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Mozart died from eating uncooked pork.

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was killed by eating pork, a new report suggests.

The world famous Austrian composer, who died in 1791, showed the symptoms of a disease caused by eating badly-cooked pork infected by a worm, an American doctor has said.

Mozart's symptoms, including a fever, rash, limb pain and swelling, match those brought on by trichinosis, according to Dr Jan V Hirschmann of Seattle's Puget Sound Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

His death was put down to a "severe miliary fever" at the time, and no autopsy was carried out.


Previous theories about what killed the composer, who died aged 35, include rheumatic fever, kidney stones, heart disease, pneumonia and poisoning.

There have also been suggestions of foul play concerning rival composer Antonio Salieri.

But Dr Hirschmann points to a letter Mozart wrote to his wife 44 days before he fell ill.

A rheumatic fever theory was announced last year

"What do I smell?... pork cutlets! Che Gusto (What a delicious taste). I eat to your health," he wrote.

Trichinosis has an incubation period of about 50 days, says Dr Hirschmann, who is an infectious disease specialist.

His eight-page report is based on details from medical literature, historical documents and biographies.

Dr Hirschmann admitted that not being able to be proved wrong "makes it much more enjoyable to speculate".


Mozart's grave was dug up seven years after his death so it could be reused, and his remains were dispersed.

Dr Faith Fitzgerald, Davis professor of music at the University of California, last year put forward the theory that Mozart died of rheumatic fever.

She said there were about 150 different theories about the cause of the composer's death.

"It does strike me as somewhat strange the investment people have in something that is virtually unknowable," she said.

Doctors like to speculate on the composer's death because "it's fun and because it's Mozart," Dr Fitzgerald said.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by boa_boy:

Well "a pig is a flithy animal, they eat and root in shit"

nuff said, haven't touched it in years cwm13.gif

Ignorance is a a filty male species named boa boy.

Pigs are not the filthiest animals.

ANyway, if you eat anything undercooked you get sick and die, dumbass!





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Originally posted by iliana:

Ignorance is a a filty male species named boa boy.

Pigs are not the filthiest animals.

ANyway, if you eat anything undercooked you get sick and die, dumbass!


I think she likes you Andrew. BTW what about Sushi? That's as undercooked as you get cwm1.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

I think she likes you Andrew. BTW what about Sushi? That's as undercooked as you get cwm1.gif

I think she does, sushi's OK, but sashimi is better, but only from quality places.....next time you're buying 'fresh' sea food bear in mind it's been prob sitting on that ice since 3 or 4am



Where did my liver go?....................... boa_boy@yahoo.com YIM boa_boy AIM boaboyOZ

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Originally posted by iliana:

Ignorance is a a filty male species named boa boy.

Pigs are not the filthiest animals.

ANyway, if you eat anything undercooked you get sick and die, dumbass!


Far be it from me to gratuitously quote from my favourite movie to attempt to be funny

I apologise iliana sincerely for any hurt my comments caused your beloved piglets


a contrite boa_boy

oh and ironically enuff in Australian Surfing parlance 'filthy' is used where Americans would use 'awesome', so thanks for the subtle compliment there girlfriend


BTW are we still neighbours?


Where did my liver go?....................... boa_boy@yahoo.com YIM boa_boy AIM boaboyOZ

[This message has been edited by boa_boy (edited 06-11-2001).]

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

I think she likes you Andrew. BTW what about Sushi? That's as undercooked as you get cwm1.gif

sushi is specially prepared , unlike having someone not know how to fucking cook..and they end up not cooking at all.

Bacteria anyone??????






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Originally posted by shugabooga:

well for that matter, oral sex is pretty unsanitary...can't get any rawer than that!

Actually Urine kills germs, that's why the prince albert heals faster than most peircings. If you get stung by a gellyfish, piss on it. It's also good on athletes foot



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Actually Urine kills germs, that's why the prince albert heals faster than most peircings. If you get stung by a gellyfish, piss on it. It's also good on athletes foot


:: boggle :: cwm24.gif

[This message has been edited by petrol (edited 06-11-2001).]

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Actually Urine kills germs, that's why the prince albert heals faster than most peircings. If you get stung by a gellyfish, piss on it. It's also good on athletes foot


actually I think that was on jackass last week, the guy put his face in a bucket full of jelly fish, then doused himself in urine to make it better


the *highlight* of last nite's jackass was the guy snorting a live earthworm then coughing it up still wriggling, quality television.........hasn't this turned into a pleasant thread! wink.gif


Where did my liver go?....................... boa_boy@yahoo.com YIM boa_boy AIM boaboyOZ

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

what is a prince albert?

It's a penis peircing, the bolt goes through the head of the penis.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by boa_boy:

I think she does, sushi's OK, but sashimi is better, but only from quality places.....next time you're buying 'fresh' sea food bear in mind it's been prob sitting on that ice since 3 or 4am


Seems like Ilianho has got a crush on a lot of peeps here....

Now for what I was really responding to...

It is my understanding that sashimi is sushi. There are two different ways to prepare sushi... Sashimi which is the large chunks o' fish over a large bed of rice usually with several other pieces of sashimi, vs. Nigiri Sushi which is the slightly smaller piece served individually on it's own bit o' rice.... I know this is way off the original topic, but since it was brought up....





email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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Originally posted by shugabooga:

Originally posted by sassa:

This is why pork shouldn't be considered a meat.Disgusting.

well if you look at it that way, then the same goes for cow - mad cow disease is S-C-A-R-Y!!!

You're right.Meat isn't good period,if you eat it too much.But there's a difference between red meat and the meat of an animal that eats shit.



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Originally posted by quanto_magnus:

Seems like Ilianho has got a crush on a lot of peeps here....

Now for what I was really responding to...

It is my understanding that sashimi is sushi. There are two different ways to prepare sushi... Sashimi which is the large chunks o' fish over a large bed of rice usually with several other pieces of sashimi, vs. Nigiri Sushi which is the slightly smaller piece served individually on it's own bit o' rice.... I know this is way off the original topic, but since it was brought up....


sort of correct, sushi is the sushi roll, sashimi is the raw fish.....like tuna........so u get a sush/sahimi 'boat' and it has sushi rolls (rice with whatever wrapped in seaweed), and the sashimi is the perfectly cut slices of raw 'sashimi grade' fish.......trust the Sydney sider and the san franciscan to be debating this on a NY board wink.gif

in any case I prefer some mixed Tempura, but my favourite Japanese substance would have to be Asahi super dry


Where did my liver go?....................... boa_boy@yahoo.com YIM boa_boy AIM boaboyOZ cwm32.gifcwm32.gif

[This message has been edited by boa_boy (edited 06-12-2001).]

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