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Space...what Happened???


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I have been a pretty loyal Space customer for some time now. I even find myself defending Space alot on this board. I know the door sucks , security is too agressive and the staff is pretty rude but even with those flaws I normally have a good time, because the sound and lighting is awesome, the layout is great and I think they have the best DJs.


The last two weeks I've been there for afterhours and the music has been HORRIBLE:( Last week they were playing commercial house and this week it was cheesy trance, and in the main room!

Where is Oscar G.??? Please tell me he still works there...please tell me he was off in Ibiza for a couple of weeks and he'll be back this week.....please tell me something! I hope the only reason left to go to Space is'nt gone now too.




BTW: Edgar you f*%^#$*G rocked it on Fri. after Max Graham:tongue:

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I saw Oscar last night, not spinning, just hanging out pretty much with Edgar.

Honestly, Space has gone down hill. It's only saving grace is Edgar, Oscar, and Ivano Bellini, and if I want to hear him, I can go to crobar.

I used to be one for staying out till like noon, but lately, Space gets to me and I just take off around 8 AM or so. The staff is neutral most of the time, I neither notice them or despise them, but some of the lowlifes that show up kinda piss me off. I especially hate these big south beach roid monkeys that think they own the place and just push people out of the way to get around.

Plus, they let it get too crowded. I'm surprised the police allow it, since I bet ya a quarter that it routinely exceeds it's licensed capacity.

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I got to space around 3:00am last nite. whom ever was playing at that time, was playing tight progressive house; I found myself dancing like a maniac. the music seemed to be solid; then it took a very bizarre turn. very heavy trance; surprisingly for a nite, that is suppose be house. the crowd for lack of a better word, sucked. I have always been about the music, and it really ticks me off when people go to a club, just to get fucked up, and stand around. imagine dancing on the dance floor, and having to tell people to move, so you can dance. I wish there was a way to take, the vibe that is on the patio, and bring it into the main rooms. the crowd on the patio is awesome, and the music is great. after dealing with the main room; it is a pleasure to go out to the patio. on the patio you see the friendly faces, and people doing what one should be doing in a dance club; enjoying each others company, and dancing their arse off. the saving graces of the evening was getting to hang with the cp crew ( bassboy, georgeacasta, solado, mimid, and pod), and the patio.

it seems I have more fun; when I’m with my fellow cp members. since space has no real vibe; it’s going to be up to us (cp members) to create it among ourselves. I believe by doing this we block out; the utter stupidity that surrounds us.

peace, sobeton

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Hey andrew, what's up? How are things in Davie? So you think Oscar sux huh, then you must think the same of Danny Tenaglia and Deep Dish too.

I can appreciate an opinion but to say that Oscar G sux is abit harsh.. Oscar G is the only world renowned DJ/Producer in South Florida. None of our locals are even in the same league. Have you ever read the guys Space flyers? Let me just put it this way, Twisted records is one of the biggest dance record labels around and guess who wrote/produced their biggest sellers, yup Oscar G…

And Space is weak???? I'm sure the 4000 + patrons that frequent it on a weekly bases think the same..Along with its weak sound system, weak lighting, and hey look at how weak the talent that they fly in on a weekly basis is right, weak man really weak…

Sorry, but I am another that has never had a problem at Space. Aside from the last couple of weeks that have been a bit off in the music department after 6am, which is when I usually get their. And I know it wasn't Oscar G in the blue room cause I saw him hanging out with Edgar in the patio..

Whats up with Sarah McLachlan's Delerium at 6:30 am, I felt like I was listening to a Power 96 Lunch mix. I thought, whats next next, Zombie Nation or Bullet in the gun? Off I went to the patio….

Spacedood, whats going on over their???

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Originally posted by no-pastilleros

Hey andrew, what's up? How are things in Davie? So you think Oscar sux huh, then you must think the same of Danny Tenaglia and Deep Dish too.

I can appreciate an opinion but to say that Oscar G sux is abit harsh.. Oscar G is the only world renowned DJ/Producer in South Florida. None of our locals are even in the same league. Have you ever read the guys Space flyers? Let me just put it this way, Twisted records is one of the biggest dance record labels around and guess who wrote/produced their biggest sellers, yup Oscar G…

And Space is weak???? I'm sure the 4000 + patrons that frequent it on a weekly bases think the same..Along with its weak sound system, weak lighting, and hey look at how weak the talent that they fly in on a weekly basis is right, weak man really weak…

Sorry, but I am another that has never had a problem at Space. Aside from the last couple of weeks that have been a bit off in the music department after 6am, which is when I usually get their. And I know it wasn't Oscar G in the blue room cause I saw him hanging out with Edgar in the patio..

Whats up with Sarah McLachlan's Delerium at 6:30 am, I felt like I was listening to a Power 96 Lunch mix. I thought, whats next next, Zombie Nation or Bullet in the gun? Off I went to the patio….

Spacedood, whats going on over their???






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I have the feeling that the people who currently defend Space and it's inane policies are new to the scene, they really don't know how it was or how it's supposed to be. Either that, or they fit in too well there and see it as a place to get a girl wrecked on happy pills and take her home...

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Come on now gentlemen, can't we get through this thread without personal insults. I'm sure we're all at least in our mid 20s and mature enough to have a sensible discussion.

Lets show some respect to our fellow CP members.


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oscar g is far from the only and the best or biggest selling or most recognized producer/dj in south florida and i believe you actually said the world over.

musical tastes aside- george acosta- do even know how many cd's he sells or where he is on the charts- didn't think so- by the way george acosta is actually releasing the ministry of sound cd- and he isn't a recognized producer in the industry who launched his career with one of the biggest tracks? yeah right. and as far as name recognition alone- oscar is not even in the same league.

then we have dj craze- have you ever heard of TIME magazine- well time just had a 50 best issue-- best novelist, best screenwriter, best movie star, best DJ which was miami's own CRAZE.

enough said- this subject bores me.


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urei: a long time ago you posted a whole bunch of stuff about how you were some sort of legend/veteran in the DJ buisness.....(not that anyone gave a shit or believed you) but....HOW CAN ANYONE remotely involved in the club scene make such gay-hating statements?? if you are in any way associated with the scene from a financial stand point, you know that the gay population pays a lot of bills!! anyway...you were probably just making some homophopic comments to reassure yourself of your questionable sexuality....oh..i'd love to stay and chat....but my plane leaves in a hour and im packing up my records to go over to your mothers house and give her the banging your daddy never did..and by the way: leave the child porn alone! fuck head.

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