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area one review!!

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so i went to Mobypalooza, i mean Propagandafest, i mean Area:One yesterday....it was so much fun!

I got there at like 3:30...the search going in was pretty nonexistent

derrik may is spinning when we get there, they cut his set off to set up the air conditioning, they say come back in a half hour

so we come back in a half hour to huge line...but it empties out really fast

then carl cox goes on....he was so amazing, you could just peel the energy off the wal of the tent and make a sandwich out of it

then we werent feeling the orb so we went and watched incubus, they were ok (ive seen them 87898372498 times), then back to the tent for paul oakenfold who was a dissapointment to me... we left for like a half hour to see outkast who kicked ass, then back to the tent for oakenfolds set

moby was awwwwwweeeeeeeesome......such good lights

carl cox was my fav

every 5 feet there was someone saying "support my cause"

the security was really chill too....

i didnt even get fucked up! the vibe was so awesome i had no need to

anything else im forgetting?


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Gotta agree with you on Carl Cox. First time and I saw him and def. not the last. The way he was working the mix and interacting with the crowd was amazing. He was the best out of all the acts. The Orb was ok for like the first 15 minutes but after that I wasnt really feeling it. Left the tent and checked out Incubus until Oakenfold came on. I was very dissapointed. His set went absolutely nowhere and it seemed like he was more interested in looking good than playing good. Horrible compared to Carl Cox. After that I had to leave cuz of work this morning.

Also, does anyone when Carl Cox will be performing in the area?

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all i have to say is COX is the man and always will be he embaressed all of them and i dont think oakenfold shoudl be considered as one of the greats from what i hear and saw from him he sucks hes a little girl cox showed them all how to do it he was amazing all in all good day and show

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oakenfold was a disappiontment...i was excited to check his set out, but was dienchanted...nothin goin on. oh well.

we left to check out outkast and moby...both ridiculous...and i too didn't have to get all f-ed up...believe it or not.

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I must say I totally agree with ya. Carl Cox definately kicked my ass yesterday. Oakenfold... I am boycotting him, he totally sold out. I know he can do soooo much better than what he threw at us, but he is getting payed more to spin crap rather than quality trance. Incubus was good, so was Outkast (at least the part that I caught of thier show). I was so dissappointed about the whole Oakenfold thing that I left before Moby. I needed to work today anyways. Cox definately stole the show, and was my favorite. I hadn't seen him since Twilo on President's day weekend. Ohhh... by the way... did anyone see me there??? I was the girl in the black Twilo tee-shirt ( I got alotta "where did you get that shirt... its so awesome!!).

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i was at a point where i almost fainted from dehydrantion, but i kept on goin. Couldn't agree with you anymore, it was a great party over all. I had a little beef with the security when they threw out my beer b/c i was givin it to my girlfriends. Whatever. That shit was beer abuse

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i was thinking about security, they were generally relaxed and nice....but i was thinking about WHY

i think its because theyre used to rock concerts where people fight and shit

i mean yeah there were a few obnoxious drunk people but what can ya do? like to them all they see is a bunch of people just jumping around...no fighting or anything, i didnt even notice many people selling drugs...this guy next to me actually dropped a pill in wide open, it couldnt have been any more obvious

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