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Is the club scene/Rave scene misrepresented by the media?

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Or are the actions of a few in the scene to blame?

Has the media lied about drug Over doses, Distribution of drugs in clubs and weapon asaults in parties and clubland?


*Do you think WE (as a collective scene)are to blame for hostility and over indulgence?

Or is it all blown up by TV,Newspapers etc..for sensationalism and ratings?


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i think the media covers the "extreme" of the club/rave life. I mean, who would read/talk about the lonely guys standing in the corner?

naw, there are ofcourse drug overdoses...

but again, the media always overlook the others...those who dont OD.

whatever...people will always relate clubs/raves to 'bad stuff'

just enjoy it. :D

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Jenny with a serious topic!


I think it's both!

IF people learned to respect themselves (and others) enough not to OD or to sell shit on the dance floors (therefore putting clubs at risk of getting shut down or investigated) Then the media wouldn't have anything negative to report.

They love sensationalism and tragedy..so why give it to them?

Let's take TWILO for instance.

Was it shut down and under investigation because the media CREATED drug overdoses inside and illegal selling or was it under investigation for so long due to the arogance and overindulgent acts of a few selfish people.

Doing what you may with drugs is fine..

You can do anything you might want to do..JUST BE SMART ABOUT IT!

Or else you summon the evil demons called the media..


We all know the music should come first.

Lets keep it that way...!

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the news is not information it is entertainment. sex sells, drama sells, trauma sells. nothing with any amount of steam can stay underground for long without some lecherous media whores chasing after it in their neverending quest for "the next big thing". people are addicted to the "somebody save our children" mentality and when the media caters to it, they get more ad revenue. always on the dollars.....

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We need to face reality. The news isnt going to report whats good about the scene because their average reader doesnt care. They all wanna see the bad. If you want to see something good said about the scene than you should stick to magazines like DJ, MixMag, Urb, Dj Times, etc.

Plus the media isnt as responsible for whats going on as we all think. I mean just read this board sometimes and you will see people talk about how they get fucked up when they go out. We shouldnt be pointing fingers at the media or Giuliani because we brought all of this on oursleves. I mean, its not like people hide these things when they go to clubs. I think that everyone has been approached at least once by a person trying to sell you something or them trying to see if your selling.

BTW, mugwump, agree with you completely

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Errr, of course the media focuses on the bad things, and of course they blow it out of proportion because most ppl watching TV wanna be shocked ( to hear something new or bad, or something that they wouldnt normally see in their everyday boring lives).

I mean there are probably more ppl OD'ing on the street, in parks, and their homes.

And how many ppl really OD in NYC clubs over period of one year?

NOt many at all.


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