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Limelight this Friday!!! :)

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Hey Everyone.. Thanks for a great party last week. I hope to see you all coming this week.. we also have a little treat in store: DJ Corbetts CD Release Party. Corbett will be joining this week for a little bit and copies of his CD will be given out. Very excited bout this event. Corbett will be starting out the night for us and I will be coming on at 1:30 and closing the night from then. Also due to security reasons we had to close so early last week but that problem has been taken care of. So this week the hard beats will be goin till the morning. Hope we even have a better party than we did last week. See ya at Limelight smile.gif

-Domenick Capello

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Hey Domenick.... hope everything is good for this Friday. You got some time slot confusion there though my man. It was originally me, you, and Anton (another old skool Limelight DJ). Thorin did some complaining and so Anton wont be spinning now... so that you could have mroe time.

The schedule however... is

you from 10-1

me from 1-3:30

you from 3:30 to close again

Feel free to email me if you want.... but this is the schedule as per Peter Gatien!

See ya Friday!


Rob Corbett



AOL IM: DJCorbett

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Yeah Corbett baby show'em how it's done. BTW a little birdie told me you are spinning at El Divino & SPACE in Ibiza. No shocker here you deserve it baby. Got something for ya!! You know who moved back into NYC can I hope for another tag team set from these two good looking guys?



Failure is not an Option!!

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Guest crystalmethodny

I saw him in that suit, hysterical.

Hey, while we're talking about Corbett...

Corbett @ Cream for an intimate night of drinking with elegance and all out underground!

July 6th. smile.gif


"Can you feel it?"

"In the hall, in the bathroom, in the basement, in the coatcheck... and even up the block, oops!"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."




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dude corbett!

honestly i had never heard of you when i went to see keoki.......but you kicked my ass

that record you played with the bagpipes, holy shit i went nuts...have any more copies of that on vinyl? smile.gif

peace man

keep on spinnin


aol im : apphillers

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Ahhhheeeemmm Not to be a huge Corbett fan just because he's a old skool hero, nice guy, kick ass dj, and REMIXER/PRODUCER (You earn that title you see after your shit is actually in stores on a label being sold and recorded on soundscan) but westchesterboy that song you are refering to is CORBETT vs St. Patrick. Ahhh yes our Irish lad went back to the roots and kicked our asses with that one. Corbett what do you say got some vinyl for this guy??


Failure is not an Option!!

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Phil -

I think i already told you about this, But Corbetts going to be spinning at mine and Steves party at Cream on July 6th...

IM me tomorrow and Ill give ya the details...


BTW...what up Rob and Lainey wink.gif


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


Email: Andy_Zeee@hotmail.com

AIM: AztecNY

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What up Rob, long time no speak! Bro, I've been rocking your bagpipe track ever since the WMC, it goes over huge smile.gif And, "Mushroom Therapy" was one of this Sat's biggest tracks too — put that shit out, kid!

I got some tracks for you as well smile.gif


Upcoming Gigs:

5/26 - Sin, Albany

6/9 - Deep, LI

6/10 and every Monday to follow - Liquid, LI



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Hey all... thanks for the support!

Would you believe that... the Corbett Vs St Patrick track.. kicked ass for me everytime I played it too... but alot of stores and distributors didn't get behind it! We didnt sell too many of that one. Some people just don't have the vision! I have to get some more copies of the vinyl back from my distributor but yeah I have a copy for you. If you don't wanna wait for me to get it though... I know they have it in the domestic bin under C at Eightball Records.. or eightballrecords.com!

Russ... Mushroom Therapy signed to Tension Records in Germany, with a new techno mix and a 3rd track!!!!!!!!! It won't be out till like September probably though!


Rob Corbett



AOL IM: DJCorbett

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Hey Corbett,

I used to go to Limelight way back when you worked there and also when Keoki was there, that was a good time. Its nice to see you going back to Limelight to show some of these newbie clubgoers/promoters/DJs how to put it down. Best of Luck with your party!

Justin Time



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