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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

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Did the demise of Twilo cause the downfall of this message board? Seriously, those who have been around for a while would admit that this board is not nearly as interesting/personable as it was just a few months ago. What happened? Was it the creation of the other boards? Let me know since I'm writing yet another article and I need this information ASAP.

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Twilo was definitely the glue that held this board together. We all shared the same excitement and enthusiasm for the music that we went there to hear. I miss all those threads about meet-ups *OFFICIAL PAUL VAN DYK TWILO ROLL CALL* ya know? Those were the days.

But I think the real demise of this board was when the Twilo message board got going and all the really hard-core music aficiondos found their home there - it was a "purer" environment for discussing the music they loved...in the beginning of the Twilo board, nobody ever just chatted about random things....it had to be ON TOPIC or you got blasted!

With the downfall of Twilo, you have other message boards cropping up that are really awesome and that fill the huge hole that was left by Twilo's closing. Thank god for that. Granted, I still miss those guys here on Clubplanet and am always happy to see them come back here for a little drama or humor (same thing to me most of the time). (HINT HINT)

to be continued.....

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Our upcoming NEWBIE MEETUP (shameless self-promotion here) will provide everyone the opportunity to strike up new friendships that will create the atmosphere on Clubplanet that we all came to love. Everybody (well not everybody) from all the boards will meet one another (yes I'm inviting them all from all the boards!!) and things will get more interesting as we all spend time together doing the things we love - listening to good music, dancing, partying, having sex, oops! etc.

So I hope everybody will come to the NEWBIE MEETUP. Here's the details again:

Friday, August 10

6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. (give or take an hour on either end - just show up sometime during that time frame!!!)

FUBAR - 305 50th Street @ 2nd Ave.



Possibly even a dj!!!

FUBAR doesn't serve food, but if you want to order some dinner while you're there, BLOCKHEADS will gladly deliver!!!!!


Crack, did I answer your question?


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Originally posted by Crackorn

Did the demise of Twilo cause the downfall of this message board? Seriously, those who have been around for a while would admit that this board is not nearly as interesting/personable as it was just a few months ago. What happened? Was it the creation of the other boards? Let me know since I'm writing yet another article and I need this information ASAP.

I think it identifies apparently balanced chromosomal rearrangements in patients with multiple congenital anomalies and then uses these chromosomal rearrangements to map and identify genes that are disrupted or dysregulated in critical stages of human development.

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Originally posted by korzo-

I think it identifies apparently balanced chromosomal rearrangements in patients with multiple congenital anomalies and then uses these chromosomal rearrangements to map and identify genes that are disrupted or dysregulated in critical stages of human development.

yeah! what he said!:tongue:

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Originally posted by korzo-

I think it identifies apparently balanced chromosomal rearrangements in patients with multiple congenital anomalies and then uses these chromosomal rearrangements to map and identify genes that are disrupted or dysregulated in critical stages of human development.

:laugh: Too funny man! How the hell are you?

Oh, and to answer your question Crack, it seems that many of the names from this board are appearing on the VIP board...

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Originally posted by divalicious

:laugh: Too funny man! How the hell are you?

Oh, and to answer your question Crack, it seems that many of the names from this board are appearing on the VIP board...

Hey M!! I'm doing very well, I'm assuming the same for you?

Are you going to Body & Soul next week in the park?

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This board was completley different back in the winter months. I barely know anybody on here and I think the thats why I tend to chill on the other board. It a lil more intimate and the discussions are more focused. But I still like to give CP some attention becuase my clubbin roots in the city started here.

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Originally posted by korzo-

Hey M!! I'm doing very well, I'm assuming the same for you?

Are you going to Body & Soul next week in the park?

I didn't know about that! J and I usually go down the shore every other weekend, and next weekend is one of our weekends... but, I may have to go!

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I understand where your coming from Crackorn. I was a Twilo dweller from the time it OPENED. I really felt comfie there and everyone was on the same level. Their venues were great, from PVD Cox Seman,timo,danny Howell,Okenfold,sasha, and digweed.

Wher the fuck are they going to go now if twilo is no longer in existance. I would believe all the headliner DJs must be pretty pissed that Twilos managment sucked.

There were many nice folks there. my friends and I would just be in aww on how hot the vibe was there. On the other hand Vinyl is giving it some competition. Danny Teneglia is great. But will he have someone come in and spin on his night,,, I DONT THINK SO.

Im just so fucking pissed about the whole scenerio. Its amazing how good things can spoil so quickly.

One bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

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It was all about CLICKS Cracky!

once a few left to the other board because (as they put it):

"There is too much bullshit on CP"

Then the rest followed.

I've read these boards for a while before I started to post my mugwumpisms and it tends to go in cycles..

A)Newbies show up

B)Some stick around for a while and develope tight "clicks"

C)Some members go to Board "X" and the click follows

D) In comes NEW newbies...


I like CP because you don't have to worry about TRUELY speaking how you feel!

Saying: "I Fucking hate this" or "I Fucking hate that.."

On other boards you get lynched for blowing steam or going nuts with silly posts..

I post seriouse Threads very often in here but I also like the option to have fun!

A board that is TOO CONTROLED or too steril bore me and I will eventually fuck with them and test them..

those that have kept me on I feel are the TRUE OPEN FORUMS.

Don't worry..you'll be recognizing many of these newbies as OLD TIMERS very soon.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

Did the demise of Twilo cause the downfall of this message board? Seriously, those who have been around for a while would admit that this board is not nearly as interesting/personable as it was just a few months ago. What happened? Was it the creation of the other boards? Let me know since I'm writing yet another article and I need this information ASAP.

It because you haven't told us a good dumper story lately.... isn't it obvious??


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Its all just part of a natural process of autosegregation... Yes it might have been triggered by the demise of the strongest common link and most common place for meet-ups; added to the opening of diff boards... but real posters will keep coming back... I spent quite some time lurkin around the messageboards and IMO its hard to find substantial posts sometimes, but thats what's good about having dif board options... just bounce from one to the other... here and there...

The ppl I know, and the familiar screennames i see are pretty much active on every one of the boards, so I think all the old-skoolers still continue sharing views and ides, only on several forums in different boards...

Big HI! to Divalicious! Jamms! shuga! and lubahead....!!

Wussup guys!!!?:D

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  • 5 weeks later...
Originally posted by stacychase

it is really cause korzo only posts and never goes out....

crackie quit giving us good stories...

diva fell in love....

Quanto moved to SF.....

shuga became silly...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

how does one know if korzo doesn't go out when one doesn't go out to prove it? Weird.

Maybe you'll muster up some courage and make it to Howells.



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