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Shyne gets sentenced: 10 year bid

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Originally posted by andre9000:

Is that a threat? Anyhow, justice is justice, or that's what it's supposed to be. Ain't no one above the law. Yet criminals buy their way out of shit (see OJ, P. Diddy) and cops get off cause they are cops. If a cop shoots up an unarmed white guy in the night time, what happens? If he shoots an unarmed black guy what happens?

Cops got a tough job and I respect that it takes guts to do it and protect society. But when they go beyond their duties, aka profiling and hastling people based on race alone, that aint right. And when they shoot up someone based on the fact that "they black and black people could be crooked and have guns", that is just bull shit. They owe everyone the same respect. So I will compare a cop to anyone, and say if they commit the same crime of murder, they should be punished equally. As I said before, fuck the ho-lice. 1

Amen, my brotha! I've been profiled before and it's not cool at all...Funny thing is, I may wear baggy jeans and a hat backwards, I make more money then they (honest living - don't go judging in here people!). They see what's on the outside, and that's a fucking shame...One love!!


I'm just a squirrel...tryin to bust a nutt!

AIM: Spragga25

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Originally posted by andre9000:

Shyne was wrong to bring a gun in the club. He should have a bodyguard if he's concerned. We debated the same ish when Jigga was busted a month or so ago. Given he was wrong. But compared to what others got/did not get, he was shitted on in the courtroom. Does that make him right? No. Does it make him a victim of unfair treatment? In my opinion, yes. And it ain't no drama, just a difference of opinions. 1

Bullshit he is not a victim of unfair treatment. If you shoot a gun in a public venue you should be held responsible for your actions through punishment. You think that if one person gets off they should all get off? The system is not perfect, but its a hell of a lot better than people give it credit for. Yes some minorities are mistreated, yes there is some terrible racial profiling that goes on in this country. But without the justice system we have, none of us would be here. There is order in this country, there is a stable economy, there's a better life here than anywhere in the world. But were still gonna complain about some criminal goin to jail cause its not "fair". Some people get off, some don't, you all take your chances, how many times you got away with some bullshit, how many times you didn't get away with some bullshit and your boy did. It's the way it is. You just gotta take care of yourself.

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Originally posted by bigboi:

Hey LowMazda,

You fucking ignorant douche bag. What difference does it make between 41 and 19?

THANK YOU! Talk about stupid things to say!


I'm just a squirrel...tryin to bust a nutt!

AIM: Spragga25

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P.DIDDY will get his will soon,shit 5 years for firing shots in the air? what next,get 10 years for spitting on a crowded subway train?

5 years,I feel for that kid and his family.


13 wild years of Junior Vasquez!!! DROP A HOUSE ON THAT BITCH!!!

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Bah, stop trying to make me look like the bad guy. I never said it was okay for that shit to go down. I was simply stating a fact that he wasn't shot 41 times when someone called me out on it.

Throwing off a FEW shots at a ceiling still doesn't make firing a gun right. Shyne sat in front of people that decided that he didn't do the right thing. Now he must pay for the crime he was convicted of. Where is the injustice in that?

Let's bitch a little louder about the people that commit the crimes and get away with it rather then the ones that do and get caught.

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Originally posted by lowmazda:

Let's bitch a little louder about the people that commit the crimes and get away with it rather then the ones that do and get caught.

Um, is pulling your wallet out of your pocket a crime?


I'm just a squirrel...tryin to bust a nutt!

AIM: Spragga25

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Originally posted by chris817:

Originally posted by spragga25:

Um, is pulling your wallet out of your pocket a crime?

if your a black man in a bad neighborhood and cops say freeze you dont move.. it is horrible that this guy got killed, but come on cops say freeze you dont go reaching into your jacket for anything..

Just to inform you - Diallo is African and does not speak or understand english. He probably assumed that they were looking to rob HIM!


I'm just a squirrel...tryin to bust a nutt!

AIM: Spragga25

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Originally posted by chris817:

if your a black man in a bad neighborhood and cops say freeze you dont move.. it is horrible that this guy got killed, but come on cops say freeze you dont go reaching into your jacket for anything..

and for the sake of shyne he wants to be big and bad on his album then when the real shit hits the fan he's crying in the court room

he wants to live by the gun let him do his time..

and he just did not shoot into the air, he hit 3 people.. one shot shattered someones face.. so infact he should of gotten 25 yrs for attempted murder.. he should be happy he only got 10 yrs..

First off, Bull Shit. You're trying to say the cops were right in firing off 41 at Diallo? Damn duke, just cause someone goes into his pocket (to get out his ID) does not mean he's gonna try flippin the script and pop off at you. These cops were trigger happy and scared of the "big bad black man" and his hood. It was totally uncalled for. Even firing 1 shot is wrong. Cops aren't trained to, if someone does not follow their orders, shoot the person. I guarantee if a cop rolled up on a white man in a business suit standing outside his car after getting home from work, and asks him to freeze, the man goes in his pocket, the cop will not blast him 41 times. So that was some fucked up racism, cause they were scared of diallo being black.

Second off, Shyne never was crying in the courtroom. If you read anything about the case or the written statement Shyne released when he was convicted, you'll see that he was taking responsibility for what happened, although he was obviously angered that things didn't go as he would have liked. Shyne wasn't the pussy in the courtroom. And lastly, your point of him shooting someone in the face and shattering them is bullshit. When did that happen?? Some people claimed injuries from supposed items dislodged from the ceiling falling on them, but he wasn't even accused of attempted murder. If he could have been, believe me, the prosocution would have gone for it. I don't know where you're getting your facts from, but you need to do a little research.

Visions: you say he wan't treated unfairly. I say he was. Look, yes, he should be punished. Yes, the legal system, while some things are flawed, is a basic foundation of our country for 200 years, and is of vital importance. But when some people get off cause they can pay for high priced lawyers, who have a reputation for being damn good, and others take the shitty ass one cause they have no money, and when that is the difference as to if they get off or not, that is bull shit. Puff bought his way out, as did OJ. Then you got cops killing unarmed men, bull shit. So that is what's unfair. Not that Shyne has to do jail time, but that some people don't for comitting the same/worser crimes.

Read up on the crooked ass LAPD in this issue of Rolling Stone. A damn good 18 page article on them and how some of them are dealing seized coke, are members of the bloods, and were responsible for BIG's murder. Don't believe me? Read it yourself. It's got The Rock on the cover.

Lastly, as for those who think Shyne is a selfish black thug who only cares about drugs, guns, and hoes, your being racist right there for not judging everyone separately. If you did, you'd realize Shyne is a good kid with a tough background. Peep this ish from a week ago. 1


Daily Hip-Hop News:

Shyne Starts Prison Counseling Group

Wednesday - May 23, 2001

Since it looks like Shyne may be spending some time behind bars, he may as well make his jail time as positive as possible. The rapper has started a counseling group while he's been incarcerated at Rikers Island awaiting his June 1 sentencing. In a released statement published in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, Shyne said:

"I'm trying to show and introduce my fellow inmates, most of whom are young men, to different attributes all humans need to succeed, including discipline, self-confidence, determination, faith and a belief in God and yourself."

Shyne has been locked up since March 16 and is facing up to 25 years on weapons and assault charges. In the meantime, his defense team is busy drawing up appeals.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by spragga25:

Um, is pulling your wallet out of your pocket a crime?

if your a black man in a bad neighborhood and cops say freeze you dont move.. it is horrible that this guy got killed, but come on cops say freeze you dont go reaching into your jacket for anything..

and for the sake of shyne he wants to be big and bad on his album then when the real shit hits the fan he's crying in the court room

he wants to live by the gun let him do his time..

and he just did not shoot into the air, he hit 3 people.. one shot shattered someones face.. so infact he should of gotten 25 yrs for attempted murder.. he should be happy he only got 10 yrs..

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Originally posted by andre9000:

Visions: you say he wan't treated unfairly. I say he was. Look, yes, he should be punished. Yes, the legal system, while some things are flawed, is a basic foundation of our country for 200 years, and is of vital importance. But when some people get off cause they can pay for high priced lawyers, who have a reputation for being damn good, and others take the shitty ass one cause they have no money, and when that is the difference as to if they get off or not, that is bull shit. Puff bought his way out, as did OJ. Then you got cops killing unarmed men, bull shit. So that is what's unfair. Not that Shyne has to do jail time, but that some people don't for comitting the same/worser crimes.

Read up on the crooked ass LAPD in this issue of Rolling Stone. A damn good 18 page article on them and how some of them are dealing seized coke, are members of the bloods, and were responsible for BIG's murder. Don't believe me? Read it yourself. It's got The Rock on the cover.

Lastly, as for those who think Shyne is a selfish black thug who only cares about drugs, guns, and hoes, your being racist right there for not judging everyone separately. If you did, you'd realize Shyne is a good kid with a tough background. Peep this ish from a week ago. 1


Daily Hip-Hop News:

Shyne Starts Prison Counseling Group

Wednesday - May 23, 2001

Since it looks like Shyne may be spending some time behind bars, he may as well make his jail time as positive as possible. The rapper has started a counseling group while he's been incarcerated at Rikers Island awaiting his June 1 sentencing. In a released statement published in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, Shyne said:

"I'm trying to show and introduce my fellow inmates, most of whom are young men, to different attributes all humans need to succeed, including discipline, self-confidence, determination, faith and a belief in God and yourself."

Shyne has been locked up since March 16 and is facing up to 25 years on weapons and assault charges. In the meantime, his defense team is busy drawing up appeals.

okay so now that he's in jail he's doing some positive things. Better late than never.

secondly I never said shine was a selfish black thug who only cared about drugs, hoes, etc. But also for you to make that statement that he's not a selfish thug would be just as naive as anyone suggesting he's is. Just cause now he's doin a little good deed in the public eye.

Also I agree that maybe he did come from a tough background and upbringing which can make it easy for someone to become involved in a life of crime. Therefore that does not give anybody the right to excuse him from his criminal activity. What really needs to be looked at it in evaluating what's fair and what's not fair is the rehabiltative penal system. Now that's what SUCKS!

and just a footnote to making assumptions of shine. I know you've heard him talk on hot 97 or something and all he talks about is how much of a thug he was until he did his time and this and that. You and I know he's a crazy thugged out dude from flatbush.

Don't get me wrong I know there's a lot of unfair things but I don't feel that this situation merits grounds for a good argument. Now when rich people or people of stature get off (which actually shine falls into this category and I'm sure had a decent defense team of his own)then that is not right.

Honestly I think its a pretty good balance. So oj gets off, then rae carruth doesn't puffy gets off, shine doesn't (who has been in trouble before)

I know this may be a dumb analogy or comparison but lets take a basketball game, the refs are gonna do the best job they can, their gonna make some good calls and make some bad calls, there is NO way to call a perfect game. But they sure as hell for the most part call a pretty good game and for damn sure they keep order without ever letting things get out of control.

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