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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Dance community meeting at BAKTUN/ Help Save NY nightlife! (speak out)

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This was posted on naughtybooth.com..

There will be a meet up for any of you that believe in trying to save NY's nightlife..

Check your egos at the door and make your voices heard..

All MUGWUMPIAn goofing around aside..



Help Save NYC Nightlife : July 26th


-Deputy Mayor Rudy Washington on the Giuliani administration’s war against nightclubs.

We’ve all been discussing ways in which the nightlife community can respond to the Giuliani administration’s war on nightlife and we’re now taking the first step in that direction.

So now we’re asking that nightclub owners, nightclub staff, promoters, DJs, publicists, clubbers and anyone interested in safeguarding New York’s credibility as a nightlife and music destination, come together and preserve what’s left of New York nightlife. One of the goals is to give voice to the nightlife community and put all mayoral candidates on notice that we will

not sit idly by while the government takes away our rights to meet, dance, and listen to the music of our choice. We hope to help elect a nightlife-friendly mayor and perhaps more importantly, devise a platform of issues (such as repealing the cabaret laws and removing penalties for calling 911) that need to be addressed by the mayoral candidates as well as the next administration.

Some preliminary ideas that have been discussed have included staging a series of dance music events where registering to vote would be the requirement for admission and the creation of a nightlife task force that would represent the needs and interests of the clubbing community.

We will be discussing these and other issues at an important meeting at Baktun (14th Street between 9th And Washington) on July 26 from 6:30 pm till 9pm. We urge EVERYONE on this list to attend and invite select friends. To share their experience in local and national organizing around this issue, the following people will also be in attendance:

Graham Boyd - Director of the Drug Policy Litigation Project for the ACLU

Will Patterson - Electronic Music Defense and Education Fund

John Wood - San Francisco Late Night Coalition

Leslie Ayres - San Francisco Late Night Coalition

No need to RSVP, just show up-and prove that the nightlife community will not be silent in the face of this attack on dance music culture.

what do you think?

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thanks for posting this here mugz...i forgot...for once we actually have the opportunity to control our destinies and help prevent the persecution against the venues where we release and enjoy ourselves...we finally have a chance to make something happen...lets make it...and for those that dont think you could make a difference...there are over 80,000 people of club going age who will be eligible to vote in the upcoming mayoral election...all those votes are going to get someones attention...lets try and get the right people in government, cause dammit i wanna hear fuckin john digweed and i'm sick of this shit...wtf is not being able to dance when i hear music...these are problems we need to address kiddies...hope to see you guys tomorrow

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i'll make it if i can.

baktun's one of my favorite places, too.

i've experienced the application and very

delayed fulfillment of their cabaret first-hand.

now there're slapping all these other laws

like a huge fee for having a sign out front,

etc.etc.etc. any excuse to make it difficult

to maintain and remain open.

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Speaking of the mayoral race, does anyone know anything about Green or Heavesy or Valone?

I know Green is pretty liberal and stands by labor and living wage and stuff BUT I WANT TO KNOW if he thinks nightlife establishments are buckets of blood too!

i like politics. so what.:tongue::blown:

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Originally posted by mugwump

Some preliminary ideas that have been discussed have included staging a series of dance music events where registering to vote would be the requirement for admission and the creation of a nightlife task force that would represent the needs and interests of the clubbing community.

This bit is a FANTASTIC idea! I really do like that, when there was this problem in the UK different clubs handled it in different ways. Cream set-up and drugs help-line and web site etc. But i think this link to politics is GREAT.

Good discussion rather than moping around over the closure of clubs. It's like anything, if the issue is sold in the right way to the powers that be they will be receptive. Which is what i have said all allong.

How many Ex-Twilo people will be there?

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