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What's Wrong With High Maintenance??


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I don't understand some people. I had this girl tell me one time that I was high maintenance and she acted like it was such a bad thing. What's wrong with it? She thought it was crazy that I take care of myself the way I do, which is nothing really bad (at least I think, i.e. shaving my chest, stomach, pubes, cutting my nails, following a certain diet) She said that she doesn't shave too often when she's not with a guy (which I think is disgusting, the only hair a girl should have is the hair on her head, IMO). To be honest with you, I don't think I'm high maintenance at all. I don't make it such a big part of my life to the point where it's controlling. I know people who go crazy. They might stand there and look at themselves constantly to make sure that their pants are over their shoes the right way, or that not one hair is standing up on their head. If my shirt gets messed up or I skip shaving one day, I don't feel like hanging myself. I think taking care of yourself is good, just as long as you don't let it control your life.

She should've been happy that she didn't have a mouth full of hair when she went down on me. :laugh:

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I don't understand some people. I had this girl tell me one time that I was high maintenance and she acted like it was such a bad thing. What's wrong with it? She thought it was crazy that I take care of myself the way I do, which is nothing really bad (at least I think, i.e. shaving my chest, stomach, pubes, cutting my nails, following a certain diet) She said that she doesn't shave too often when she's not with a guy (which I think is disgusting, the only hair a girl should have is the hair on her head, IMO). To be honest with you, I don't think I'm high maintenance at all. I don't make it such a big part of my life to the point where it's controlling. I know people who go crazy. They might stand there and look at themselves constantly to make sure that their pants are over their shoes the right way, or that not one hair is standing up on their head. If my shirt gets messed up or I skip shaving one day, I don't feel like hanging myself. I think taking care of yourself is good, just as long as you don't let it control your life.

She should've been happy that she didn't have a mouth full of hair when she went down on me. :laugh:

most ppl don't wanna deal with anyone who can''t take care of themselves...tha just the way it is.......
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Originally posted by nitro449

most ppl don't wanna deal with anyone who can''t take care of themselves...tha just the way it is.......

I don't think you understood what I said. I meant that I do take care of myself and it seemed like she thought something was wrong with that.

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Don't worry there is nothing wrong with it....it maybe just meant that you weren't the right guy for the girl. See, I would not consider myself "high-maintenance"...I've always rather been a tom-boy and all those things that are so important to some people (I even realized that a lot by reading the threads on this and other boards) just aren't the world-revolving issues for me. So yep...if I go out with a guy that takes longer in the bathroom than I do.....he just might not be the right person to be with as his values and focuses in life might differ too much from mine. That doesn't mean, I'm not taking care of myself and/or I want a slob as a man (nothing a against a groomed man) but see shaved chest and arms just don't do it sexually for me either on a man.

Hope this wasn't all too confusing (damn I'm too tiered and just trying to wake up ;))

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If some people can't take the fact that others are high maintenance then that's just too bad. As long as a woman can stand on her own two feet without the help of anyone else then no one should worry about if someone is high mantenance.

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I don't understand some people. I had this girl tell me one time that I was high maintenance and she acted like it was such a bad thing. What's wrong with it? She thought it was crazy that I take care of myself the way I do, which is nothing really bad (at least I think, i.e. shaving my chest, stomach, pubes, cutting my nails, following a certain diet) She said that she doesn't shave too often when she's not with a guy (which I think is disgusting, the only hair a girl should have is the hair on her head, IMO). To be honest with you, I don't think I'm high maintenance at all. I don't make it such a big part of my life to the point where it's controlling. I know people who go crazy. They might stand there and look at themselves constantly to make sure that their pants are over their shoes the right way, or that not one hair is standing up on their head. If my shirt gets messed up or I skip shaving one day, I don't feel like hanging myself. I think taking care of yourself is good, just as long as you don't let it control your life.

She should've been happy that she didn't have a mouth full of hair when she went down on me. :laugh:

lol. I agree, I once had a similar situation with a girl, she claimed that I was high maintenance, and she was like guys shouldnt be high maint. they're supposed to roll out of bed jump into they're 501's put on a jersey and go out... no offense but fuck that. I love to dress well, and be groomed properly, and personally think that being unkempt is disgusting and unhygienic. Im not saying go overboard but at least look presentable.

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i like guys that are high maintenence!! to some extent at least...as long as it is not taken too far!! but a nice hairless body...dressed well...maybe a little eyebrow waxing....hair done....clean~~what's wrong with that?! those are the guys i like to look at!!!:heart: :heart: :heart:

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Originally posted by misk

i like guys that are high maintenence!! to some extent at least...as long as it is not taken too far!! but a nice hairless body...dressed well...maybe a little eyebrow waxing....hair done....clean~~what's wrong with that?! those are the guys i like to look at!!!:heart: :heart: :heart:

And youre the kind of girl we like to have lookin' at us...

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I don't understand some people. I had this girl tell me one time that I was high maintenance and she acted like it was such a bad thing. What's wrong with it? She thought it was crazy that I take care of myself the way I do, which is nothing really bad (at least I think, i.e. shaving my chest, stomach, pubes, cutting my nails, following a certain diet) She said that she doesn't shave too often when she's not with a guy (which I think is disgusting, the only hair a girl should have is the hair on her head, IMO). To be honest with you, I don't think I'm high maintenance at all. I don't make it such a big part of my life to the point where it's controlling. I know people who go crazy. They might stand there and look at themselves constantly to make sure that their pants are over their shoes the right way, or that not one hair is standing up on their head. If my shirt gets messed up or I skip shaving one day, I don't feel like hanging myself. I think taking care of yourself is good, just as long as you don't let it control your life.

She should've been happy that she didn't have a mouth full of hair when she went down on me. :laugh:

well I don't have any objection in fact I love man who like high mainytenance, so bad u have a girlfriend otherwise I would Hit on u

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It's funny because I don't even consider "high maintenence" to have anything to do with personaly hygene. I equate high maintenence with someone who's hard to maintain on a personal level. Someone who's too needy or gets their feelings hurt too easily or who is moody or whatever. I could care less about the hygene factor - do what you gotta do to feel good about your appearance. As long as you're happy with yourself, then I'm happy with you. Unless you're just not my type.

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Well I don't know all the particulars of your situation so I can't say if I would consider you high-maintenance or not. But what I would consider wrong with being high maintenance is that it 'implies' that someone is shallow. In other words, if you spent three hours every day in the gym? Yeah, that's a too high-maintenance, read a book and focus on your mind a little bit more.

I would say that maybe in this situation she just doesn't dig guys who are into all that shaving, or something- I'm not either. I don't like bears, but I do think a bit of body hair is masculine. My boyfriend sometimes shaves his chest and I'm ok with that, but when he mentioned shaving his legs, that's where I have to draw the line! There are just certain things I think guys should leave to the ladies- like for me personally it would turn me off to know a guy waxed his brows, or got an actual manicure (not just keeping them neat and clean).

I can't really explain it, it's just one of those things...

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Originally posted by tastyt

In other words, if you spent three hours every day in the gym? Yeah, that's a too high-maintenance, read a book and focus on your mind a little bit more.

there's a double-standard to everything...if u don't go to the gym, u won't have big muscles, therefore girls aren't into you. if you go to the gym a lot then ur...high maintenence. make up your minds ladies. girls always go for the guys who are ripped and u don't get ripped from not going to the gym. and as far as shaving...um legs go too far, it's kinda over the borderline.

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Originally posted by clubgodraver

there's a double-standard to everything...if u don't go to the gym, u won't have big muscles, therefore girls aren't into you. if you go to the gym a lot then ur...high maintenence. make up your minds ladies. girls always go for the guys who are ripped and u don't get ripped from not going to the gym. and as far as shaving...um legs go too far, it's kinda over the borderline.

Big muscles turn me off. :puke: I am a small woman! Believe it or not, I know *plenty* of women who feel the same way!

Ripped, on the other hand... that's a different story, haha!

Truly though, most people are just too insecure- I'm sure most women don't put as much stock in those things as you think they do. A nice balance is necessary. Even if the nice body gets the women, if all you can talk about is how many curls you did on your right bicep- you're going to lose all but the most vapid of females very quickly.

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Originally posted by misk

i like guys that are high maintenence!! to some extent at least...as long as it is not taken too far!! but a nice hairless body...dressed well...maybe a little eyebrow waxing....hair done....clean~~what's wrong with that?! those are the guys i like to look at!!!:heart: :heart: :heart:

A guy who takes good care of himself is a good thing. Everyone is a bum every once in a while. Nobody wants to go out with a slob, whether you are male or female.:D

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

A guy who takes good care of himself is a good thing. Everyone is a bum every once in a while. Nobody wants to go out with a slob, whether you are male or female.:D

The worst is you get a girl who has a pretty face and Ill body but shes like a pothead or just damn lazy and she lets herself go. Like ratty hair, shitty ass gear,nasty teeth, stains, all cracked out looking... shame shame shame...

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn

I don't think I draw the line. I'll shave my chest, stomach, and pubes, but I'll never shave my legs or arms. That's too much for me. As far as muscles go, I don't spend three hours a day in the gym. So I don't think I'm high maintenance.

i don't like man who shave theire legs or arms the rest is fine :)

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