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Timothy McVeigh to die today, what do you think?

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While I don't think the death penalty is the best answer, I'm not sure life imprisonment is a good answer either... The problem lies within our own penal system... The criminals are not really being penalized. As most everyone knows they get gyms, cable, three square meals a day... How is that punishment, especially for individuals who are unable to function properly in society? In some ways the penal system is just another form of wellfare.

I don't claim to know who deserves to die, but killing 168 people certainly puts him on the list of potentials...

Do you want to spend your tax dollars on putting this guy up for the rest of his life?

I know that putting someone to death is also very expensive, but at least it's over and done with now. He is no longer a threat to society. I don't claim that the death penalty was the best option, but it certainly beat him living off of the gov't and getting paroled in 10 years to do it all over again...

IMO our entire penal system needs to be revamped... Make prinson a real punishment (one meal a day, no gym, no cable, and daily torture....) People might actually get the idea that prison is a bad thing, not club med.





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by matta:

I'm against the death penalty.

Now, this is based not on one case but the principle behind it. Comments about he should die because of the children and the number of people he killed... well where is the death penalty cap then?? I'm not sure i' getting my point across, but i'm against the idea and do not look at the case in hand as that is irrelevant.

As far as I'm concerned it's murder commited by the US government. As no one as the right to take life... not him not your government.

I saw one interview who lost her father in the bombing was against it because "he's getting off lightly". She wanted him to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Anyway, my thoughts...


Matt, i totally see your point. I am ant-Death Penalty. I believe a criminal should live out his life sentence. Spend the rest of his life in a cell conteplating what he did. In McVeigh's case he had no regrets, not even for the kids. He himself called them "collateral damage". He showed no remorse for his actions. he would have probably spent the rest of his life in jail not caring that he killed all those people. So why bother letting him live. As i had stated earlier I was against giving him the dealth penalty until his comments. This may be totally selfish on my side, but all I could think of was my son. What if it was him in that building. What if he was one of the 19 dead children. All of a sudden I wanted that man dead. Maybe it was for my own peace of mind, that an individual so cold and remorseless would no longer inhabit this earth. does his death change anything, is the world a safer place now that he is gone, is my son out of harms way? No, his death didn't change anything but people feel safer and honestly I feel no sympathy for him. Some people might say that that makes me just as bad as him. Say what they want, I know i could look at my son and think there is one less person around who can harm him. And that's all i care about.

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nabuc1... i honestly do see your point and, like you said, if it had been one of my family members in there... then i don't know what i'd think...

Not sure, if America is safer without him around. If he was in prison then he surely would not pose a threat? Or if you mean it acts as a deterent... don't think it does cause the people who commit these type of crimes are fanatical.

Either way, i won't loose too much sleep on this guy loosing his life.




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I don't think the death penalty is a deterant. you are right people like him are fanatical. The execution of someone will not deter them. He even said it himself it is a war and he is just a casualty. I di believe though that people, i include myself in this, might feel safer after someone like McVeigh is execute. Is it a false sense of security? It probably is, but it is peace of mind. And in this fucked up world we live in where nuts like McVeigh blow up building and kids shoot-up their classmates. Peace of mind is what keeps me going.

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honestly... he deserves the death penalty... but since ive heard that he hasnt felt and remorse and doesnt feel badly about receiving the death penalty, i think they should let him live- but torture the hell out of him... but since they arent gonna do that, i think they should broadcast the execution so friends and family of the victims he killed can watch him get exactly what he deserves... call me cruel but hey, thats just the way i see him so i cant feel bad


"cLuBBeRs DoNt FaLL...ThEy tRiP aNd RoLL"

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i think that giving tim mcveigh the death penalty is almost a favor to the human race...i think it would be worse for him to stay alive in jail...he should rot in prison for the rest of his sorry life...killing him won't bring anyone back, but i didn't have any loved ones blown away because of him....so i dunno



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Originally posted by trancend:

i wish i could watch it

I thought about going to work a little later so I could watch the coverage but I didn't see the point.

As curious as I was, I still feel badly that Im not all that upset that he was put to death today. I still don't think the death penalty is right, and I don't think his death makes any of this any better.

Maybe for some there will be closure but it still doesn't bring back those that were killed. It just sucks!!!!


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Originally posted by dale77:

I thought about going to work a little later so I could watch the coverage but I didn't see the point.

As curious as I was, I still feel badly that Im not all that upset that he was put to death today. I still don't think the death penalty is right, and I don't think his death makes any of this any better.

Maybe for some there will be closure but it still doesn't bring back those that were killed. It just sucks!!!!

Well I am working from home today and the coverage over his execution is everywhere. They are interviewing survivors, they are interviewing family members, they have interviewed the DA who tried the case, and TMcVeigh's attorneys.... All I feel is sad. Sad that he felt the need to blow up a building a few minutes past 9:00 a.m. and kill that many people, sad that all of those people were injured or died, sad that for the rest of his families lives they live with the fact their child committed the worst act of terriosim ever on American soil.... The saddest thing is that people hate that much that they feel the need to hurt those that have done nothing to them... What did he expect to accomplish by harming these people. As I stated earlier, the truth of what really happened died with him today...


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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