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Women and Men all suck and I'm about to be arrested.....

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So the good news is that I called the court house and I'm not even in any trouble. I can just go in ANY day and talk to the judge about the ticket(s) and most likely WIN. So I can forget about jail time. Woohoo!

But as for the rest of it, I think Mugwump said it best when he noted that he's got a nightlife addiction. I think I do too. I can't fathom staying in when I can go out. The only thing that keeps me in during the week is fatigue. Come the weekend I'm raring to go. So I'm gonna have to stop my partying ways and use my money for good and not evil.

I'm still fat.

Men- Of course I can get a date. Thanks for the PM's everyone. The question is, 'Can I get a boyfriend?' I've been single for way too long. The last time I was having financial troubles, I was seeing someone. I guess that's why I'm feeling such a mess right now. I don't have anyone to lean on and it sucks. The picture I'm painting isn't pretty- Now who wants a date damnit?!

I love all you guys and thanks for the words of commiseration.

Pooh, I'm already Noiseboy's ho but thanks for the offer. And he slaps me around plenty.

I do feel better today (a little). I guess anxiety ridden sleep does make you wake up with a smile.

I'll be at Leps tonight- dear god, get me drunk and I promise to talk really loudly.

Love B



Touch me in the morning

.............and last thing at night

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Originally posted by iliana:

sarah..sucks to be you. Come to think of it, it sux to be all of you!


(Blessed with the sweet life)


Ah, I see Ilianwhore is up to her usual comedic antics... I wish I could be this funny....





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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Originally posted by translucent:

Honey, I'd date ya...but you know I'm married. At least you don't have to live in Hartford, CT...that's a fate much worse than death.

OMG I was just in Hartford...for the Aerosmith concert! I was with my brother and he wanted to go to a strip club, so we went to the Gold Club. SHOCKING!!!! Have you been there? The girls at Scores don't do what those girls do!!! Yikes!!!

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