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YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE - Monday, June 25, 2001

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YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE - Monday, June 25, 2001


(Mar. 21- April 20)

Times and employers have changed over the years and it

has been a few since you had to look for a job, but a

friend puts you on to a prospect and you apply and find

just what you wanted, and the salary is right, along

with the hours and working conditions.


(Apr. 21- may 21)

A new person at work gives the impression of a know it

all and mean tempered, take time to get to know this

person and you may find that he or she is only suffer-

ing from first day nerves, and since everyone is dif-

ferent, this is the way it is shown. You help and see

the change in attitude.


(May 22-June 21)

You will be getting some good advice from someone you

have trusted with your secrets in the past, and this

would be a good time to listen to this person as he

only has your best interest at heart and could keep

you from getting into some very bad trouble, which

you can't easily get out of.


(June 22-July 22)

Although you hate a liar and will fall out with someone

for life because of it, you are not above telling a few

yourself, and this one will get you into more trouble

than you can imagine if you don't stop what you are

doing and confess immediately, before someone tells

the secret first.


(July 23-Aug 22)

True love matters and you make it work for your mar-

riage. A new position at work brings you more prestige

with coworkers. An Aries may be walking on the fight-

ing side of you today but you stand your ground and

everything works out just the way you wanted it too.


(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Love with Leo could be a fiery affair, and worth the

trouble if you want to pursue it, one thing for sure,

it will never be a dull life. A Scorpio boss may be

on the warpath today so if you have outside work to

do this would be the day for it.


(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

Libra is living a lucky life today as everything he

or she attempts come through with flying colors and

turns to gold in the bank. Get those new ideas up

and going today, before someone else beats you to

them. Luck won't last forever so strike while you

have the advantage.


(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Being a scorpion and a tad too pushy will get you

absolutely nowhere in the love department as your

loved one has more fight than you expected and

won't put up with a lot of foolishness, so, of

course, you sweeten up. Watch that Scorpio sting,

it can bring you a lot of woes.


(Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

At home you will find your loved one warming up

as you and the spouse reaffirm your love for one

another and discover a whole new closeness. A

good day for getting promoted on the job as

today you can do no wrong and you feel yourself

clicking like clockwork.


(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

A wonderful invitation to go out on the town comes

from the person you have been wanting to go out

with. Try not to go alone into any unsavory

neighborhoods today as there may be danger lurk-

ing nearby. Whatever your business there, take

a companion with you.


(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

The boss is not having a good day so this would

not be a good time to be late for work or draw

attention to yourself in any other way. The

local morning news will hold a surprise for you

if not a downright shock. All quiet on the home

front until evening when you will have to deal

with the morning shock.


(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Weather permitting, this would be a good morn-

ing to start your day off with a brisk walk or

jog around the block before you get into your

daily activities. Your coworkers are glad you

are around to spread your cheer and goodwill.

Work should be a breeze for you today as you

get right into the swing of things.


These interpretations are based on the aspects and positions of

the planets in relation to each Sun-sign. They are intended to

indicate the general mood and issues of the day as you experience

them. Be creative in applying your forecast to the actual

circumstances of your life. ---

By Michael Thiessen - Professional Astrologer, Astrology Online






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Originally posted by rachel1997:

YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE - Monday, June 25, 2001


(Apr. 21- may 21)

A new person at work gives the impression of a know it

all and mean tempered, take time to get to know this

person and you may find that he or she is only suffer-

ing from first day nerves, and since everyone is dif-

ferent, this is the way it is shown. You help and see

the change in attitude.





*make a pussy wet*

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