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MUGS weekend Review Part I (PS1/Breakbeatscience & ART)

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Mug'z weekend review part 1**

Well, it was a weekend of sun and fun.

PS1 Was great..

Just what I wanted..Chill sunny day with breakbeats.

I got there really early (1:00) Paranoid and ready for a mob! After my Basement Jaxx one hour line at Summer stage I Was afraid that I would find a similar thing but I Was wrong. I instead found a half empty utopia with early sun tanners and people gearing up for the day and preparing the food and drinks. I took the opportunity to explore the ART at leisure and without hurry..

*THE ART*********

The installations are always fun! Inside PS1 is like a giant labyrinth of ideas and diverse interactive installations. Though nothing Was as interactive this year as last years BED OF SOUND room (with the huge looong bed with headphones growing out of it) This year had some very cool stuff as well. I won't go into EVERYTHING I liked (or disliked) But highlights for me where the BUZZ room Beehive interactive play ground instalation..(loved the surreal mini worlds with kids crawling around inside strange universes to put on headphones and look at strange images) And the disturbing images of war and gore on the first floor left an impression on me that lasted all day..also the THIRD Floor with video projections Was incredible! NEEDLE WOMAN Was intense.. GO and sit in the middle of the room and feel like a voyager in six cities all over the world at once. The hologram type fan with trees and the shadow watching a wheel spinning where great as well..in any case there is much to see and perhaps some of it is pointless and perhaps it's brilliant and just over YOUR HEADS. Art is after all in the eyes and minds of the beholder but it's certainly a treat in a space like PS1.

**BREAKBEAT SCIENCE**(the music)

After climbing to the roof top (via a secret strair case on the third floor) and chillin for a while I heard Reid go on. I ran down and grabbed a Lager (first of many) and made my way to the dance floor. I went to College with Amy Reid (SVA) and it Was nice to see her again. It's always great to see a familiar face make it so big as a DJ in a city that can be all too often impossible to shine as bright as the next guy or gal. Her set Was dead on and a great way to kick off the day..Growing from straight up drum and bass and raga to two step and then into a sunny mellow housey vibe..After throwing DARA the last track she stepped off stage and came over to say hi with a drink. Dara's set Was not what I had expected AT ALL! I must say I Was disappointed in the man that turned me on to minimal D&B with such great tracks like "KAH" and "RNA" in 97 and the epic RENEGADE series (his JUNGLENATION parties at two eyes are still my fav old scoll D&B parties of yesterday) THIS Dara,however,Was housy, cheesy and all together unfocused and unlucky to have his set cut short by a power surge..Too bad but by this point I Was sitting on a woofer smoking a splif with friends and then DB blew me away. DB..the man that owns Breakbeat Was Focused..intelligent and smooth. Everything I wanted to hear that day and by the time he dropped a BUKEM track I Was kicking up sand doing the Mugwump stomp in front of the speakers..GREAT SET and def the musical highlight of the day for me. I tried to hang around for Cole and Craze but Cole just wasn't doing it for me so I went out to the sand pits and ran intro board friends..

From outside I caught the rest of the COLE set and half of Craze..But I Was heat stroked,stoned and drunk and ready to go shower and take a nap before Hybrid at the Limelight. Unfortunately Hybrid where not the breakbeat gurus that I had seen perform twice and the set Was mediocre. (READ THAT REVIEW)

But I am a PS1 Fan for sure and I'll DEF be back next Sat ..

As SpoonyD put it while chilling on a hammock and spraying mist on my head..

"This is a good place..it's honest!"


See ya all next Saturday.





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Originally posted by shugabooga

yes you will! (see me there next saturday) stacychase too, i'm going to commit on her behalf! i want to check out more of the artwork this time and less of the bathroom line.

just let me give you all fair warning: floss before you arrive!

if you fail to floss - touch base with Shuga around 4:00 on the roof, she will hook ya up! :)
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Originally posted by kevinneci

I am definately going sat..... What time does it go until.... I should get home from work around 4:30... What is the best way to get there?? I live on broaddway and 23 (astoria)?


Is brown bagging a good idea??

Take the N train to Queensboro bridge and switch over to the #7.

Get off at Gate Courtyard (one stop after Queensboro)

go down stairs and look around..you should see a big sign that reads PS1 near by..

(or if you don't just ask the first "cluby" looking person you see and chances are that's where they are going)

4:30's kinda late..It's best to arive earlier..(less people and more time to chill)

Keep the BROWN BAG stuff low..or bring a thermus.


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