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hey fockers u piece of sdhit u got something to say about sicilians don't be jealous because we are good looking and get the women while u stay home and play nintendo and checkers u fucking indian piece of shit go back to the indian plains and go make some teepes and stay off the board u are making a fool out of yourself.:laugh:

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Originally posted by whataboutme

Carbone--I havent been there to visit, but my best friend is 1st generation Sicilian and his parents are building a villa there, so when its done next Spring we're going to go to Sicily for a couple of days then Rome and Naples-I hear its awesome

And it has to be better than Bayonne!!!

I was born in BAYONNE lets not pick on it! WTF I would move back there in a heart beat!


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Sicilian boy wow you are angry! And you are pretty stupid too you big nosed pizza eating fag. First of all WE are not indians second of all do you pay two covers at Tempts, one for your big nose and another for your juiced up body???? About the women part, all you get is plastic if that. You also get the same plastic that your friends get. You know recycled hookers. So don't be jealous of the fockers because as you already can tell we are of the master race not like you half bread zebras. :laugh:

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lol not angry there focker just listening to how stupid u are ,i deal with your kind everyday on the street ,so why don't u do everyone on this board and don't post because all u are looking for is attention,but u are nothing but an idiot and making a fool of yourself.so take u and your master race and go back to the little hole u crawled out of u little piece of shit.what's your nationality u to embarassed to say jerk off u must be a half breed half piece of shit,and half stupid.so bring yourself and your master race to temps ,i'm sure all of the clubplanet members would love to meet your sorry ass.later jerk off.:laugh:

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Originally posted by thefockers

Get it right NOSER! The fockers are more then one person and as I said before we are of the master race. Not like you big nosed, italians!

Chimpanze, Orangutan, Red-Assed Baboon, Gibon, Gorilla


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Your ASSuming again. I'm actually white, not that it matter. If you had a spec of intelligence in that simian cranium of yours you would know that when the spaniards arrived on Cuba they killed off all the local indians (Hatuay was the name of their tribe). My decendents are from Spain. My parents where 1st generation Cuban. So if you think about it, I'm more pure breed than you are. So obey your master and do a trick for me you FUCKING monkey before I have to beat you like I did that 400 lb whore you call a mother.


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Well Nabuc We hope you got an A in history lessons because you are so smart. About the Spaniards coming here and to the islands you are so right, thank god someone did it! Viva Fidel! As for the big nosed goomba, just shut up because We know you have a big noser!

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Originally posted by thefockers

Well Nabuc We hope you got an A in history lessons because you are so smart. About the Spaniards coming here and to the islands you are so right, thank god someone did it! Viva Fidel! As for the big nosed goomba, just shut up because We know you have a big noser!

Actually I did. Honors history. Now how about that trick monkey.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Your ASSuming again. I'm actually white, not that it matter. If you had a spec of intelligence in that simian cranium of yours you would know that when the spaniards arrived on Cuba they killed off all the local indians (Hatuay was the name of their tribe). My decendents are from Spain. My parents where 1st generation Cuban. So if you think about it, I'm more pure breed than you are. So obey your master and do a trick for me you FUCKING monkey before I have to beat you like I did that 400 lb whore you call a mother.


cuba i think you were hanging with my dad this weekend..maybe sunday eating Lechon..cuz the only cuban i have ever heard say that, would be Reinaldo...

good shit!!!

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Originally posted by thefockers

Just shut it you NOSER!

The profound wisdom that comes out of your mouth is FREIGHTENING!! Did you come up with that one all by yourself or did you need to round up the troops for assistance?? You and your ass-munching, cum-junky, ball-loving POSSE have got to be the most feable minded cast of characters that have shown up here in a long time!! The images of grandeur you have of yourselves is downright PATHETIC, the lack of CREATIVITY AND COMIDIC VALUE is an insult to all memebers of this community, and to be perfectly honest with you - you're SO TIRED!!! :zzz:

:idea: So here's a suggestion, why don't you go take that third grade education of yours and find yourself a hobby of sorts because you HAVE FAILED HERE at amusing ANYONE. The only thing you have accomplished is making yourself look COMPLETELY and UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!!! Now run along with that tail tucked firmly between your legs LIKE THE BITCH YOU ARE!!:finger:

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Originally posted by thefockers

We the fockers don't know who you are but we sure know that you must be one big WHORE! So get out of our post you do not belong you HOOKA!

You contradicting moron!!! How the hell could you not know me but know I must be one big WHORE!! Try using the attachment on your neck - you know YOUR HEAD - next time before posting. This may help you in forming cohesive sentences unlike the one's displayed above. Remember - the mind is a terrible thing to waste - although in your case, years of neglect may have caused irreversable damage. Now - go play with your barbie and ken dolls..:jawdrop: :jawdrop:

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Originally posted by thefockers

We don't have a clue who you are but we can tell that the only female who would butt in to something that does not involve them would be a big WHORE! Hence we believe you are a BIG FAT WHORE! Do you understand that?:idea:

See - now you're WRONG AGAIN!!

I AM a female (at least you got that part right) who is SICK AND TIRED of trying to DECIPHER your IDIOTIC and CHILDISH BANTER!! You and your furry friends are taking up VALUABLE space on this here community and I for one CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! AND I BELIEVE that the ONLY type of person who would actually speak of themselves the way you are your posse do are simply POOR, LONELY, DESPERATE SOULS WHO ARE SEEKING ATTENTION TO FILL THE VOIDS IN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR LIVES!!

:idea: NOW - regarding ideas - I have another one for you - let's see if you can comprehend this - :finger: :bigfinger :finger: :bigfinger Comprende? And here's another one for you - GO TORTURE SOME OTHER BOARD WITH YOUR IMMATURE, USELESS POSTS - YOU'RE SHIT IS OLD AND TIRED HERE!! :zzz:

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