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WTF Is This World Coming To???

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I'm sure some of you heard about the woman in Texas who drowned her 5 children. I don't know, but as time goes on, I start to hear about more and more crazy shit. I just don't get it. Sometimes I think that maybe I should just accept shit like this as part of life, but that really sucks!




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I found an article about it:

FIVE children, aged between six months and seven years old, were drowned by their mother in a suburb of Houston, Texas, yesterday.

Andrea Yates, 36, called police to her house shortly before 10am. John Cannon, a police spokesman, said: "When our responding officer arrived he was met at the door by the woman, who was breathing heavily and you could tell she was disturbed. At that time she said to the officer, 'I killed my children'."

In a back bedroom, officers found four children lying dead under a white sheet. A fifth was dead in the bath. The five were named as Noah, seven, John, five, Paul, three, Luke, two, and Mary, six months.

The children's father, Russell, a computer programmer at the nearby Nasa Johnson Space Centre, arrived home at the same time as police. His wife had called him at work and told him: "You better come home."

Mr Cannon said it was hard to imagine what had happened. Mrs Yates was seen briefly as police led her away. She was wearing glasses, had long, wild hair and her shirt was torn in several places.

She had been taking medication for depression since Luke's birth but it was not clear whether that contributed to the crime because she had not made a formal statement. Mr Cannon said she was expected to be charged with murder but it was unlikely that she would face the death penalty because she had confessed.

Pat Salas, a neighbour, told the Houston Chronicle that three of the boys and their father had been to a birthday party at her house over the weekend. She said: "We asked him why his wife didn't come and he said she didn't get out much because she suffered from depression. They were very happy kids. They were having a blast out there."

Distraught neighbours stood outside the home and expressed shock at the crime. "I'm so shocked," said a weeping Shelly Sampson. "There are five children who will never get a chance to grow up. It's horrendous."



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ok kids...it gets more fucked up, i watched the news this morning.....

shes pleading insanity





1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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This is all normal part of life BS. Unfortunately, things like this have always happened and will happen again. Best thing to do is wish them well, live ur life, and hope for the best.

Bad news is best avoided or it will cloud ur day.

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Originally posted by trancend:

ok kids...it gets more fucked up, i watched the news this morning.....

shes pleading insanity


not only is she pleading insanity, her fawked husband is defending her...if hell existes, i hope they both land themselves a happy home there



if at first you don't succeed, fuck the world and smoke some weed

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Lets recap. As much as we wish to believe humans are so wonderful, it would do us well to remember that we are still animals. Killing infants for various reasons has been with as long as we've had written history and more likely much longer.

This is in no way an attempt to legitimize the behavior, but it is very 'normal' behavior for mammals. Whether its a new Alpha male coming into power and killing all infants or a result of 'pseudo-insanity', it happens.

I don't know if this woman really was insane, but I'm inclined to believe she could not have been in touch with reality. Her oldest was 7. Noone, especially a mother, goes through so much with her babies and then kills them without having 'snapped' away from reality.

It is the kind of thing that can crush your spirit if you let it.

And yeah... lets remember that just because we hear about this stuff more, doesn't mean it's happening more. I think it's our nifty news services trying to outdo each other with the horrors in life that drives it into the gutter.


I'm in search of myself. If you find me before I arrive, please have me wait.

AOL IM: petrol01

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