisive and if you didn't fuck up entirely, she could possibly be testing how far you would go to get her back: how much she means to you

but careful; you could end up looking like the psycho ex


but.. girls are evil and if they feel like making you look like the psycho-ex, they'll do so regardless of how you act...


get off of my cloud..

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Not all girls are evil so don't go by that.

You're probably better off just letting it go and not dwelling on it. I'd say get really mad if you two were still together and she forgot your bday!


You're only young once


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Nobody's evil, things just go the way they are supposed to.

Just let it go, sweetie, better things await you when you are ready.




Music... is alllll about the groove. Can you feel the groove? Listen...


aolim blueskygirl2001

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